《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 28 war


Your p.o.v

"So tell me, how did a demon like you end up serving a demon Lord like Sesshomaru?" I asked jaken trying to get him angry. We were walking trying to figure out where they took Rin.

"What do you mean!?" He yelled looking at me.

"I mean, sesshomaru is such a powerful demon but you? Your kinda low class... If you know what I mean." I said with a big smile.

"Just so you know I am a powerful demon to!!" He yelled.

"Are you sure?" I asked with a smile, I guess sesshomaru knew what I was doing because when I looked at him he had a little smile. It was little but it was there.

"Yes im sure!! You need to learn to hold your tung human!!" He yelled.

"Yeah, sure. Also, you need to learn to stop lying." I said hoping he would get it.

"What are you tal-" he then stopped and thought about it. "I'm not lying!! I am a powerful demon!" He said.

Time skip

Later that night we stopped till morning. Jaken then stood up. "I'm going to get fire wood!" He said before walking off.

I then looked over at sesshomaru. He was looking around to make sure that no one was fallowing us. "Sesshomaru?" I asked making him tern and look at me. "Does this mean war?" I asked looking down at my hands as I sat next to a tree.

He then came over to where I was sat next to me. He then put his hand over mine. "Yes, I won't let anyone hurt you so do not get weak on me." He said as his grip got titer on my hands.

I looked up at him. "You promise?" I asked. 'i just hope he doesn't get hurt trying to keep me safe.' I thought.


A smile then came to his face. "I would not let anything hurt you, nor anyone." He said taking his hand off mine and putting his arm around me. "You have to stay strong.'' he said as I put my head on him.

"I will." I said before closing my eyes.

I looked around as I realized no one was around me, sesshomaru's warmth was also gone. "Sesshomaru?! Jaken?!" I yelled but all that happened was a echo. 'grate, I'm alone.' I thought to myself.

''tell me, what's it like knowing your alone?" I voice said making me look around but all I seen was trees and darkness.

"H-hello?" I said.

"How does it feel to know that your in love with a demon that could never be with you?" The voice said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. 'does she mean?' I thought. "Sesshomaru?" I whispered.

"Correct!" The voice yelled. "You could never teach an old dog a new trick. Guess what that means." The voice Said.

"You mea-" the voice then cut me off.

"You and sesshomaru will never become a thing, just face it." The voice said.

As soon as it said that everything was swallowed by darkness. I closed my eyes "help y/n!"

As soon as I herd Rin's voice I opened my eyes to see her locked away in a cage. "Rin?!" I yelled running up to her. I then looked around. 'this place? I know this place.' I thought. Rin then started spiting up blood.

I then shot up and looked around. "Are you okay?" Asked sesshomaru.

I looked at him just before putting my arms around him, I then whispered. "I know where Rin is."

He then looked at me in shock. "Where?" He asked.

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