《His Name Was Tate》breathe


Becks walked over to me with a worried expression. "Are you alright? Los siento, mi amor. That was because of me wasn't it?" I shook my head.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault he's a complete failure in life." My words came out breathy. And you could tell I wasn't well.

"Are you sure your okay?" Kyle said as he walked closer to us. I nodded. "Yeah. I just need to run to the bathroom splash some water on my face and I'll be all good. I'll be right back." I grabbed my bag from my open locker and practically ran to the bathroom. I had no idea how hard I was breathing or how unstable my breath. My heart was pounding up storm.

Once I was in the bathroom I made my way to the big stall and sat on the toilet. My lungs were on fire, and my body ached. I hate the fact that my emotions effect my body that much.

Once I get to riled up or happy, my hearts start pumping. But starts pumping way to fast for my body to handle. And when that happens, it starts affecting my lungs and my breathing. My doctor tells me my heart is too weak to handle too much stress or too much excitement. With too much strain, I could probably die from it. So if I start to feel my lungs and heart pumping, I need to immediately start getting my breathing under control.

I began looking through my bag for an inhaler. I could slowly feel my body shutting down. When I finally found it. I inhaled it a few times and tried my best to get my heart under control. I pulled out my phone and began playing my favorite playlist. I popped one of the soothing pills my doctor gave me, has a more professional name I just can't pronounce it. Once my body felt a little normal. I made my way out of the stall and to the sink. I looked at myself and damn near wanted to cry, but I stopped myself. I'm not allowed to do this.


I am not allowed to throw myself a pity party. Doc told you that is was gonna be difficult. And this is much better than being stuck to machines all day. I splashed some water on my face. "You got this. Control. And just breathe." I said to myself in the mirror. As I was walking out I could feel my phone vibrating like a maniac.

I grabbed it out my bag and saw several unread messages from Becks.

"Hey, you sure your okay?"

"Did you want me to come with you or did you want to be alone?"

"Ok. No response. I'm guessing you want to be alone. I respect that."

"I'll be waiting for you at the front if you need me?"

"I lied. I'm coming to find you."

"Which bathroom are you in?"

"Bebe? You alive?"

"I'm officially worried. Are you mad at me?"

I laughed. Each repose was like two minutes apart. I was about to start typing but she was faster.

"Oh so you just not gonna respond?" I couldn't help but laugh. Instead of texting I called her.


"Ay dios mio. Are you okay? Where are you? Did you want me to come to you?"

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't help but laugh she was so cute.

"I'm fine. I told you I just needed to splash some water on my face. And I had to pee a little. Besides that I'm good. I'm making my way to you now." I said to reassure her.

"Okay. Just as long as your ok. You looked a little pale before you left. That's why I was a little worried. But if you say your good then I'm good. I'll see you when you get up here." She said the n hung up the phone. I couldnt help but smile at my phone. So this is what it's like to have best friend.


"Is staring at random things and people a normal thing with you?" Are you fucking serious!?!? I don't feel like dealing with another dickhead right now. I already know it's Tate by the narcissistic tone.

Alright Loni, think of him as an annoying puppy. Cute but you would kick it if it meant you'd be left alone. I turned around and my breath caught immediately.

Tate was wearing tight black Tshirt with some basic blue jeans. But that shirt outlined his muscle perfectly. I just wanna reach out and grab them.

"Your drooling, little owl." He said with straight face, but I could tell he was enjoying the fact he made me flustered. Good god almighty. I can do this. It's just a conversation with the first guy I ever had a crush on....alone.....by myself.....with no emotional support.....

You got this bitch. Just breathe.....

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