《I See You [Sesshomaru]》Chapter 28
By the afternoon they had come across three ogre corpses lying beside the muddy river in Sounga's destruction. And judging by the markings on the bodies their death was due to a sword, not the twister itself. "They look fresh," Miroku stated. He had climbed down to the bank to investigate with Sango. "Inuyasha was here, that's for sure."
"But where did he go?" Kagome wondered. Suddenly, one of the bodies twitched, the two quickly jumping back as the demons began to stand to their surprise.
"I just remembered something," Saya suddenly spoke up. "Victims of Sounga come back as the walking dead."
"That would have been nice to know!" Myoga shouted in a panic from Kagome's shoulder.
The monk and demon slayer engaged the risen demons without delay trying to hold them back. With a yowl Kirara lunged from the cliff tackling an ogre and throwing them both into the raging river. "Kirara!" Sango exclaimed. There was no sign of the feline demon as the young woman cut the ogre before her in half and raced towards the water's edge. But the young woman didn't get far as she suddenly fell when something wrapped tightly around an ankle and began dragging Sango backwards. Looking back she realized it was the ogre she had severed in half. "Get it off!" she shouted. The fall had made her drop the boomerang weapon, the item just out of reach. Without wasting any time Kagome pulled free and arrow, notching it in her bow and let it fly. Instantly the demon was purified on contact, Sango dropping to the ground and scrambling forward to grab her weapon once more.
"Enough of this," Miroku muttered. Gripping the sacred beads wrapped around his cursed arm he pulled it free, opening his hand. "Wind Tunnel!" The area in front of him began to cyclone before being sucked towards him, the ogre he was battling struggling to remain in place only to be dragged into the void. But something was very wrong as the skin instantly turned purple once it disappeared inside, the young man grunting in pain and closed the hand dropping to his knees. He barely had enough strength to wrap the beads back in place.
"Miroku!" Sango shouted, rushing to his side.
"Ogres secret a poisonous gas and can poison anyone," Saya shouted to them.
"Great, I wish he would've told me that," Miroku grunted. The surface of the river broke further downstream as Kirara managed to pull herself free. The last ogre was nowhere in sight, but none of them were complaining. "Kagome go ahead, and find Inuyasha," the monk called up. He was still too weak to move. "We'll catch up." They were loosing valuable time.
"Got it," Kagome answered. "Stay with them Shippo." Pushing off the ground the teen began racing down the road on her bike at top speed. The next town was not too far away, but only halfway to her destination there was an explosion further up the mountains, followed by a cloud of smoke left in the destruction. "He's gotta be up there!" The mooof a cow sounded above, glancing up to see the flying animal with an old man perched on top. Another familiar face. "Totosai, wait up!"
The old man looked down spotting the human and lowered so they were at the same height. "Oh, hi Kagome," he greeted, and not very surprised to see her. It had been a long while since their last encounter. The demon swordsmith was the creator of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's blades, among many others. His involvement shouldn't have caught her off guard as they traveled side by side.
"Totosai, it's been a while," Saya greeted.
He blinked at the sight of the spirit. "Saya, I thought as much. What are you doing here?"
"You guys all know each other?" Kagome asked.
"Totosai, you're all ready aware of what has happened?" Myoga questioned from the teen's shoulder.
"Yes, I figured it out," the old demon. "I never expected Sounga to return though."
"Inuyasha has it in his possession now," Saya relayed.
"Inuyasha? He has nowhere near the power required to wield it!" the demon exclaimed.
"I had a feeling that was the case," the spirit answered wearily.
"Why did you make such a dangerous sword in the first place?" Kagome asked.
"It wasn't me!" he denied. "The Great Dog Demon had it from long ago." They paused just below the peak, the sound of clashing blades getting closer. "We must walk from here."
"He's right," Myoga chimed in as they began to hike through the trees. "Unlike Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga, Sounga is possessed by the spirit of an ancient evil demon."
