《Drawing The Line》chapter 10
Quinn dries off with her towel as she walks back towards the lake house. After a couple hours of swimming, she felt completely drained.
When she walks in through the threshold, Santana is right behind her. She turns around and sees that it's just the two of them.
So she asks, "Where's Brittany?"
"She's outside tanning."
"Oh, okay." Quinn is slightly worried that she'll be met with a very sunburned Brittany later. But hey, you live and learn.
"Do you have a minute?"
She frowns at her friend and says, "Yeah, what's going on?"
Santana moves towards the couch. "Sit with me."
Quinn does as she's told and takes a seat next to the other girl.
After a full minute of silence, Quinn decides to get things going. "Santana?"
The girl seems like she's on the verge of tears when she finally looks up at her best friend. "Me and Brittany talked for a while earlier. She admitted that she only dated Sam because she wanted to move on from me."
"Yeah, no shit," Quinn chuckles.
"So yeah, whatever."
The blonde nudges her, because she knows that there's more to it.
"And then she said that she's always loved me and that she always will."
Quinn's smiles softly. "And what did you say?"
"I told her that I loved her too."
"It's about time."
Santana glares at her before continuing, "And she said that we should be together, and that I should go to California with her..."
She looks at her friend and realizes how serious this conversation is. "And then?"
"And then I told her that was a crazy idea."
"But you still didn't say no?"
Santana looks at her, "How could I possibly do that? In what world would that be a good idea?"
Quinn shrugs, "I don't know. But you love her and she loves you. Maybe she's right and it's time that you're truly together."
"How am I going to just drop everything and move across the country like it'a no big deal? There's nothing for me over there."
"There's Brittany."
"And what about school? I'm already set up at fucking University of Lima with you and Puck."
"You don't sound too thrilled about it."
"That's not the point!"
"Then what is the point? Because it sounds like you're just trying to come up with excuses."
Santana sighs, "I don't know. I mean, what am I going to do with my life if I move to California?"
"Probably a lot more than you can do here."
Her friend cracks a smile, "Lima is a shithole."
"Exactly. And there's plenty of schools you can get into over there. And I'm sure you can easily find a job. It's not like you need to decide right now. I'm just saying that there's so many options for you, Santana. Don't be afraid to take risks."
"Yeah, I know. It's just the idea is so sudden and crazy to me."
"Just give it time. Maybe it won't seem so crazy once you start putting more thought into it."
Santana nods and contemplates to herself for moment.
"You just want me to move away, don't you?" she teases.
Quinn rolls her eyes, "You're my best friend. And I want you to be happy for once in your life."
"Just like you're happy with Rachel?"
She smiles, "Exactly."
Both girls suddenly hear Brittany calling from outside, "Santana?"
"Look, we'll talk more about this later," Santana says as she stands up. "But thank you, Quinn."
"No worries. Let me know what you decide to do?"
A red faced Brittany trudges into the room miserably and asks, "Do you guys know where the sunscreen is?"
After another exhausting shift at Breadstix, Rachel takes a quick shower when she gets home and curls up into her bed.
Frowning when she realizes that she hasn't heard from Quinn in a few hours, she grabs her phone and sends the girl a text.
Rachel: Hey! How's everything going?
A reply comes a few minutes later.
Quinn: Fine I guess. I've just been busy being a third wheel all day.
She pouts.
Rachel: Aw I'm sorry.
Quinn: At least I have a room to myself.
Rachel: That's good :)
Quinn: And I have some stuff to tell you when I get back. Don't worry. Nothing bad.
She wonders about what Quinn could possibly have to tell her, but figures she'll take her word for it and wait until she gets back to hear it.
Rachel: Got it :P
Quinn: How are you doing?
Rachel: Good. I'm in bed already and bored all by my lonesome. I miss you :(
Quinn: I'm laying down too and I miss you so much. I'm dying over here without you.
Rachel: So am I, baby...
Quinn: It's only a couple more days. We can do this.
An idea crosses Rachel's mind and she smirks.
She bites her lip and types out...
Rachel: Are you by yourself?
Quinn: Yeah, why?
She quickly peels her shirt off.
Rachel: You know I'm not the only one that's lonely. My girls miss you too ;)
Quinn: Girls?
She opens her camera and stretches her arm out to hold the phone above her. Using her other hand, she softly grips her left nipple between her thumb and forefinger and snaps a photo of both of her breasts.
