《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 11


"These late night rendezvous are becoming our thing huh?" He whispers into the cold night air. Even through the darkness his green orbs stab into my soul.

"Well this is the most I've left my house the whole year." He chuckles as his breath evaporates into the late night air, his beaming smile coming and fading as we step under the scattered street lights. His hands swing by the side of his jeans and brush the hem of my jacket - I tense and retract my hand into my pocket - the lingering tingling of his touch still present from last night.

The lake glistens as we near, our shoes embedding in the freshly dewed grass as we make our way towards the bench. The small sides of the bench forces us to squeeze tightly, our legs touching as we sit down. A comfortable silence overtakes us as the melody of the insects of the night drowns us in beauty.

Casey tenses beside me, drawing my attention as his breath hitches in his throat; before slowly exhaling - making his lips vibrate cutely...I mean...not cutely...

"I finally did it." He whispers out, his eyes drawn out into the starry sky - avoiding my gaze.

"Did what?"

"I broke up with her." A sadness floats in his tone as a new silence falls - this time uncomfortable and clouded in thought. His voice hitches again and the similar tenseness clenches his body.

"How are you feeling? Like...how are you really feeling?" His eyes divert to me - a familiar sadness. I hate that I have to see this side of him - I would never let him get to a place where he retreats to a dark park in the night to ponder - I'd protect him.

"I don't know dude...I don't like want to talk about it...I just want to forget about it...about her..."

"That's fine. We can just sit and look at the boring water while I get frostbite from the freezing air. I love that. It's not like I'd rather be sleeping or whatever." He giggles in response. Finally -something more then a sigh.


"Well I wouldn't want you to get frostbite." He says as he puts his arm around me and squeezes me closer - sending my heart into a familiar fluttering motion. Warmth emits from his torso as my head slides onto his shoulder, resting as the times drifts by. This is nice.

An uncomfortableness in my neck and a slight drowsiness force me out of the embrace, awakening both of us as we realise the time. A series of blushing and small talk initiates our walk home.

He re-places his arm around my shoulder as we crunch through the leaves on the footpath on the way home.

"I'm so excited for tonight, I'm actually pumped."

"Wait. What's happening tonight?" I ponder back at him, a cute smirk on his face. No not a cute smirk. An uncute smirk. Yeah.

"The party at your house duh. Speaking of your house..." We walk past the mailbox and trace the stepping stones up towards the front door. I wish someone had told me that we were having at a party tonight...at my house... "Are you gonna actually come down this time? Or...are you gonna hide in your room the whole night lol?" He snickers - dumby.

"I don't know. I guess it'll be a surprise." I reply. He pulls back his arm and I turn around to face him - back against the large, wooden front door; eyes facing his.

"Welp. I hope I see you tonight. Imma go home. Catch some z's. Then I'll be back. Ready to party." He chuckles and starts turning to leave. Pausing before walking towards me. "Thanks for the night...well another night." He whispers into my ear. I feel his lips kiss my cheek as he grins and walks backwards, turning around and disappearing into the night.

I place my hand on my cheek, clasping the warmth in my palm. Did he just kiss my cheek? I'm sure it was like a bro kiss. A friendly thank you gesture of goodbye.

I open the door and, instead of slumping into the couch, let the butterflies in my stomach float me up the staircase. I wrap myself in my blanket and finally catch up on the sleep I've been deprived of from my nightly escapades.



I wake up, the sun streaming through the blinds - a summer's warmth flooding into my room. I stretch and push the duvet off of my legs. Today is gonna be a good day. And tonight is gonna be an even better night.

"GOOD MORNING MY BEAUTIFUL OLDER BROTHER!" I scream at Harvey as I ply open his bedroom door, revealing a slumbering Harvey - drool rolling onto his pillow. His eyes peel open and he's met with my bright, grinning smile. "WAKE UP WE HAVE TO SET UP OUR PARTYYYYY!" Once again, he groans at my screaming and pulls the blanket over his head.

"I thought you didn't like parties." He grumbles from underneath his blanket.

"I don't know what you're on about. I love parties. So hurry up and let's get going...loser..." I poke his shoulder repetitively, receiving a glare in return. He pushes me off with his thigh and laughs as I plummet towards the floor. Dick.

The day races into night as we set up the house - wheeling in the kegs into the kitchen, hiding all the vases, setting up the ping pong games and bringing in extra chairs from the garage. Our pristine house transforms losing its innocence - hopefully it's not the only thing losing its innocence.

I dash up to my room as the sky turns dark, the sound of teens and music already blaring from the downstairs. I rummage through my wardrobe and pull out my outfit, laying my shirt and pants on my bed in preparation.

A knock at my door draws me away from my clothes selection process. Casey's familiar face pokes into the room - the scent of alcohol following him.

"Hey. You are coming to the party right?" He mumbles, slurring his words.

"Yeah. Just gonna shower first. I'll be down soon."

"Ughhhh but that takes so looooongggg. I can't wait that loooong. I need youuuuu" He whines, taking another sip from his cup. My breath hitches, but I compose myself and make my way towards the en suite.

"I'll be there soon." I close the en suite door behind me, and hear him moan some more before making his way out the door and back down to the party. I rush my shower and run a comb through my hair, before pulling on my carefully selected outfit.

My eyes run up and down in the mirror before I open my door and walk into the mess of our house. Scents run through my nostrils as music plasters through my ears. I scan the lounge and spot my older brother, a ping pong ball in his hand.

He flashes me a smile as I near closer, pulling me into a hug as he points out to everyone that I'm his little brother - parading me around for everyone to see - embarrassing.

"Have you seen um..."


"HAVE YOU SEEN CASEY?" He looks at me weirdly before the alcohol takes his attention away.

"YEAH HE'S IN THE KITCHEN. OH GOTTA GO, IT'S MY SHOTTTTTTT." He screams and grabs the ping pong ball, directing his attention away. I pat him on the back and make my way towards the kitchen, scanning my eyes through the crowd.

I spot Casey and start walking towards him before a hand wraps around his neck - halting me in my step. Annabelle places both arms around him as he hoists her up onto the counter and smashes his lips against her - simultaneously smashing my heart.

My breath stops and the explosive party slows into milliseconds - time freezing over as my mind drowns in emotion. His eyes open as his pupils slowly move towards me - before making eye contact I swivel and push through the crowd.

Fuck this shit, I'm out of here.


The only note I have on this chater is :-(

It made me sad to write this chapter tbh.


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