《The Eighth Sin Emerges?(Meliodas X Reader!)》Chapter 10


Y/N's PoV

I woke up in the grass with a major headache. What happened last night? I heard whispering above me. Opening my eyes, I was met with a blinding light. I covered my eyes with a groan.

"Wake up Y/N!"Said Diane.

"Mmm....Five more minutes...."

I felt movement beside me.

"Could ya let go of me Y/N?"Asked someone.

....Meliodas? My eyes squinted to the person next to me. Lying beside me was Meliodas, with a curious expression on his face. Why is he beside me?! I haistly pulled my arm away from him.

"Sorry."I whispered, scooting away from Meliodas.

He sat up and spoke.

"You reaaally can't hold your booze can ya?"

"H-Hey! Yes I can!"I shouted embarrassed, earning some laughs from everyone else.

Ban shook his head"Whatever you say."he shrugged.

I crossed my arms and gave him a small glare. Standing up, I brushed myself off. I felt a pain in my stomach. My sin symbol was....smoking? What's going on?

"Gh!"I grunted, holding my stomach.

Everyone looked at my hand that was covering my mark.

"Captain what's goin' on?"Asked Ban.

King's mark had started doing the same thing. Everything was going white. I collapsed, passing out completely.


My eyes slowly opened. What happened? Everything rushed back to my head all at once. I suddenly sat up, looking around. I was in my bedroom? That's weird....

I got out of bed when I remembered something. I bolted downstairs, frantically looking for the other sins. I found Meliodas and Ban together.

"Hey!!"I yelled running over to them.

My sudden shout had scared them.

"Oh, Y/N. You're awake?"Asked Ban.

"Yes! That's not important. I know where Gowther is!"I stated.

"What? How?"Meliodas questioned.

"I-I don't know! When I lost consciousness, I just got these....images in my head from where he is!"


Ban and Meliodas looked at eachother confused.

"We have to go find him!"I said.

"We have to get to the fighting festival, Y/N. We can't."Sighed Meliodas.

I crossed my arms. Then suddenly I had an idea.

"Let me do it! I'll meet you there!"

With that I ran out the door, already speeding off to the area I had seen in my dream. The forest got thicker and darker the deeper I went. It started to actually become frightening.

"Damn. The plants are really thick...."I mumbled, pushing through the vines.

I finally got out of the vines and reached a small clearing with a cave. This is the place....It has to be!

I entered the cave and saw a heap of metal armor.

"The hell...?"I mumbled, walking in front of it.

My eyes widened. That's....

"Gowther?!"I yelled.

The armor stood, making loud grumbling and growling noises. I stepped backwards from the cave. This was Gowther.

"Where's Gowther?! What did you do?!"I growled.

Whatever was in that armor definitely didn't like my hostility. It made what sounded like a yell and swung its arm at me. I was sent flying out of the Cave, tumbling through the grass.

I stood up and regained my balance, just in time to duck. This magic I'm sensing from it.... A demon? That's impossible. Each step it took shook the ground, making the animals flee in fear.

"Who are you?"I heard a calm voice ask from behind.

I whipped around. There stood a man with green hair.

"Who wants to know? I could say anything and you'd have no choice but to believe me."I said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I have asked you first. Please answer truthfully."

I crossed my arms.

"I am Y/N, The eighth sin. Now you."


I saw a glint of something in his eyes. His green hair faded, turning to pink. I could now recognise him.

"Gowther?!"I yelled in shock.

He nodded, emotionless as ever. I had forgotten about the monster behind me as I felt myself being lifted into the air.

"Dude call of your demon or whatever. Tell him to put me down!"I yelled.

He thought about it for a moment, deciding if he should or not.

"Hm..."He hummed.

The air was being squeezed out of my lungs.

"Gowther I swear I'll kill this thing if you don't get it to put me down!"I wheezed.

He looked at the monster"Please put her down."

I was dropped out of the monster's grasp, landing on the ground with a thud. I pursed my lips and crossed my arms.

"Thanks."I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome."

I stood up and dusted myself off for the second time today.

"So why have you come to find me?"Asked Gowther.

"I came to bring you back to rejoin me and the other sins-"

"-Why would I do that?"He cut me off.

I was a little confused.

"Because you're our friend?"

"Friend....Interesting."He mumbled.

He seems off, then again that could very well just be me. All of a sudden, I sensed figures of magic haistly heading in our direction. Was it one person on multiple people? I couldn't tell. That is until I was hit with a large bolt of magical power.

I stumbled back, blinking in shock. Gowther's hair faded back to green to hide his identity.

"Sins! And....green haired man! We have come to collect the head of Gowther the goat sin!"Shouted a rather barbaric looking man.

"We only want the Goat sin. We have no means to hurt the other sin, as long as you surrender the Goat sin."Stated a blonde man.

I shook my head with a smirk.

"Woah! So you are as stupid as you look, blondie! Yeah sure, I'll just let you decapitate my friend. As if!"I yelled in a mocking tone.

The blonde man's eye twitched. A mist spread over the area. It was thick, but I could still see everything. One of their group made a move on the monster they thought to be Gowther.


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