After she hits send, she doesn't have to wait long for a response.
Quinn: Oh my god that's so fucking hot. I can't wait to have them in my mouth again.
Rachel: I can't wait either...
Quinn: I'm so hard that it hurts.
Rachel's breath hitches.
Rachel: Can I see?
She doesn't receive a reply for a couple of minutes and she's starting to worry that maybe she went too far.
But all of her doubts are suddenly washed away when she receives a message with a picture attachment.
Quinn: I'm THAT hard.
She opens the picture and her mouth waters at the sight. Quinn's smooth member was staring right back at her. It looked like Quinn was laying down and holding it up from the base.
She wasn't kidding when she said she was hard, Rachel thinks. It looked as thick as the night she saw it and the length looked even longer. She could make out drips of precum coming from the bulbous head and wanted nothing more than to taste it.
Rachel: That's because of me?
Quinn: Yes baby.
Rachel takes a breath and feels excitement. She can't believe they're doing this.
Rachel: I need it in my mouth right now. I want to suck you so bad ;)
Quinn: Rachel...don't say that or I'm gonna have to leave right now and take you up on that offer.
Rachel: I can't help it. Your cock looks so delicious...
And oh god, it does.
Quinn: Well it's hard and waiting for you.
She kicks the comforter off of her body and rids herself of her underwear. She spreads her legs apart and reaches down to tease her soft, trimmed curls. She then stills her position and holds her phone in place to take another picture to send to Quinn.
Rachel: I figured it would only be fair.
She eagerly awaits Quinn's reply. She's never sent pictures like these before. And rather then feeling nervous, she finds it quite exhilarating.
Quinn: You're so beautiful.
Rachel wasn't sure what she was expecting her to say, but that definitely wasn't it. Only Quinn could manage to be so sweet at a time like this.
Rachel: Thank you...
Quinn: And you look so damn tight. I don't know if you'd be able to take me all the way.
She smirks.
Rachel: You'll probably have to stretch me really good. But I don't care as long as you're all the way inside.
She can't wait to have that particularly intimate connection with this girl.
Quinn: Don't worry. I would be as gentle as I could with you, my love.
That's right, she's her love.
Rachel opens up the picture Quinn sent her and starts rubbing circles on her clit.
Rachel: But not until I properly get you off in my mouth.
The thought of having Quinn's dick in her mouth is incredibly arousing to her.
Quinn: Oh god, baby...
She runs the tip of her middle finger up and down her wet slit.
Rachel: I don't have a gag reflex...so I'd let you fuck my face nice and hard.
She teases her opening with her finger, not wanting to dive right in so this can last longer.
Quinn: Then I'd return the favor. I love kissing you, but I want to taste your other lips.
Fuck it. The thought of Quinn's beautiful blonde head between her legs causes Rachel to plunge her finger all the way in. She moans as she rapidly draws the digit in and out.
Rachel: I'm touching myself. Keep going.
Quinn: And after you scream my name, I would gladly lick you clean.
She adds another finger and doesn't stop her pace. She's too focused to type out a reply, but that doesn't stop Quinn.
Quinn: Then I would come up and slide my stiff cock all the way into you. Your pussy is going to feel so good around me. I'm not going to be able to control myself for long before I start pounding into you hard.
The image of Quinn moaning while hovering over her pushes Rachel that much closer to the edge and she pumps her fingers faster.
Her phone goes off again.
Quinn: And after I have you screaming again, I'm going to cum deep inside of you. It's going to be so much that it drips out of your hole.
Thinking of Quinn's essence being released inside her is what does it for Rachel.
After a few more pumps of her hand, she sees stars, "Oh fuck! Quinn!"
She clenches hard around her fingers and gushes all over herself. Her orgasm keeps hitting her in waves before she finally slows her hand down.
She gasps as she finally pulls her fingers out of herself and wipes them on the bed sheets.
After catching her breath, Rachel picks up her phone and smiles at the newest text message.
Quinn: And then after we'd finish, we would hold each other all night and I would think about how lucky I am to have you like this.
Rachel knows that she would likely be thinking the same exact same thing.
Rachel: That's perfect.
Quinn: You still alive over there?
She laughs.
Rachel: Barely. You've worn me out already. I think I'm going to fall asleep soon. I miss you and I can't wait to see you.
Quinn: I miss you too. And sorry if I got a little carried away...
