《OUR SECRET. ━ TAEKOOK ✓》Chapter 14


The Truth

before the incident.

"While waiting for Namjoon, Yoongi and I will get us some refreshments, is there something you'd like?" Hoseok asked as he took out his phone, ready to list anything his friends would ask him to get.

"I want coffee." Eunbi immediately responded.

"Strawberry milk or just soda." Jungkook replied pointed his finger up.

Hoseok nodded as a sign he understood and waved good bye to the both of them before leaving the courtyard.

Nobody visits the courtyard in this hour, since the students probably have classes this afternoon. Thankfully, class A, which is Jungkook's class, was told to go out the classroom and enjoy their one hour free time.

Eunbi wasn't even their classmate, but since she was close to Jungkook's group of friends, she decided to skip math class to spend time with them.

When they were both alone, Eunbi faced her body towards Jungkook and fluttered her eyelashes, giving him a sweet stare.

"Are you okay now? How are you feeling?"

Jungkook let out a deep breath and massaged his chest before responding. "I'm okay now, thank you for coming to the rescue with the others."

She smiled as she eyed him from head to toe. "Anyways, why were you so angry at the mini auditorium? Did something happen between you and those two?"

"A-Actually..." Jungkook looked up and turned his hidden palm into a fist as he thought of an excuse "I was just disturbed."

"Does public display of affection trigger you?" Eunbi asked as she twirled her finger against her hair, looking straight into his eyes.

"Not really, I was just—"

"What? Jealous because you wanted to kiss somebody too?"

Flustered, Jungkook looked down on his lap and played with his fingers. He was telling her the half truth, but ironically, she was replying words that can also be considered as partially true.


Suddenly from his peripheral vision, he could see Eunbi standing up. At first he was confused if she was planning to leave, but what surprised him is that she straddled his hips and wrapped her arms behind the back of his neck.

"N-Noona!" he gasped in surprise.

"You know, you don't have to feel jealous because..." she pulled his head closer and whispered to his ear. "...I'm just here."

"G-Get off me before somebody sees us like this and gets the w-wrong idea." Jungkook stammered with a blushing face.

She didn't listen, instead she leaned back and held his shoulders tightly. "Jungkook, have you made out with a girl before?"

With Taehyung? Yes, he already did a lot of times before and he knew it.

But with a girl? Jungkook was stunned, because to be honest, he only pecked the lips of the girls he dated.

Eunbi took his silence and stunned face as a 'no'. She smirked to herself and placed a peck on Jungkook's lips, making his face redder than it was before, because he was over thinking what if somebody saw them in that suggestive position.

"I'll be honored to be your first, then."


She didn't waste any second and began kissing him once more, but this time, deepening it and moving her lips per second to tease him.

At first, Jungkook didn't want to react, because he didn't want any of this to happen.

But he got carried away, and he softened up his lips, letting Eunbi do whatever the hell she wants. So he's not really innocent about this incident, is he?


"I'm done with our secret. I'll give you a choice. It's either your reputation or me."

Jungkook's palms were moist with sweat as he tried to find the correct words to day. "G-Give me a chance to e-explain—"

"I can't believe you Jungkook. You even had the nerve to ensure me you were only giving your dates pecks where in fact this is what you're doing with her behind my back?!" Taehyung clenched his fists as he tried to calm himself down, he knew that the small crowd around them was gossiping about what's happening, but he couldn't care much about that right now.


"T-Taehyung, you don't understand—"

"Hey!" Eunbi moved from Jungkook's lap and stood up to face Taehyung, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Why the hell are you yelling at us?! You don't have the right to snap at him or glare at me! We didn't do anything to you!"

"I have the right to, because I am Jungkook's boyfriend."

Just as he said that, murmurs from the people around them rose.

Eunbi gave him an intimidating glare as she began to snap and lose her cool. "The heck? I'm done playing nice. Jungkook would not date you, you delusional freak." she looked back at Jungkook who was still trying to process the information of what's happening. "Kookie, do us a favor and tell this weirdo that you two are not dating."

Jungkook wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say.

His eyes moved around from every person that was in the courtyard right now. His hands were shaking from being put on the spot in front of everyone, all eyes were directed to his direction.

He saw everyone whispering to one another as they gave him mixed disgusted, judging, confused and blank looks.

From the side, Jungkook could see Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon holding the groceries they brought and giving him the same stare as the others did, which added more to his pressure.

He also saw Jimin and Jin just came on the scene, panting hard at the very back of the crowd, looking confused. They had to ask the others what happened because they missed out a lot.

Eunbi's face painted anger and she wanted the answer right away, while Taehyung looked soft, but there's a hint of hatred in his eyes.

Everything pressured Jungkook, he wanted to walk out of the area, but he was afraid to move.

He felt like he would cry right here and now. He just wanted this to be over in a resounding way.

"H-He's not my boyfriend. W-We had a close friendship back then but that faded as the time passed, m-maybe that friendship gave him a wrong impression." Jungkook's lips were trembling as he looked at Taehyung, giving him a 'play-with-it' look, but the other remained silent. "I-I'm sorry, Tae! W-We could talk this out."

"...so that's your story." Taehyung bowed his head down to look at his own feet. "We were never in a relationship, and I was the only one who thought this thing was real?"

"T-Taehyung..." Jungkook tried to stand up and pull him into a hug, but he backed away to stop him.

With tears in his eyes, Taehyung looked back at him and whispered something only audible to his ears and maybe Eunbi's and to those who are close enough.

"I was enduring how you ignored me but it's another thing to disown me on public, in front of everyone. I'm happy there was a time that I held a place in your life, but I'm obviously out of it now. As much as you had hurt me over and over, thank you for making me happy a lot of times too."

Taehyung wiped the tears continuously flowing from the side of his eyes.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore, you're free." he took in a sharp breathe before continuing. "We're done."


what happens now ? [ i may update tomorrow too :') ]

and if you thought this was already depressing enough...

it might get even worse soon :')

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