《He's My BadBoy》Chapter ten


"You asked earlier why I let people lie about sleeping with me, well to be honest like you I don't really care what people think of that's what they want to believe then they can believe it" Ryder mutters

It was probably two in the morning now. I was lying down with my head on Ryder's chest with one of my hands drawing shapes on his chest while his fingers unconsciously caressed my bare back

"I get that" I respond "I guess I really just didn't expect it to be a lie"

I look up at him a grin on my face "so how many people have you really slept with?" Because with those skills it's definitely not just me

"Probably less than a quarter of amount of people that claim I have" he puts a hand behind his head "the boys know it's not true, so I thought I'd let my fans think they actually have a chance"

"Everyone's going to notice you're not at that party"

He smirks "There'll be rumours, doesn't mean we have to confirm them though" he moves us so that we're both lying on our sides and he's spooning me "let's go to sleep" He nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck

And even though I hate to admit it, I fall asleep with a smile on my face

The sound of Ryder's alarm blaring wakes me up. Seemingly he's a heavy sleeper though because he's still in a deep slumber

"Ryder" I nudge his shoulder. I try it a few more times but he still doesn't wake up. I swing one of my legs over his waist so that I'm straddling him, I reach across and turn in his alarm

"Ryder, wake up you idiot" I say louder this time. I move down so that I'm kissing his jaw line and a few seconds later he shifts in the bed. His hands go straight to my waist and he moves so that he connects our lips


I break away once his hands move south "I need to go"

He smirks "or you could stay and shower with me"

I raise an eyebrow "and then get into the same clothes as yesterday, that totally won't be suspicious at all"

He smirks "I guess you should cover up those hickeys too"

I hit his chest "Ryder!"

"What? You didn't seem to mind last night"

I get off the bed and throw on my clothes. I moved to the locker and picked up my phone and keys "I'll see you later" I wink

When I got home I had a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked to the sink to brush my teeth. There were hickeys going down my neck and collarbone and I definitely looked like I had a good night last night

I put on some comfortable clothes and tied my hair into a high ponytail. I used a countless amount of layers of concealer to cover up my big giveaway

I got to school a few minutes late but it didn't help with my classes going any quicker. I'm getting ready to go for lunch when I get a message. It was from Cammy

Hey bitch, not sure if you're in but we're sitting at the usual table again today😉 I'll explain about the party then

I type a quick reply telling her that I'll be there in a few minutes. I stop at my locker on the way there to check that the concealer is still intact.

The warmth hits me as soon as I get outside

"Talia" Cammy squeaks and pats the seat beside her which is also the one on front of Ryder. He had a smirk on his face when I sat down and I had to try my best to ignore it


"Hey. What's up?"

"What happened last night? I didn't hear from you"

"I was watching movies and I fell asleep" I lie

She nods, surprisingly believing me "what were you watching?"

"Fifty shades?" Ryder pipes in and we both turn to see him leaning on the table across from me

I glare at him "not all of us are horny pigs like you"

He smirks "just because you're too ugly to get some, doesn't mean you should hate me because I can"

"I didn't see you there last night Ryder, where were you?" Cammy asks him

Ryder's smirk widens and he gives me a quick glance "I got a better offer"

It only took Cammy to give me one glance before it clicked with her, to be honest I'm surprised it took her so long. She gasped "Oh my god!"

"It took you longer than I thought" I laugh "but can we talk about this later instead"

"I'm never going to be able to look at you two the same again" She gapes

"So how was the party?" I change the subject. Obviously I'm going to spill the details to her later but doing it on front of Ryder and everyone we don't want to know about it, isn't a good idea

She grins "it was so good, I was talking to you know who and we might be going on a date next week"

I grin "Oh my god, that's so good. Are you excited? Where is he now?"

"He's in detention"


She shrugs "god knows"

I dropped my keys inside the front door once I got home. Emily came rushing towards me a frantic look on her face "Talia, I need a favour"

"Sure. What is it?"

"The furniture guys just called and they're outside the new house, which they weren't supposed to be until tomorrow so could you mind Oli?"

"Of course I can"

Emily looks almost surprised. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face "He's still my nephew and your still my sister of course I'll do stuff for you"

"Thank you T" she gives me a quick hug before leaving

I was lying on my bed watching Netflix at 12am. Oliver was lying on my chest because he couldn't get to sleep. I picked up my phone when I got a snapchat from Ryder

It was a photo of him

What you up to?😉

I snap a picture of me and Oli

Babysitting my nephew😶

He responds a few seconds later


Tomorrow night?

Working😢 Thursday?



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