《He's My BadBoy》Chapter one


"You coming to Henderson's party tonight?" My best friend, Camila asks me, as we walk to my car after school.

I nod my head, as I stop beside my car with a grin. "After the week I've had, you bet I am."

"Oliver still crying all night?" Cammy gives me a sympathetic smile.

I sigh. "Emily's lucky that I care about that kid."

Emily's my twenty two year old sister. She fell pregnant 10 months ago and had baby Oliver. It was a one night stand and Emily's finding the single mom duties hard to deal with, so she chooses to pretend she isn't one for the most part. Leaving me or my mom to mind Oli. Don't get me wrong, Oli is a huge part of our family and I love him to death, but I feel like the twenty two year old mom, while my sister is the eighteen year old.

Me and Cammy talk for another while, before we bid our goodbyes.

Twenty minutes later I pull upside outside my house. As soon as I open the front door, I'm greeted by Emily who's running down the stairs.

"Oh Talia, what took you so long? I'm supposed to be at my friends house already." She runs past me, but stops at her car. "Oli's playing on your bed."

And then she's gone.

"Looks like there's no party for me then." I mutter to myself, as I walk upstairs.

"Hey Oli." I whisper to the mumbling baby, as I pick him up.

His tiny hands instantly tug at my hair, while I go down to the kitchen to get some food. I text Cammy a few minutes later.

Hey Cam, turns out I'm with Oli tonight. Have fun for the both of us.

Her response comes in within seconds.

I will babes ;) Ryder's hosting a pool party tomorrow think you can make that instead?

I frown. Ryder Smith and I, have never got along. Our relationship would be more of a rivalry than anything else. Ryder's your typical bad boy with undeniable good looks...

Unfortunately his personality ruins it.

But I also have nothing better to do.

See you there! 😙

I spend the rest of my night watching Netflix along with Oli.

The sound of Oliver's crying wakes me up the next morning. He slept in the cot, that he has in my room, so his a-wall mother doesn't wake him when she gets home.

But she doesn't arrive home until 1pm when Oliver's taking his nap and I'm getting ready for the pool party.

"What the hell do you think your playing at?" I whisper shout at my sister.

"Keep your voice down!" Emily mutters, rubbing her temples.

"I swear to you now, Emily, the only reason I'm keeping my voice down is because of that precious baby upstairs." I grab her jumper pulling her towards me, with a warning look. "That boy deserves way better than how you treat him, he's one month old for god sakes and I'm telling you now, if you don't grow up and take care of him, I'll make sure you never see him again. Understand?"

I let go of her jumper, turning away with my hand on my forehead.


"Mom will be back in five minutes, so believe me when I tell you that's the only reason I'm leaving you here with Oli." I explain, before leaving the house.

I take a few seconds to sit in my car and remind myself why I had to do that. For the past month I've been trying to get through to my sister, but the nice way clearly wasn't working, hence why I just went off on her.

I park outside Ryder's house. I wouldn't exactly call myself 'popular', I just talk to everyone. Seniors usually get spaces closest to the party's so I never really have to worry about that.

I've only ever been to one of Ryder's other parties. Unfortunately the boy did throw good parties, but I couldn't deal with the constant questions when I went to them.

"So are you and Ryder a thing now?"

"Are you staying the night?"

"Is it official?"

"Is Ryder good in bed?"

"I always knew you couldn't resist the bad boy!"

And they were the nicely worded ones.

Once I get out of my car, I can hear the loud music and shouting teenagers. I walk through the side gate. The party's already booming, with most people already being here. The garden itself is probably twice the size of a standard house, with a pool that would probably take me minutes, to swim the length of. Above the pool there's a higher level of ground made of rock, that people are dancing on. On the edge of the rock there's a waterfall dropping into the pool. Around the pool are multiple sun beds, some occupied by couples, some with girls or boys trying to catch a tan. To my left is a table full of foods, with a huge barbecue that some of the boys are working at beside it. While people walk in and out of the kitchen to get themselves a drink.

It takes me a few seconds to spot Cammy lying on one of the sun beds, drink in hand.

I lay on the bed beside hers. "How are you still surviving, you must have a hell of a hangover after the voicemails I got last night." I laugh.

Cammy cringes underneath her sunglasses. "Not you too." She mutters.

"So did you have fun for the two of us?" I ask her,

pushing my sunglasses into my hair.

"Too much." She turns to me. "I drank way too much, maybe I took the two of us thing way to seriously."

I laugh, shaking my head at her. The girl has magical powers, where she can switch her hangover off within seconds.

"Pool?" Cammy smirks, standing up.

I nod and we both run for the pool, jumping in at the same time.

"I swear pool water cures hangovers." Cammy grins, as she swims around.

I tilt my head to the side, a knowing look on my face. "You play that card every time."

She rolls her eyes. "It's magic okay?!"

Cammy swims around, while I lift myself onto the edge of the pool, leaving my feet and calves in the warm water.

