《》Teacher x Student reader



The conversation and yelling of other students could be heard all the way down the hall as I made my way to biology class.

Bio was a chill class, the teacher sarcastic and attractive, a perfect sleeping environment. It was also my last class of the day making it seem like it took an eternity to pass.

I walked into class to see I was early. I walked past my teacher and set my things at my desk.

"What's up Y/n." As I said, he is chill as fuck.

I responded with a simple 'nothing' and sat down in my seat.

I took out my computer to get my notes up on screen so I was prepared for when the class would start.

The lights were off as they usually were and the blinds cracked open to let in natural light.

Suddenly Mr. Morales stood up and strode over to the door, shutting and making sure it was locked.

What the hell is he doing? Oh, um...why is he coming over here?

"Wanna play a game Y/n?" What kind of game could we possibly be doing 4 minutes before class? I hesitantly responded, "Um sure."

"Great. Follow me."

I stood up and followed him slowly to a door behind his desk, it led us to a closet.

"You intrigue me Y/n. Now how about you be a good little slut and let me play with you, okay sweetheart?"

Okay we all know I ain't saying no to him.

"Okay I'll be good. What's the game?" He smirked at my curious face.

"Take off your pants and I'll show you."

I obeyed and took them off.

"Such an obedient little slut." He pulled my body to his and leaned down to kiss my lips roughly. I kissed back and his tounge slipped into my mouth. His teeth crashed against my own making a horrid grating sound.

In between our make out I felt his cold hand touch my clit and move downwards.

I felt something being shoved in and made a whimper into our kiss. He abruptly broke the kiss, "This is the game sweetheart." He said airily as he waved a small remote in the air.

It was then I realized what had been shoved in me while his lips were on mine, distracting me. A vibrator.

He looked amused as he looked me in the eyes.

"Now why don't you get ready for class and put your clothes back on." Leaving me in the closet he went to unlock the door. I hurriedly put my things back on and rushed out of the door, thanking the universe for no one having entered the classroom yet.


I could feel the round device in me, it had yet to be turned on.

A few kids had entered to room and gone to either their seat or a friend's to chat.

I stayed still staring at my computer screen trying my best to ignore that my teacher was going to be able to control a device that was inside of my pussy.

Just then Mr. Morales looked me dead in the eye as he pressed the button. I felt the device start to vibrate at a slow pace. I prayed no one would hear anything, hoping the noise was all in my head. It wasn't enough to make me moan thankfully but I prepared to have to keep my voice down the rest of the class.

The girl next to me tapped on my shoulder, "Are you okay Y/n? Your face looks really red." She looked concerned and I appreciated her looking out for me.

"Oh it is? I'm doing just great so I'm not sure why." I knew exactly why. And I was sure the color would only darken more as he increased the speed.

Soon enough all the other people had filled the classroom. My stomach was churning with pleasure and anxiety. He had started teaching the class, occasionally taking lingering glances my way and smirking.

I couldn't help but wonder if he had done this with any other people on campus.

I attempted to focus on getting my notes done and to ignore the glances he would send my way.

I thought my plan was going great, well...it was. Until I guess he got annoyed with me ignoring him because he cranked it up higher, causing me to let out an audible gasp.

Heads turned in my direction causing me to redden.

"You good Y/n? You seem to be flushed." That shit face really likes to tease.

"Yep. All good." I seethed through gritted teeth.

"Glad to hear it." Smirking he walked to his desk to sit down, reaching to his pocket ge took out the remote. Yet again turning up the vibrator that was buried within me.

The speed was so pleasurable that I was almost sweating from trying to suppress my moans, Mr. Morales noticed this but payed it little attention, finding my struggle amusing.

I had missed the past slides of information on our topic but ignored it, thinking that my internal struggle was definitely more important.

I felt the vibration suddenly come to a stop, "Y/n? Do you know the answer?" Oh God this is so embarrassing. Shit this is so freaking shitty.


"Um can you repeat the question?" I'm gonna un-alive myself if I don't know the answer.

"Next time try to pay attention, okay? Are there any parts of the body that can get oxygen directly from the air and not the blood?" Yes? No? Wait yes they can...right?

"Yes?" I said as more of a question than a statement.

"What parts?" I swear to hell if this man does not shut up I'm gonna die.

"The-", just as I started talking a felt the vibration come back to my body, and it was faster than ever, "The u-um outer layer of skin annnd the eyes, right?" Great job

Y/n, you didn't even stutter all that much.

"Correct. Now please behave and pay attention to me and my lesson."

That was so not fair. He stopped it just to call on me and turn it back on? I can't stand this. It feels so good. I just want to be able to let out noises.

My breathing grew noticeably heavier as I felt a knot build in me. I knew my orgasm was coming soon, I looked to Mr. Morales with pleading eyes, his clouded over with something I couldn't quite place.

He took a quick glance over to the clock, making me follow his gaze there aswell.

I noticed that class was going to end in a little less than 10 minutes.

He looked back to me, looking me in the eyes. He made the device go slower and it slightly irked me that he was drawing out my orgasm.

I groaned quietly and put my head down on my desk, hiding it in my arms.

Class couldn't end soon enough. Would he even let me finish after class? Or would I be left to do things myself when I get home?

4 minutes.

3 minutes. I feel like these are the longest minutes of my freaking life.

"Alright I'm feeling generous so you guys can go early." Cheers erupted from many student others rushing straight out the door, wanting to get out of the school as soon as they possibly could.

I stayed at my seat acting as if I was just taking my time getting my things together.

"If you think you're leaving this room you're dead wrong." Well wasn't going to anyways.

"Didn't plan on it." I strode to the front of the room to shut the door and turn off the lights.

"So how are you enjoying my game sweetheart?"

"You don't seem to have put much thought into it. I'm getting bored of it." Let's see how much he's willing to do. I'm getting pissed that I haven't been able to cum yet.

"Well get ready because things are bouta get a hell of a lot more interesting." I sure hope so.

"Then you better show me before I get bored and leave."

"C'mere and I'll show you sweetheart." I walked to his chair and took a seat on his lap.

His erection already prodding at me through his pants. I sat silently as I just stared down where our two sexes were touching, "Someone is needy. I can feel how soaked you are through your panties." His husky voice said closely to my ear causing shivers to run down my spine.

"You're one to talk. Your dick feels like a rock."

"Funny." He muttered as he made quick work of getting his pants on the floor, while keeping me in his lap.

He grabbed me by the chin, smashing our lips together. We made out for a short time before he lifted me up to smash me down on his erection. I gasped and let out a startled moan.

"Who knew you'd make such pretty sounds Y/n."

Sitting there on his dick made me more needy than ever, I started to roll my hips roughly over him. He groaned and I took that as a sign to go faster, so I did.

He moaned out my name as I kept going.

But then he abruptly took hold of my thighs and pushed me against his desk.

"God I'm gonna fuck you so good." With that he thrusted into me hard and fast as papers flew off the desk and pens fell to the ground.

I was a moaning mess under him and it felt so good.

His hips slowed slightly and I could tell he was close, as was I. I moved my hips in sync with his hoping it would help us to reach our orgasms sooner.

I felt something hot inside me and it started leaking down my leg, he had came inside me. This triggered my own orgasm and my legs shook with pleasure as my juices coated his cock.

He leaned down to my mouth, his hot breath fanning over my lips,

"Ready for round two?"

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