《He's My BadBoy》Chapter nine


My alarm stirs me awake Monday morning. I snuggle back under my covers, not planning on going to the gym because me and Cammy went out for dinner last night to catch up now that she got back and we may have had a few to many drinks. I got out of bed after my next alarm that I set last night

I have a quick shower and do my morning routine. I let my messy waves fall down my back to my waist and put on a grey crop top with some black leggings and oversized cardigan

"Do you always have to rub in your hangover free look?" I mutter sitting down beside my best friend

She grins at me "what can I say it's a talent"

"Hey guys" Tyler says and sits on the opposite side of the table. I caught Cammy up to everything that's been happening last night, leaving out mine and Ryder's conversation and we decided that we were probably going to stick to staying outside from now on

"Hey Tyler" we both reply

"How was your trip Cammy?" He asks

"So good, its so relaxing up there. You guys have to go" she gushes "so when's the gossip update been sent out?" Cammy sends me a smirk at this

I roll my eyes

"Tonight I think" he responds and I can see he's trying to hold back a grin

"Can't wait" Cammy enthusiastically responds

The bell to first class went and a few minutes later I was walking into English. The room was slowly filling up by the time I had taken my seat and only when my view was blocked by a toned chest did I look up. Ryder was standing on front of me with his arms crossed and a grin on his face

"What are you doing?"

"Standing on front of you. What does it look like" a smirk forms on his face "the views good from up here you should wear tops like that more often"

It takes me a few seconds to realise what he's talking about "You're a idiot"

He shrugs before walking to the table beside me. He pulls the table and chair closer to mine before sitting down on it

"You don't sit there"

"I do now"

The teacher walks in but much to my dismay she never says anything about Ryder moving seats. We were halfway through class before Ryder started annoying me


"You know I could definitely get used to this weather if you keep wearing outfits like that" he bends his head to the side and whispers

I bend my head towards him as well "continue talking like that and you won't see me at all"

He lets out a laughy breath "only trying to talk"

"You wanna talk?" I whisper "then let's talk about the fact that you've been letting Helen lie about you. Why's that Ryder?"

He rolls his eyes "I'm not talking"

"Have it your way then" I mutter

Classes to break dragged but to be honest I don't care, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with after school detention anymore

"Hey" Tyler walks up beside me once we leave chem "so I already told Cammy but you guys are sitting with us again today"

"I was actually going to go to the library" I lie

Did I really want to sit with them again? No. I only got along with Cammy, Tyler and Sean and ever since our conversation in English we ignored each other. But I wasn't going to stop Cammy sitting with them, I mean she got along with majority of them and it could be a chance for her and Sean to talk

"Na ah ah" he grabs my shoulders and directs me towards the back doors "You're coming with me"


When we got to the centre table it was as good as full with only two seats left. Thankfully Tyler knew not to hit a girl when she was down and took the seat in front of Ryder while I took the seat beside him

Cammy was sitting on the other side of Ryder with Sean

"So there's a party at mine tonight. I know shocker I'm having a party on a Monday night but it's to celebrate something happening today" Helen smirks from the other end of the table "oh Talia, you're not invited what are you going to do"

"Hmm I don't know, maybe I'll do something that you never got to" I smirk "Wait did I say something? Whoops I meant someone"

The boys from the football team that were sitting at the table tried to keep their sniggers in

"You'll pay for that one bitch" she shouts down at me

A few minutes later everyone's phone beeped. I didn't even have to look at it to know it was the school tabloid notification. The whole school went silent as everyone picked up their phones. I made eye contact with Cammy and rolled my eyes before picking mine up


Remember Ryder's party a few weeks ago? Well rumour has it, well I wouldn't call it a rumour more a truth that Ryder and slutty Talia hooked up and she got pregnant with his baby

I mean look at her she's obviously gained weight and now Ryder feels like he's stuck with her. Poor Ry

Also if you don't believe slutty Talia is really a slut then explain this

Taking photos like that is a big no no!

Until next time, I'm sure she'll have caused another problem


Everyone at the tables eyes land on me like I'd really be bothered. While everyone else immediately starts gossiping. Helens looking at me with a smug look when I look over at her

"Seriously?" I ask her "I really don't know or care how you got that photo when I sent it to Cammy but I've worn less in a bikini. And you left out the best bit that face mask really did suit me"

My teethy smile, gob smacks her while everyone's eyes widen but stay on me. Her face reddens "so you're not going to comment about your pregnancy?"

I shrug and lift my right hand to my eyes to examine my nails "claim I'm pregnant when I'm not wearing crop tops to school"

"No one else knows that" she bites back

"When I care what everyone else thinks you can try that one" I wink at her "anything else?"


Cammy ran towards my car at the end of school

"Hey what's up?" I ask her

"Wanna go to the movies tonight instead?" She asks me


"You can't go to the party so we can go to the movies"

I shake my head "Cam you can still go to the party"

"You sure?"

I nod "of course"

"So have you got any plans?" She asks me

"Im sure I'll find something to do" I smile "I have some movies I need to watch anyway. Plus a hangover two days in a row I don't think so"

She laughs "I'll text if anything major happens"

The house was empty when I got home and I got bored pretty quick. I went through social media but that got boring quick because everyone was going to the party

So that's how I found myself doing something risky. I was known for risk taking and by that I mean jumping off high cliffs into water when no one else would but I've never went as far as parking outside my rivals house to accept his also very risky deal

I knew Ryder hadn't left for the party thanks to snapchat maps and thankfully he brought up at lunch that his mom was on a business trip. I got out of my car and knocked on his front door twice

But no one answered. Maybe coming here was a stupid idea I mean we hardly looked at each other all day and he was probably going to the party to find someone better. I turned around and started walking but I had only taken a few steps when I heard the sound of a lock opening

I was frozen in my spot "Talia? What are you doing here?"

I turn around and notice he's wearing a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and some jeans "Nothing, it was a bad idea"

It takes a few seconds but a smirk makes its way to his face and he crosses his arms "I never really took you, Talia Ramsay, as a chicken"

I roll my eyes and he keeps going "I mean I knew you weren't as smart as me but I never took you for a scaredy cat"

Next thing I know I'm walking towards him. I grab his shirt and pull him towards me before connecting our lips. At first the kiss is soft and foreign but then it switches to rough and needy. He bites my bottom lip and slips his tongue past my lips. My hands movie to his hair before Ryder hoists me up and my legs wrap around his waist

He walks further inside and kicks the door shut. He somehow manages to get me to his room without disconnecting our lips. My back hits his mattress and Ryder moves so he's on top of me. His lips connect with my neck nibbling and sucking while I try to unbutton his shirt and before I know it both of our clothes are scattered around his room

"Guess I'm skipping that party"

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