"With the Great Dog Demon gone, the only one who can wield the sword is probably Sesshomaru. We can probably assume it is the both of them that are fighting," Totosai said. "There is no way Sesshomaru would allow his father's sword to stay in Inuyasha's possession."
Of course not. He was already angry at the fact that his half demon brother was left the Tetsusaiga instead of himself. Now with Sounga that would be two weapons passed down from their father in his possession. He wouldn't accept it. There was another explosion, one so massive it took out rock formations in its path and Kagome instantly recognized the attack. Wind Scar.
The teen rushed ahead of the others, Myoga jumping off her shoulder to travel with Totosai at his pace away for the danger. Saya followed though, attached to the sheath on her back. When reaching the top that was when they could see all the destruction. There were no trees, only rock and rubble from the over turn dirt as smoke rose from the mounds. But that wasn't the only thing Kagome saw. In the distance was Sesshomaru, but he had been brought to his knee with a look of pain on his usual emotionless face. His hand was red, burned, with Tetsusaiga lying on the ground at his feet. Tenseiga was elsewhere among the destruction, no long in its sheath. But there was no time to worry about the demon, watching, as there was movement to the left as Inuyasha stood with Sounga still in his grasp. It was growing red, just like the half demon's eyes, canine teeth razor sharp as he snarled savagely.
"Blood," a demonic voice spoke in the air. "I need more blood."
"That's Sounga," Saya relayed to the teen as she climbed over the rocks.
"Give me a live sacrifice!"
That was when the half demon turned his attention from his brother to the two onlookers hiding within the rocks. Rin and Jaken.
The two panicked when realizing they were his next target and began to run in an attempt to get away. But it was no use as Inuyasha pursued, using his superior speed to gain on them quickly. "Rin, run!" Jaken shouted.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin yelled. They were completely helpless as the demon noticed their dire situation and pushed himself to rush after them through his pain. They were going to die as the child tripped over a rock and fell to the ground roughly. There was no time to stand, Inuyasha nearly on top of them as Jaken halted and rushed back to her side in protection by holding up his staff. His flaming staff would have no effect on the half demon's Robe of the Fire-Rat, but he had to try and protect the human at all costs as Sounga was raised high overhead.
"Sit boy!" Kagome shouted, bolting across the rough terrain. Seconds before cutting them down the beads around Inuyasha's neck began to glow, all movement halting as he struggled against the force and Sounga's control.
"What is this?" the sword shouted in frustration. The sacrifices were there in front of him. It desired blood!
Kagome's eyes widened upon seeing Sesshomaru closing in from behind, fingers coming to a point as his nails glowed green with poison. He was going to run his half-brother through without remorse or hesitation. It could kill him. "SIT!" the teen shouted at the top of her lungs. Lunging forward her arms wrapped around Inuyasha's shoulders tightly holding on for dear life as the beads glowed brighter and Sounga cried out in rage and frustration. The possessed sword was being repelled as the wrappings around Inuyasha's arm and hand began to retract at a rapid pace. Scrambling to move out of the way in time, Jaken tried to usher Rin along when they were both whisked from their place causing Sesshomaru eyes to widen a fraction and slide to a halt wondering where they had gone. Suddenly, Kagome and Inuyasha went crashing to the ground with so much force it cratered the ground beneath them as a plume of smoke and dirt exploded into the air and covered them completely. The string containing the beads around his neck snapped causing the items to fly every which way as they clacked against the rocks and scattered from the force. And from it flew Sounga as it flipped through the air out of sight, the demon's eyes narrowing on it as long as he could. He needed to travel in its direction, but first his companions needed to found–
"Sorry I'm late," a voice spoke up. Turning to the right his eyes landed on a young woman standing a few feet away. She had no scent, not even aware someone else had joined them during the altercation. But Jaken and Rin were in her grasp, holding them protectively to her chest. The stranger's skin was pale, almost like snow, long black hair braided back so not to obscure their vision, while decorated with a silver headdress that came to a point between the eyebrows. Her eyes were pale blue in color, the tips of the ears coming to a rounded point, and she wore dark blue armor with light blue designs over a grey ankle length dress that had slits on either side so to fight easier. And there was a sword strapped to her waist.
