《AMBITIONZ AZ a RIDAH》chapter twenty nine.


february 3rd.


"Domonique, honeyYou sure you don't wanna go home and get some restHe wouldn't want you to be missing out on any sleep, for the sake of you and the baby." Monroe softly spoke, placing her hand softly on my shoulder.

I haven't left Isaiah's side the entire night up until the evening. I've been here since ten last night and it's six in the evening right now. The whole night I watched him closely. I was hoping a miracle would happen and he'd instantly wake up but, I know it doesn't work like that. Dried up tears and snot were the only things that showed clearly on my face. Ariana ended up leaving in the middle of the night — she had school in the morning.

I didn't break eye contact from Isaiah. "I'm fine. Sleep isn't my main concern right now, he is."

"Well did you eat something? I would hope you would've gotten some snacks from the vending machines or went down into the ca-"

"No." I simply said. "I haven't left his side and I don't plan on doing so."

From the corner of her eye I could see her shake her head. "Okay... I'm going to get us both some food. I need you to realize there's a little person inside of you and Isaiah would want you both to be in good health regardless of anything."

I nodded without saying anything. She was right though, I'm only thinking of him and not our baby. I don't know why but it won't be this way for long. When Monroe exited the room I heard someone else come in. I quickly took my eyes from Isaiah and looked up at the man in the white coat.

He smiled. "Good Morning, Ms. Queens. I assume your Isaiah's girlfriendI'm Doctor Simmons."


Girlfriend? I'll take it.

"Yes." I returned the small smile. "It's nice to meet you. Is there any information from the accident"

"When we examined him he had traces of codeine and promethazine in his system. Inside of his jacket we found xanax pills along with lsd, has he had a history of doing drugsIf paramedics didn't respond to the call quicker than they did he wouldn't even be here right now."

I held back the tears that were fighting to come down my cheeks and took a deep breath. "At one point he was doing codeine but he stopped. I wasn't aware of the other things but, I'm glad the call came in when it did."

"When he wakes up we all hope that you'll watch over him and make sure everything is alright. But, for now we have him on recommendation for seeing a therapist as soon as possible. It's all just a waiting game right now."

"Alright. Could you give us a moment? I don't know if he'll hear me but I still need to have a talk with him."

He nodded and made his way out of the room. I turned my attention back to Isaiah and just looked at him. I couldn't believe it. My mind started racing thinking of what I could've missed in these past two months. It broke my heart to know he was doing drugs. But, why would he want to drive under the influence? He was going above the speed limit. Was he trying to kill himself?

"Isaiah, I don't know if you could hear me or not but I love you so much. I know things haven't been perfect between us but, that doesn't change how I feel about you. You're the father of my first born and that means the world to me. I know I've said a lot of things in the past but, I can promise you I'm never leaving your side through this. All you have to do is wake up and I got us forever."


The tears could no longer be held back, they fell and fell all the way down my cheeks. I held onto his hand tightly. I was praying and hoping a miracle would happen. My stare on him didn't break one bit. A miracle happened indeed.

His eyes opened weakly.

His light brown eyes stared into mine.

He gripped my hand with some effort.

His eyes closed.

His hand went limp again.

He just like that.

Doctors rushed in and I was escorted out the room quickly. I watched through the small window as they begin trying to bring him back to life again. My chest started to feel heavy, I cried and cried, I couldn't breathe. I backed up to the wall and everything went dark...

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