《He's My BadBoy》Chapter twelve


To say waiting for Ryder to return was boring would be an understatement. I only expected him to be gone for a couple of hours but so far it's been five. My phone decided to die on me a few hours ago but luckily Ryder had the same phone as me so I just borrowed his charger

"I swear I'm going to kill that boy" I huff to myself lying stomach down on his bed. I had opted on changing my dress for one of Ryder's grey sweatshirts

I tossed, turned and fidgeted for another two hours before Ryder got back

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask sitting up from my lying position faster than ever

He had cuts and bruises all over his face with blood staining his t-shirt and from what I can see his chest area had received the same impact

"That's none of your business" he snaps his eyes cold, which was a look I haven't seen in them in a while

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, obviously while he was gone he picked up a fresh attitude as well "oh I'm sorry, your right it's none of my business I mean it's not like I was waiting here for seven hours for you to come back from a 'basketball' match"

"Well it's not my fault you're so obsessed with me you waited that long" he smirks but it's anything but his usual cheeky smirk

I roll my eyes and stand up from his bed. He gives my body a once over once while I throw his sweatshirt over my head and switch it for my dress. I'm at the door once he speaks again "I knew it'd be easy to get you into bed"

I let the hurt get to me for a few seconds before I turned towards him an unreadable expression on my face "Wow you really are a dick"

His smirk only widens "don't you know I'm a bad boy"

"my mistake"

I stormed out of the house and started the journey home. An hour later I was at the gym working out. My skin was literally glowing from from the sweat because I haven't pushed myself this hard in so long


I mean what was I thinking? Me and Ryder never got along, we always despised each other so why did I think anything would change like we'd magically be civil. I mean he was right he is a bad boy and he always has been, he may not have slept with all those girls but he still gets in fights, smokes and drinks so why did I think he was going to change his attitude

The old me would definitely not have waited seven hours for someone to come back. What was I thinking? I don't let people walk over me so why start now

I jogged home from the gym the events of the past day replaying in my mind. Why did he get in a fight? I roll my eyes at myself, why should I care

"Hey T" Emily grins once I walk in "little sweaty there yeah?"

I roll my eyes at her a smile on my face "just what I needed" I refill my water bottle and turn back towards her "what's up?"

He face brightens up at my question "I'moving out tomorrow"

I smile for her sake "I'm so happy for you"

Yeah my smile was fake. As annoying as it could be having a crying baby keeping you awake all night and Emily's music blasting through the house, I really was going to miss them. I already know the house is going to feel so empty without them, especially with mom out most of the time

"Is mom working again?" I ask, Emily definitely saw her more than me every time I was out she was back and vice versa

Emily nods "we need to get her to cut down on that"

"Tell me about it. So are you going to have a house warming party?"

She eagerly nods "of course I am I just need two or three days after moving in and I'll have it"

"Wow you're not giving yourself much time"

She shrugs "it's the best way to do it"

"True. Now I better go for a shower before I stink this place out of it"

She plugs her nose with her hand "tell me about it I can smell you from here"


I laugh "you're hilarious"

After my shower I decided to pamper myself. Me and Ryder may not have been in a relationship but one thing I live by is that when someone does me wrong I show them what they're missing out on

I went into my phone but had no messages from Ryder. I mean it's pretty stupid of me to expect an apology from Ryder of all people

My alarm woke me up the next morning and as much as I wanted to stay in bed I knew getting up was only going to make me feel better in the long run. I went to the gym and done a quick session before going home and showering. I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and dedicated to go make up free. After ten minutes of deliberation I decided to wear a baby pink off the shoulder crop top and some shorts

The sunny weather always made me happier so I found myself walking into school with a smile on my face. I got around the back of the school where Cammy said she'd meet me but for once I made it there before her so I sat down at one of the empty tables

"Oh hey Talia" I look up from my phone to see Helen giving me a smug look from on front of me "I just wanted to ask where you got your outfit from? I mean how much did it cost five dollars, I'm surprised you can even afford that. Also why do you think someone with a body as bad as yours can wear that outfit? Just a tip stop embarrassing yourself"

I roll my eyes and just look back at my phone. I'd been dealing with comments like these from people like Helen for most of my life and I spent so much years learning and trying to block them out and I amn't going to stop now

"You'll get what you deserve" She snarls from across the table


She storms away. I look around for Cammy but instead make eye contact with Ryder. His eyes had something I couldn't decipher in them but they straight away turned cold

My phone beeped so I turned my attention back to it. It was a message from Cammy

Hey babes, sorry can't make it today🙃 but I'll be quizzing you for the gossip tomorrow

I typed a quick response telling her I'd see her tomorrow before making my way to class. I didn't expect Ryder to show up to English but it was about ten minutes in when the classroom door opened. I didn't have to look up from the essay I was writing, to know who it was so I just kept my head down

He sat in the chair beside me as Mrs Henry gave him the instructions of the class and she seemed pretty surprised when he took a notebook and pen out and actually started writing

Lunch time came pretty quick but then again it always does when you have nobody to sit with. I know I could sit with Tyler but I'm not in any mood to sit with Helen or Ryder. Luckily there was a little area at the side of the school that no one really knows about so I decided to go there

"Are you kidding me" I mutter to myself when I round the corner

Ryder lets out a breath of a laugh before blowing out the smoke from the cigarette he's currently smoking. He's leaning against the wall cigarette in one hand bottle of beer in the other

I roll my eyes but walk further in nonetheless. I dropped my bag and leant up against the wall a few metres away from him. Neither of us say anything to each other instead he takes another puff of the cigarette and passes it over to me. I don't usually smoke and it definitely wouldn't be something I'd do on a day to day basis but for some reason I took it anyway

I blew the smoke out of my mouth and we stood there in silence for what felt like forever but was probably five minutes

Ryder takes another swig of his beer before throwing it to the ground. I thankfully didn't jump when the bottle hitting the ground made a loud sound

"You need to stay away from me" He mutters coldly before walking away

I roll my eyes and through the cigarette to the ground

What the hell was going on

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