《He's My BadBoy》Chapter three


I woke up the next morning to the sound of shouting, but luckily the type of shouting I like

"Talia, mom breakfast!"

I got out of bed and quickly made it. When I got downstairs Emily had three plates of food on the table, she was sitting at the first one with Oliver on his high chair beside her

"Thanks Em" I grin at her and earn a wink

"Oh what a lovely way to wake up" mom gushes walking into the kitchen and taking a seat across from me

"I thought I'd treat you guys" Emily smiles

"Sweetie what happened your head?" Mom directs her attention to me

I swallow my food "I fell on the stairs but I'm alright"

She nods suspiciously "just get it checked out ok"

I nod

As promised I went to the ER to get the cut checked. Thankfully I only needed a few stitches and the pain wasn't terrible. Ryder text me while I was there asking if I had got it checked yet so he distracted me for awhile

But I couldn't help but feel that now that everything from the party was dealt with mine and Ryder's loyalty to each other was gone

On the way home I popped into the phone repair shop and got my screen fixed. While I was waiting for it to be fixed, I done some shopping and bought clothes I probably shouldn't have got but did anyway

I was watching Netflix when I got a message from Cammy

You free for a run?

We usually go for a run together twice a week when neither of us are going to the gym

Meet you at the usual

We met at the local park that was halfway between our houses

"Ooo that shit looks nasty" Cammy cringes directing her attention to my forehead

"It's not as bad as it looks" I say as we start running towards the city centre

"Sorry I didn't get to help with that actually, Sean told me to let Ryder deal with it"

"It's fine, don't worry"

"Actually what happened after that Ryder came out looking grumpy and you were no where to be seen?" Cammy looks at me with raised eyebrows

I once again explain the events of the party to Cammy and by the end of my story her eyebrows were almost at her hairline

"So everything's just going to go back to normal now?"

I sigh "Seems like it"

"But you guys kissed!" She rambles "does that mean ye feel something towards each other"

I sigh "I don't know, we just got caught up in the moment but whatever it was is over now"

"And is the wicked witch of the west back for good?"


I shrug "I hope not but god knows with her" i quicken the pace "so anyway what happened after I left"

"Ryder let the party go on for another twenty minutes before shouting he wanted everyone out. I spent my time before that playing pool volleyball and my team was winning when he kicked us out"

Our route ended up passing Cammy's house so we bid goodbye before I ran the rest of the way home. Everyone was out when I got back so I just went for a shower and spent the rest of my Sunday binge watching Riverdale

I woke up the next morning to my alarm. I turned it off before it woke anyone else and changed into my workout gear, I always went to the gym before school. I find it easier to work out in the morning and then I'm free after school

I spent an hour in the gym. Thankfully there's a shower at the gym so I always shower and get changed for school so I can always go straight to school

I parked in my usual spot and grabbed my bag. I hated school, it really isn't my thing and everyone here acts fake, talking to someone and then talking shit about them behind there back. I may talk to everyone there but it doesn't mean I don't know as soon as I turn around they'll have something to say about me

Cammy text me last night to tell me she wouldn't be in this morning so I went straight to my locker

"Hey Talia, I seen you fall at Ryder's party, are you ok?" I turned around to see Helen walking towards me with fake sympathy written on her face. She's the 'queen bee' of the school, she'll pretend to care when in reality she only wants to know the gossip

She also runs the schools tabloid which likes to feature mainly gossip instead of school news

I nod "I'm fine thanks, just a cut"

It's better to keep things brief with her

"So why were you at Ryder's party anyway" she giggles "are you guys dating now or something"

I look back into my locker showing no interest in her nosiness "Me and Ryder Smith? I'd rather spend my summer in school"

She gives me a suspicious look before walking away

"Polite as always" I mutter before closing my locker and making my way to class

I had English first which was one of my favourite classes thanks to my teacher, Mrs Henry who made school a bit more bearable

"Hiya Sophie, you have a good weekend?" Mrs Henry asks grinning at me

I was first in class which was unusual because I usually spent my time with Cammy in the morning


"You could call it that" I smile taking my seat at the back

Students start piling in right after me. Ryder came in ten minutes late. He winked as he sat down in his seat which earned him an eye roll. I sat beside the left wall at the back while he sat beside the right wall and for some reason no one wanted to sit in between us so there was no one else on the back row. It was probably because of the pranks we used to throw.