Rachel: You think you got carried away? You should see the mess I made over here ;)
Quinn: Not fair :(
Rachel: Don't worry. You will next time. I'm going to sleep now.
Quinn: I better. Talk to you tomorrow?
Rachel: Of course :)
Quinn: Good night.
I love you so much, Rachel thinks. And she can't wait to express her love in every way possible.
She's startled awake by a knocking at the front door. Not expecting anyone, she quickly gets up and throws on a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt. Why the hell is someone here so early?
Rachel glances at the clock in horror when she realizes that it's already ten in the morning.
The knocking continues.
"I'm coming," she calls out.
She quickly jogs to the front and opens the door.
She instantly freezes and her eyes widen. "Judy?"
Her older sister wraps her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I came by unannounced! I just wanted to come say hello." She glances down at Rachel's attire and frowns. "Did you just wake up?"
Rachel nods, "Long night at work."
She lets Judy in and follows the woman into the living room.
"So, I noticed that Quinn's car is here," the blonde says as she settles on the couch.
Swallowing, Rachel says, "Oh that's right, I forgot. She said she would leave it here while she was gone so I didn't have to worry about finding a ride to work. I thought she told you?"
Judy shakes her head, "No, but that's typical Quinn. Always looking out for everyone."
Rachel smiles and nods her head in agreement.
"Have you talked to her much lately?"
Clearing her throat, she says, "Not really. I've been so busy with work lately. Why do you ask?"
"She's been acting different lately. And I'm just wondering if maybe she's told you anything about what's going on with her?"
Rachel shakes her head, "No, she hasn't."
"I'm not sure, but I have this feeling that she's hiding something."
"Hiding something? Like what?"
"I don't know," Judy shrugs. "But I know my daughter and I just know that there is something. I just hope she's not getting herself into trouble."
"I don't think she's in trouble. She's a smart girl. She's probably just got her mind focused on work and school coming up."
Judy sighs, "You're right. I just hope that's all there is to it."
"So, did you just come over here to ask me about Quinn?" Rachel teases, but desperately prays that the attempt at a subject change works.
"Oh, no! Of course not. I wanted to see how you've been doing. We haven't heard from you lately. Is everything okay?"
If being in love with your daughter counts, then everything is great, Rachel thinks.
"I've never been better," she smiles. "I love it here in Lima."
"Never thought I'd hear those words coming out of you," Judy chuckles. "Years ago, I remember you ranting about how much you hated this place. You don't miss New York at all?"
"Sometimes, but not really."
She truthfully does think about her life living in the city every once in a while. But as much as she enjoyed it, she would never go back to that life without Quinn. If Quinn wanted to spend the rest of her life in Lima for whatever reason, then she would too. Now that Rachel thinks about it, she really needs to ask Quinn to think about what she wants to do in life. But is it too soon to be talking about those things?
"You okay?"
Rachel snaps out of her thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. Just zoned out for a minute."
"A lot on your mind too?"
She nods, "I just worry about the future sometimes."
"Hey, I've always told you that you didn't need Finn to make something of yourself. It's never too late to do anything, you know?"
Yes, it's daunting, Rachel thinks. How can she question Quinn's life when she doesn't even know what she's doing with her own? They probably should have a talk soon so they can figure out what they're doing and do it together. She loves Quinn, and she knows that they're in for the long run.
But the other thing that haunts her is Judy. Rachel knows that if she wants to seriously commit to Quinn, then Judy is going to have to find out eventually. Maybe not right now, but one day.
She's already dreading that day.
Taking a deep breath, Rachel asks, "Do you still hate me for leaving all those years ago?"
Judy gapes at her, "Rachel, I never hated you. Why would you think that?"
She shrugs, "I don't know. I guess because I was so selfish that even I would have hated me. I'm surprised you even let me back in your life at all."
"Well, I wasn't happy about it when you left, obviously. But you're my sister, and I love you no matter what."
"No matter what?"
"No matter what. I promise."
Rachel wonders if that statement will still ring true after Judy finds out about everything.
She smiles, "Thank you."
"And just remember, you don't have to have everything figured out right away. But trust me when I say that you can do this on your own."
She doesn't know if that's true. She probably could, but it would be a struggle. And luckily, she doesn't have to do this alone now. She doesn't have to be alone ever again.
Rachel knows that if nothing works out for her and she somehow loses everything again, she'll be okay. Because she knows that she'll always have Quinn.
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