《PRO INSTITUTE// jinkook》10



it's actually been a week since seokjin and jungkook starts to casually see each other.

seokjin's losing his mind.

when he's with jungkook, he's the happiest. it seems as if he goes back to being a teenager feeling giggly all with the simplest gesture.

and when jungkook's away, that's when reality starts hitting him. he's jungkook's teacher and they are ten years apart!

seokjin is out walking towards his favorite cafe near his house, the interior there is very cozy. the colors are all pastel and it's visually pleasing.

he was about to enter the cafe when he stopped squinting his eyes when he saw a familiar figure talking to someone.


he took a step forward to see jungkook talking to a girl with his bunny smile out. it's a much younger girl who looks all flirty towards jungkook!

seokjin's eyes widened when the girl extended his arms to jungkook, the young boy accepted her hands and shook it and let it go immediately.

the both of them bowed at each other before jungkook starts to walk forward. he stopped and smiled when he saw seokjin standing across of him.

he waved his hands but seokjin just rolled his eyes and went inside the cafe.

seokjin smiled at the girl behind the counter slightly bowing his head, "one americano and strawberry short cake please." he ordered.


jungkook tried to intertwined his finger to seokjin's but the older hissed at him snatching his hands away from the younger.

"what's the matter, hm?" jungkook worriedly asked.

seokjin paid for his order and finally grabbed the paperbag. he walked out of the cafe without sparing the younger a glance.

"jin. c'mon, what's wrong?" jungkook asked, his voice fading.

the older didnt even looked at him as he just keeps on walking.


jungkook jogged until he's already next to seokjin, he placed his hands on seokjin's back only to get hit.

"damn, baby, why?" jungkook hissed rolling his eyes, "cant you just tell me?" he asked once again.

when they reached the house. seokjin opened the door not having any intention to let jungkook in but when he was about to close it, the younger slammed it open.

he forcedfully held seokjin's hand shutting the door closed and locking it before he looked at the older straight in the eye.

"what's wrong, baby?" jungkook asked.

seokjin scoffed, "nothing." he breathed out.

and jungkook pulled his hair up when the older turned his back at him. he's going to lose his mind for real!

they just saw each other and he's already pissed off. he doesnt have any idea what did he do to deserve such cold treatment.

"why are you even here?" seokjin looks back at the younger, "i didnt tell you to go here." he said coldly.

jungkook raised his brows. shutting his eyes closed, he clenched his jaw still trying to calm himself.

he had his fair share of relationships before and he's never into arguments. he hates it especially when his partners refused to instantly say what's wrong, that's the point he'll coldly say that he wants to break up.

but now damn.

he walked towards seokjin reaching out for his hands before kissing the back of it. he saw how the older glared at him.

"why dont you just go back to that girl, huh?" seokjin asked with so much sass in his voice.

jungkook squinted his eyes slightly tilting his head not getting what the older is trying to say.

"to that girl? who?"

seokjin bite the insides of his cheeks to stop his lips from tugging downwards because of jungkook's lies.


it would have been so much better if jungkook just told him the truth. he hates liars so much!

he turned his back towards the younger and was about to go upstairs but jungkook is quick enough to back hug him wrapping his arms around seokjin's waist.

"we wont solve this if you wont tell me, baby." jungkook said in almost a whisper.

patience. he figured out that he needs to have a long patience when it comes to seokjin since the older tend to suddenly get pissed of.

sometimes he likes this, sometimes he doesnt.

"the girl you're talking to earlier when i saw you." seokjin mumbled.

jungkook let out a small laugh. he slightly shook his head burying his face on seokjin's shoulder trying not to burst out in laughter.

"baby, she's just asking for directions." jungkook said still laughing.

seokjin finally turned his direction towards the younger who's face flushed a slight shade of red.

"why is she all smiley with you?" he said challenging the younger.

one more thing, seokjin definitely doesnt like to lose in an argument.

that's why when he's losing, jungkook is the looking so problematic knowing that seokjin will just get irritated.

"i dont know. dont you thank someone when they did something for you?" jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

seokjin stopped for awhile as if thinking about if he should just listen to jungkook or there is really something between that girl and him.

"really?" seokjin asked, his lips slowly forming into a small pout.

jungkook chuckled pulling the older into a tight hug before kissing his temples for a couple of times admiring seokjin for the nth time.

jungkook never felt that seokjin is older than him. it is because seokjin looks so young and beautiful and is so cute without even trying, his innocent gestures. everything.

"yes, baby." jungkook clears his throat, "if there's something wrong or you feel like there's something about me, ask me, okay? dont jump into conclusions." he said trying to be careful, he doesnt want to get into seokjin's nerve.

"o.. okay..."

jungkook pulled away from the hug and smiled at the older reaching out for his hands kissing the back of it for a couple of times.

"you better be thankful you're cute." jungkook said pinching the tip of his nose.

seokjin scoffed rolling his eyes, "hey! im older than you!" he yelled.

the younger gave seokjin a peck on the lips before looking at him intently raising his brows, "and so?"

jeon jungkook doesnt care about the fact that seokjin is his teacher, he doesnt care about the age gap and he doesnt care about what other people will say.

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