《The Eighth Sin Emerges?(Meliodas X Reader!)》Chapter 5


Y/N's PoV:

I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I sighed, and sat up. My H/C hair was an absolute MESS. I saw a note taped to my closet and went over to it.

Hey Y/N,

Come talk when you wake up. I'll be behind the tavern.


"Behind the tavern? What does he want?"

I changed out of my pajamas and got into the tavern uniform, but I put my cloak on over it. I brushed my hair, put my hood up and went downstairs.

"This is probably a joke. What would he even want to talk about?"I whispered to myself.

Sighing, I went outside to the back of the tavern. Meliodas was no where to be seen. I was about to leave when I felt someone behind me. I whipped around, and looked at the person.

"Captain! You scared the hell out of me!"I shouted

He gave me a small smirk.

"That was the plan~"

I gave him a glare.

"Soooo Y/N. I asked you out here to see if you'd like to spar with me!"He said smiling

That took me by suprise. I didn't expect that!

I shrugged"That was a little unexpected, but sure! I need practice after being locked up for so long."

We walked out to a clearing far from the tavern, and stood on opposite sides. We started circling around, keeping our eyes on eachother. I launched forward, ready to punch his face. Of course, he didn't let me get the hit in.

He blocked my attack and kicked my chest instead. I stumbled back a little, but quickly regained my balance just in time to block another blow.

"Come at me full force Captain. Don't hold back!"I yelled, swiping my foot to trip him.

He gave a small smirk. What's he planning? He ran at me so fast I couldn't even see him. I could sense him, but he was everywhere!


"Behind ya~"He said.

I whipped around, just as his foot connected with my stomach. I flew back, rolling into a tree.

"That's more like it!"I growled, getting up.

I smirked, summoning my chains to restrain his movements. I walked over to Meliodas. I got really close to him, and punched him in the face. I guess one of my nails had scratched him, because there was a small cut on his face.

I stared at the cut which was now bleeding a bit, and the chains around Meliodas tightened. My E/C eyes dulled and I just kinda....stared at the blood. My trance-like state was broken by a scream.

"Lord Meliodas!"Elizabeth cried.

She ran up to us and tried to take the chains off him. When she touched them, for some odd reason they disappeared?

"Hey Elizabeth! Me and Y/N were just sparring."

"Lord Meliodas there's a cut on your face!"She exclaimed.

He put his hand to the side of his face, and then wiped the blood that was on his hand on his pants. Meliodas shrugged.

"I guess there was! I'm gonna keep sparring with Y/N okay?"

She looked at him and then at me with a nervous expression.

"O-Okay....I'll be inside."She whispered, walking back to the boar hat.

I was focusing on the ground, trying to ignore the still bleeding cut I made on him. How deep did I cut?

"Are you able to keep going? I'm done my warm-up."He asked.

"I....yeah. Let's keep going."I mumbled.

We got back into stance, and began sparring once again.


We got back to the tavern, the sun was starting to set already. We were about to go in but Meliodas was stopped by Diane. She grabbed him and picked him up.


"What were you two doing in the forest Captain?" She asked.

"We were just sparring, Diane." I answered.

Me and Diane don't get along too well, we aren't very close. She sent me a small glare and set Meliodas down.

"That better have been what you were doing."

We went back into the tavern, but as soon as the door was closed, I felt someone groping me from behind.

"C-Captain what the hell?!"I shouted, blushing.

I pulled away from his grasp. I hit him over the head. He gave me a goofy smile and I pouted, glaring at him.

"Sorry~ It's a habit. Want a drink?"He said walking over to the bar.

I shrugged. "What could go wrong?"


I was on my eighth cup of ale, but I'm not a lightweight so I was fine. Meliodas on the other hand had drank about 10.

"You better not do anything to me when I eventually pass out, Captain."I said, my words a little slurred.

I chugged down some more ale. This stuff was really good.

"No promises. Also, you're slurring your words~"He said with a small chuckle.

"Nooo I'm not!"I slurred.

He sighed, shaking his head. I guess he thinks I'm drunk, but then again I am one hell of an actor.

"So Y/N, are you hungry?"He asked.

"What? You're craaazy.... I don't eat regular food!"I laughed.

"No, not for regular food. Blood."He said getting serious.

I also got serious and dropped my act.

"Is this why you wanted me to drink? So you could ask me this? To answer your question, yes. You saw how I looked at that cut earlier!"

He looked a little suprised.

"You aren't drunk?! You were acting?"He asked.

I nodded. I stood up to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder tightly and sat me back down.

"Y/N you realize that your hunger could get you killed, right? The second you see blood you freeze up!"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Why do you care?!"I yelled.

"Because I...."

I got up again and before he could grab me I ran out the door and back to the clearing where we were sparring earlier.

"I shouldn't have stayed. I should have left the moment I found out it was Meliodas."I growled.

I jumped from tree to tree getting as far as I possibly could from the tavern. What I didn't know was that I was heading right towards the prison Ban was kept in..


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