"Who would've thought." I hear a tutting ahead of me and look up to see Ryder swimming towards me. Cammy gives me a knowing look, before turning around and swimming away. Ryder stops swimming and moves so he's positioned between my legs, with his hands on my thighs. "Talia Ramsay at one of my parties. Did you hit your head or have you realised your madly in love with me yet?"


I roll my eyes, smiling nonetheless at the blue eyed boy on front of me. "This is your party?" I feign shock, putting my hand over my mouth. "I was told it was some hot guys who I'd like, guess I came to the wrong one."

"It's only a matter of time babe." He smirks, running his right hand up and down my thigh.

I stop him with my hand, not liking the feeling he gives me. "Maybe when cows can fly." I roll my eyes.

He's about to respond when someone shouts from across the pool. "Bro we're out of drink."

Ryder rolls his eyes, before swimming away. Cammy swims up to me just then. "You guys would seriously have cute babies."

I huff, crossing my arms. "Not you too?"

She shrugs. "There's only so much denying you can do Phia. I mean the pranks you both pull on each other making you 'rivals,'" She makes bunny ears at the word rivals. "are obviously just to get each other's attention and to try rid the undeniable sexual chemistry between the two of you." She lifts herself up so that she's sitting beside me on the edge of the pool "I mean you don't need to be in a relationship with him but have you never thought about having a little fun?"

"I need a drink" I mutter before standing up

"Talia?" Cammy says and I turn back around


"Don't forget to live a little"

I sigh before walking into the kitchen. Thankfully the boys had already brought more drink up. I got some of the strongest I could find drinking it in one go before getting more. I didn't mean to act how I did with Cammy but she knew what she brought up would be a difficult subject for me and I understand what she meant but fun always turns into something more serious and me and Ryder would never work out - so pranking each other's the easier option

I went back outside and seen Cammy on the top of the rocks talking to Sean, Ryder's best friend. I squirmed my way around people and eventually got to them

"Hey Sean" I say walking up to them "can I steal Cammy for a minute?"

Sean nods and says a quick hello and goodbye to the two of us before going to talk to someone else

"I'm so sorry Cammy" I walk up to her "I didn't mean to give you the cold shoulder it's just anything about that boy annoys me"

Cammy gives me a wide grin "Lia it's fine, I knew what would happen when I said it. It just had to be said"

"You're the best" I smile giving her a hug which she happily returns

I take a step back from her and straight away feel cold hands on my waist before I'm pushed over the barrier at the ledge

My phone slips out of my hands during the drop. The impact of my body hitting the water itself stung like hell but my forehead hurt more

I stand up keeping myself afloat about the water. The waterfall was blocking me from the majority of people views

"Talia, Talia, Talia, Talia" Cammy shouts from above me

"What the hell?" Ryder shouts before jumping into the water and swimming towards me

"What happened?" He asks once he gets to me. His eyes zoned in on my forehead and I realise why when some blood drips on front of me

"It's nothing, do you have a first aid kit?"

He nods "Come with me"

Once we get inside he brings me to the basement which looks more like a second kitchen

"You keep your first aid kit in the basement?" I ask trailing behind him

Ryder suddenly stops before turning around and lifting me onto the counter. He then turns around and walks to a cupboard pulling out the first aid kit

"Mom says she doesn't want unnecessary stuff in the kitchen hence why half of it's down here" he turns back to me leaving the kit beside me and examine the gash on my head "I swear she wants the house looking like a show one all the time"

"I wish my mom was like that, I swear I spend most my time cleaning up after them"

Ryder's laughs before his face turns serious, his eyebrows are furrowed "so what really happened out there? The barriers there to stop people from falling and your definitely not drunk"

I shrug my shoulder wincing when he places a disinfectant wipe on my forehead "I was talking to Cammy and someone pushed me"


"Your guess is as good as mine"

"Talia, we found your phone it's a bit fucked up though" a guy from our year hands me my phone before leaving

I examine my phone which now has a badly cracked screen and water dripping from it

"Wanna put it in some rice" Ryder's jokes and we both laugh

"I'll pay for it" Ryder says after a minute of silence

"What? No way"

"It's my party so it's my fault, I shouldn't have let them idiots up there so I'll pay for it"

"Thank you" I say just as he finishes patching me up

"No problem" he shrugs "you might need to go to the ER though that's not going to hold it for long"

I nod

Without realising we both start leaning in, our eyes locked on each other's. Our lips connect and straight away Ryder's tongue battles with mine like we both wanted control. His hands move down my waist while mine tangle around his neck pulling his hair. I wrap my legs around his waist and he hoists me up his hands moving underneath me before he pushes me into the nearest wall.

His lips connect with my neck nibbling, sucking and biting and I swear my eyes roll up so far

"Ryder?" A voice I never thought I'd have to hear again shouts and the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs breaks us apart

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