《The Eighth Sin Emerges?(Meliodas X Reader!)》Chapter 2


Y/N's PoV

When we arrived down at the village, everyone was still surrounding the sword. I walked into the front of the crowd and saw two men who I assume are knights shouting at the villagers.

"If you haven't pulled out the Holy Knight's sword by sundown, we're gonna charge you 10x the normal product tax!"The tall one yelled.

"Wow. Those two are the stupidest knights I've ever seen."I mumbled.

The shorter one who had a big mustache walked over to me.

"What'd you say girl?"He growled.

The crowd was silent. I smirked at him and repeated myself.

"I said you two are the stupidest knights I've ever seen."

"Why you....I oughtta have you thrown in the dungeon!"He shouted.

I glared down at him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.

"Try me. How are you gonna do that if you can't even reach me?"

I pushed him aside, but that's when Mead ran to pull out the sword. All eyes were on him, including mine.

'What's he trying to do?'I thought.

At this point the Short McStupid Mustache had returned over to the sword.

"This ain't gonna be any fun if it's just him...."The tall one grumbled

".....So we're gonna charge 20x the tax now!"Mustache shorty yelled, getting close to Mead's face.

These men are disgusting. The crowd began shouting at Mead to stop. Unless Mead is secretly a Holy Knight, that sword is not coming out. Why bother trying? I don't understand humans.

"Now that's enough!"The village chief boomed.

"Who insulted our brave spirits and wounded our pride as ale makers? Was it Mead? No! Wasn't that boy just expressing the feelings we were all having deep down inside?"The Chief said.

An older woman went towards the sword and Mead. Soon, one by one and two by two the villagers all joined in.

"Hey! You people hear what we said?! Pour the beer outta your ears! 20x now!"Tall knight shouted.


They tied three ropes around the sword, and all started to pull, but it didn't even move an inch. I sighed, watching their attempt to pull out the sword.

Meliodas's PoV:

The two knights were sitting on the well, laughing their ass off at the villagers. I've had enough of these two. I walk past them, taking their booze in the process.

"Anyone who doesn't appreciate good quality booze doesn't deserve to drink it."I said to them.

The ropes the villagers tied to the sword broke, sending them all flying in a cloud of dust. I walked through it, drinking the ale that I took from the knights. This stuff is so good!

"That hit the spot!"I said, placing my cups beside Mead.

I walked towards the sword, passing Y/N as I do.

"Sorry you guys! I don't have any money for that drink."

I put my hand on the sword, smirking.

"How 'bout this?"

I pulled out the sword, raising it high above my head. The villager's looked amazed, and Y/N was smiling. A loud rumbling came from below, and water burst out from the well sending the two knights flying! Everyone was cheering, but Y/N was just clapping.

I walk down to the knights who were drenched from head to toe in water.

"I think this belongs to you."I say with a smirk.

I drop the sword, watching them grab it and run, screaming like monkeys.

Mead came up to me and said,"Wow mister! That was amazing! Are you really-"

I cut him off"-Yep! I am the proprietor of a fine drinking establishment, it's true!"

"That's not what I meant...."

Y/N's PoV:

I walk back to Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk, and saw Mead jump into the chief's arms.

"Sup, Captain?"I say reaching him.

"Sup Y/N!"Meliodas says.

"Nice job getting that sword out."I smirked.

"You could have done it yourself."He huffed.

I laughed a little,"Yeah, I know"



The bar was filled with people. Myself, Elizabeth, and Meliodas were behind the counter.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this....I've never done anything like this before...."Elizabeth said, blushing.

"I guess you could say it's your first time. Could you say that again? But slower~"Meliodas said.

I growled"Captain you dirty minded freak!"

He laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Tell ya what. Just focus on your work for tonight."He said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth shouted,"Got it! I will be relaxed!"

We both left the back of the bar and got to work. I was serving people no problem, but Elizabeth was having some difficulties-

"-Waah!"I heard from by the door.

"She spilled MORE food on ANOTHER customer?"I sighed.

I got back to work, but Elizabeth was making this very difficult. She spilt almost EVERYTHING, and kept tripping.

"Y/N! You got a sec?"Meliodas shouted from the back of the bar.

"Not really? I have orders to fill Captain."I answered back.

Elizabeth came over to me,"I-I can do it!"

I looked at her. Is she serious?

"Alright, thanks. Give me a minute Captain."I sighed.


The boar hat was almost empty, so I walked over to Meliodas and leaned up against the wall.

"So what's up?"I asked.

"I have some questions for ya Y/N."He said, looking into my E/C eyes.

"Hm? Alright, shoot."

"You're not human, are you?"He said.

I was surprised.

"W-What? What gave you that idea?"I said quickly.

He sighed."When we fought that Twiggo guy, I could feel your power. I-"

He stopped speaking, and ran outside. I followed him, wanting to see why he ran outside. I watched Meliodas from the front of the tavern.

"Captain what are you doing?"I asked.

He didn't reply. I sighed as he stared up at the night sky. Suddenly, I felt an immense power coming towards us.


A spear surrounded by lightning came down from the sky. Meliodas grabbed it, but it sent him flying down the hill and into the village. He crashed through multiple houses, before he stopped himself and threw the spear back in the direction where it came from.

Elizabeth came outside, and I ran down the hill as fast as I could. Elizabeth came too but she was slower so I got there first.

"Captain!"I shouted.

The villager's that had gone back to the village were outside, looking at the damage that was caused. Meliodas looked over at me.

"That spear. It was from the same Holy Knight who put his sword in the ground wasn't it?"

"Probably so. I think that's our cue to leave here as soon as we can"He said.

I nodded."Good idea. We're only endangering the villagers if we stay."

Elizabeth had caught up with us.

"Sir Meliodas! Shouldn't we stay at the village in case they get attacked?"She asked.

Meliodas shook his head."They'll be in more danger if we stay."

"It'd be nice if we could find a place to hide out."Hawk sighed.

It looked like Elizabeth remembered something."Wait a minute....earlier tonight, Mead said he'd do anything to not be taken to the forest of White Dreams...."

"Infact, he said even Holy Knights steer clear of the place!"She continued.

"Must be a damn scary forest if Holy Knights steer clear of it."I said.

Meliodas smirked"Well that settles it! Except that we're not gonna be hiding out. 'cause we're gonna be doing exactly what we should!"

I was confused. What should we be doing?

"Captain, what do you mean by that-"I was cut off.

"You don't think...."Elizabeth started.

"Yep, and I think one of us is living there!"Meliodas replied.

Elizabeth's face lit up with joy.

"Okay! Let's find another sin!"He exclaimed.


Words: 1351

Time Finished: 11:32 PM, July 4th

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