"So class now that we've had our weekly catch up, let's get to actual work" Mrs Henry stands up from leaning against her desk. She grabs a whiteboard marker and writes on the board as she talks "so we're going to start some pair work, now this will have a huge impact on your final grade so take it seriously. You'll be doing the pair work with the person beside you. Ryder, Talia as neither of you have anyone beside you, your partners"

And I shit you not the room goes silent and everyone's eyes turn to us

"Can we just do it separately?"

"I'm not doing it with her"

We both bark at the same time. Mrs Henry just gives us an amused look "Pair up or fail"

She directs her attention back to the rest of the class "so the pair work will go on until Christmas but before everyone gets too excited the pair work has to be completed at home, meaning we can continue the rest of our coursework" She closes the lid of her pen and puts it down "but for the rest of this class I will allow you to talk quietly to your partners to sort out times and dates for meet ups"

The teacher goes on to tell us what the work consists of and let's us know she's emailed us the first part and all we have to do is read certain extracts out of books to be able to start

Everyone starts shuffling around the room trying to find a separate space for them and there friends to talk. When neither me or Ryder made any attempts to move, Ms Henry crosses her arms and gives us a stern look. Ryder huffs and grabs a chair spinning it so it's facing the opposite way of my desk. He then proceeds to sit on it while resting his arms on the back of the chair

He looks at me with a suspicious grin making me raise my eyebrow "why are you so happy?"

"Can't I just be happy?" He contradicts, one of his stupid grins still on his face

"No" I respond suspiciously

"Maybe I had a date" he shrugs sitting back

"You don't do dates"

"Neither do you"

I roll my eyes "so where's your psycho ex gone?"

"She's not my ex" He grits out

"Girlfriend then?" I smirk

"She's not that either" I raise my eyebrow for a response to my earlier question. He shrugs before sitting up "She's probably hiding out waiting to put her next attack in place"

Classes went quicker than expected and I met up with Cammy before heading to the cafeteria. We sat at a table just the two of us most days but some days we'd join the 'popular' table

Today was just the two of us

"So basically it's fate" Cammy gushes after I explain this mornings events

"More like bad luck" I respond with crosses arms

She shrugs "I mean if that's what you want to call it but it means something all of this is happening now"

I roll my eyes "we've gone aback to hating each other remember? One kiss and day of being nice to each other doesn't mean anything, he's still the arrogant cocky idiot he was" I take a drink and change the subject "you were late today? Everything all good"

Cammy nods but I don't miss her gulp slightly "I just got my bloods done, moms obsessed with me getting them done once a month"

I nod not fully believing her but I decide to let it go for now

The bell ending lunch went and I told Cammy I had to go to my locker. The halls were quiet with people mainly rushing to class. I put in my code. I pulled it opened and suddenly heard a creak above my head, my confusion turned onto anger when a bucket full of water dropped on my head, soaking my hair and clothes

Everything clicks straight away, Ryder being late for class and overly happy today. I slam my locker shut and go to find the boy I'm ready to murder. I round the corner to see the devil himself walking down the hall flirting with the girl beside him

I grab his shirt and push him into the nearest locker. He smirks proudly "what happened Talia, you're soaked and it's sunny outside not raining"

"I hate you so fucking much" I grit out. Drops of water ran out of my hair hitting the back of my legs, reminding me how annoyed I was

"I don't know what your talking about" he grins smugly

I let him go with one more push against the lockers. Thankfully almost everyone was in class as I stormed out the doors of the hell hole.

I hate school and Ryder frickin Smith

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