《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 25 a wich?!


"well..." He then stopped for a minute as he looked at the water. "I guess it's because sesshomaru doesn't want me anymore." He said.

For once he wasn't yelling. 'to be honest I feel bad for him.' I thought. "What makes you say that?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"He said he doesn't want me to travel with him anymore." He said tossing rocks into the water.

"He said that to all of us." I said smiling trying not to laugh at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me.

"Hahahaha! What I mean is he doesn't want us to travel with him because we could get hurt." I said giving him a kind smile.

"What!? That doesn't give him a reason to leave a powerful demon like me behind!!" He yelled jumping up.

"Hahahaha!" I then helt my gut because I laughed so hard.

"Whats so funny you stupid woman!?" He yelled looking straight at me.

"Well, the reason he didn't take a week demon like you is because he cares about you." I said standing up. "No matter how powerful you are he doesn't want to take a chance. He thinks it's better if we just stay here." I said.

He then looked up at me. "He cares about me?" He asked pointing at himself.

"Yeap. Oh hay, what do you say we go train to take are minds off of things?" I asked as we walked back to the hut that we were supposed to stay in.

"What kind of training?!" He asked.

"Well? We are going to train so we can prove to sesshomaru we can take care of ourselves!" I yelled the last part to get him exited. To be honest I don't care if sesshomaru doesn't think jaken and I are strong I just need jaken to be my target so I can train.


"Okay! Let's do it!" He yelled jumping up in joy.

"Yeah!! Let's do it!" I yelled with joy as we ran into the trees to train.

Sesshomaru's p.o.v

"How do you know about y/n?" I asked looking at the old man. When he seen me come by he wanted to talk, he then told me I should have never left y/n and the others behind.

"Well you see sesshomaru, she was cursed. She wasn't born with that power that could possibly kill the planet as we speak. I know her by her fother. He's the reason she has this power." He said.

''do you know how she can get rid of it?" I asked.

"You have to find the Wich that put the course on her. From there you have to give the Wich what ever she wants." He said.

"Okay, how did her fother get her cursed?" I asked.

"Well, let's see. He went to a Wich because he wanted to have a child with the most beautiful woman on Earth."

30 years ago Papa's p.o.v

"I want to marry the most beautiful woman on earth.!" I yelled not wanting to leave till I got what I wanted.

"If I give you this woman what's in it for me?" The Wich asked standing up walking over to me. ''If you want this woman so bad you can have her, that is if you give me your first born." She said looking me in the eyes.

30 years later Sesshomaru's p.o.v

"How did that get y/n coursed?" I asked.

"Well you see, the man, y/n's father loved his first born and didn't want to give her up. The Wich payed them a visit. She was so angry because he never gave her the first born, so in rage she took there first born and she said these very words.


"You shall have a nother child but I'll put a curse on her for your payment! This curse will make her suffer till she takes her lats breath! She'll end up letting her emotion take control and end up bringing 100 demons from hell!!" She then disappeared with there first born." He said.

I then dashed off. 'i have to get to her before anything happens to her. We well then hunt down that Wich and make her regret the day she coursed y/n!' I thought with rage running through My blood.

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