《He's My BadBoy》Chapter twenty five


"What?" Sarah shrieks "when did you find out"

"Earlier today" I sigh "I mean I guessed before I took the test - not liking my usual favourite foods, naseau, it goes on and on"

"Tell me about it" she gives me a small smile "it's Ryders right?" She asks and I nod "have you told him?"

"Nope" I shake my head

"Have you told Mike?" I ask and she shakes her head

"How are you not freaking out?" She asks "I mean I'm married to my baby daddy and I'm freaking out"

"It hasn't sank in yet" I tell her honestly "and I really don't want it to because when it does I'm probably going to lose my mind"

"First of all, you need to tell him before you do"

"Sarah what am I going to do, I'm not in a stable relationship like you are. My mom will kill me when she finds out both her kids have babies" I panic

"Tal, it's fine, we're in this together and I know Ryder is a usually unreliable bad boy but when it comes to you and family he won't let you down"

I nod "I'll tell him this weekend" I laugh at the irony "how are we both pregnant at the same time, like trust us to do that"

Sarah laughs "I guess we both enjoyed the honey moon suits at the wedding"

I gasp smiling "Actually now that I think of it, it's totally your fault"

"What! How?"

"Well one your the one that gave me you 'brilliant advice' and two if you didn't have a wedding I wouldn't have been there in the first place"

"And then you wouldn't have met me so it makes it all worth it" she winks

We talk and I serve a few more customers before it's time to close the bar.


I didn't get up until twelve the next morning. I had a quick shower and done my morning routine. I decided on wearing a loose enough strap top tucked into a black leather skirt with some red and white vans and I tied my hair up into a long ponytail but decided against any make up.

I walked into the kitchen and seen a note stuck on the fridge from mom saying that she was already gone to work and she'd see me later. I took some eggs out of the fridge but suddenly felt sick so I dropped them on the counter and ran to the bathroom

"Amazing Talia, Forget your pregnant until you get sick" I mutter to myself after brushing my teeth "like what sort of idiot are you, you're 18 and pregnant with Ryder Smiths baby"

The reminder of the baby growing inside me also reminded me that I have to text Ryder and try to arrange to meet up with him today since I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and it's only fair he has the chance to come

I decide against the eggs and go for a simple bagel instead before going over to Emily's house

"Hey, you're favourite babysitter has arrived" I grin, a fake one nonetheless, the last thing I need is for Emily to find I'm pregnant and get the whole 'why didn't you learn from my mistakes' speech - but it doesn't mean I'm not panicking and ready to cry any second

Over exaggeration? I think not

"Hey T" Emily grins "so Alex is picking me up at 2 and we should be back by 6"

I nod "that's alright, I might bring Oli out for awhile"

She nods and looks out the window "Alright Alex is here, I'll see you later and have fun"


"You too"

I picked Oli up from his play pin "hey little man" I tap his nose and make him laugh "guess you're stuck with me for the day"

I put Oli down for his nap half an hour later so I decided to FaceTime Ryder because his location was at his place

"Yo" he says answering the FaceTime looking like he just woke up

"You look like you just got out of bed" I laugh

"The girls just gone" he winks

"From your dreams maybe"

He laughs "whatever"

"You free today?" I ask and Ryder nods so I continue "can you meet me at 4"

"Yeah where?"

"Gracies" I gulp. Gracies is a cafe not far from here so me and Oli could walk

"Everything alright?" He asks obviously sensing my awkwardness

I nod with a smile smile "mhm"

"Alright see ya then"

"Bye" I say before hanging up

I didn't do much before we had to go meet Ryder. Once Oli got up I fed him and then he played with his toys but I couldn't help the feeling of nervousness that was running through me - Is this going to be my life? Am I actually going to have a baby?

No shit Sherlock, you're pregnant.

I put Oli into his pram and lock the front door on my way out. When we get to the cafe Ryder is sitting at one of the tables outside with two mugs on front of him

"Hey" I say as I sit down on front of him

"Hey" he says and the looks at Oli who is smiling up at him from his pram "hey little man"

"I got you a drink" he says directing his attention to the mug on front of me "coffee with a shot of tequila" he winks

"Thanks but you can have it" I say pushing it towards him

He gives me a confused look "Talia Ramsay not taking a chance for a drink?"

"I'm babysitting" I make up the excuse

"It's one shot you're not a light weight"

"It doesn't matter"

"No there's obviously more too i-"

"Ryder I'm pregnant" I snap without thinking and regret it straight away

His face drops "what?"

"Don't make me say it again"

"You're joking" he laughs probably hoping I'm joking "you don't look pregnant"

I shake my head "I'm not showing yet"

"But you're pregnant"

"Like five weeks pregnant"

He nods like he's finally accepted that I'm telling the truth "When did you find out?" He asks his voice quieter than usual. He avoided eye contact instead he just looked at his coffee

"Yesterday" I say in an almost whisper

He sighs "what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know" I softly say "but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning at 11 if you want to come"

He nods "Of course. I'll pick you up at 10:30 and drive"

"Thank you" I say and he gives me a confused look "for not running off like most people would have done"

He shakes his head "Neither of us planned this, we're both as hopeless as each other. I can't just blame you when I'm just as much to blame"

"On the other side, my mom is going to murder us"

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