This wasn't a stranger though. "Akiko," Sesshomaru whispered.
"Akiko!" Rin exclaimed with a wide smile. Hugging the young woman tightly around the neck, she gave a small laugh and returned the gesture with the one arm wrapped around the child. She looked different in her transformed state from the last time they had crossed paths. Which meant the reincarnation had indeed grown stronger, her speed saving Jaken and Rin proof enough. Letting down the toad demon, the human still clung to her tightly. "What are you doing here?"
"Aisu told me there was trouble, so I came right away," she answered.
"Where's the rest of the pack?"
"Not far behind."
Jaken climbed up onto a boulder to survey the damage as the smoke began to clear and he huffed, crossing his arms, "Serves him right–" and due to the new added weight on the unstable surface it crumbled underneath him. It all went crashing to the ground on the other side along with the toad demon and knocked him unconscious. Rin squirmed in Akiko's grasp, the young woman allowing her to get down and rush to his side to check on him. But she wasn't worried as the howling of wolves echoed in the distance and only grew closer. Her eyes met with Sesshomaru as he continued to stare a moment longer.
"Your transformation has grown," he stated.
"A lot has since I left." A large wolf made its way from the surrounding forest and came to stand at Akiko's side, eyes narrowing at the demon. "Behave, Tobi," she muttered lowly, running her fingers through his fur. The young woman didn't expect a thank you from the lord from protecting his ward and servant. It wasn't in his nature.
"It appears that Sounga has been driven off," a voice spoke not too far away. Glancing over Totosai and Myoga had finally joined them.
"Nice work, Kagome!" Myoga cheered.
Akiko turned towards the crater finally catching sight of her cousin lying on the ground unconscious. Inuyasha had managed to push himself up though, groaning from the pain that course through his body. "You're back to your old self," Saya spoke up from above the teen. "You're free of Sounga's control. You owe it all to this girl."
There was movement at the edge of the crater, Inuyasha's eyes casting up and catching sight of the new arrival. Akiko. He was in awe at the fact that she was here, surveying what had happened. And he was ashamed that he was the cause of all of this as Kagome shifted beside him. "Inuyasha," she whispered. Eyes cracking open she stared at the half demon with a small smile on her face. "I followed you. I'm sorry."
"Are you all right?" he quickly asked. But it was no use. The reincarnation was already unconscious again "Damn it, that's why I told you to stay away."
"And you expect her to listen?" Akiko questioned. Sliding into the hole, the young woman crouched beside her cousin. "You may find it hard to believe, but she cares for you. Would do anything to protect you."
"I'm sorry I put her in danger. It won't happen again."
"Don't make promises you can't keep," she said. And she wasn't blaming him for Kagome's dangerous lifestyle by traveling throughout the Feudal Era. The young woman had come to terms with it long ago when first stepping foot in this time period herself. Because no matter how many times Inuyasha would try to protect Kagome and try to keep her away, the teen would always return to his side. It was no secret to Akiko that Kagome cared for him more than a friend.
Further away, Sesshomaru watched the interaction between the two before walking towards his discarded sword and sheathed it once more. He had no business here anymore without Sounga present.
"Wait." The lord paused with his back towards the half demon as he stood. "I'll destroy Sounga. I don't want any interference from you."
"You lack what it takes," Sesshomaru stated.
"You should be grateful for the girl saving you." And without another word he continued on his way.
"Master Jaken, wake up!" Akiko looked to her right, realizing that Rin was still trying to wake the unconscious toad demon. "Lord Sesshomaru is leaving!" But they had no chance at catching up as the reincarnation watched him go. The two of them were being left behind.
"Take care of Kagome," Inuyasha spoke up. "I can't let Sounga get away." Leaving the crater the half demon found Tetsusaiga and left without another word.
"Now what?" Saya asked.
The rest of the pack had arrived, Aisu taking the lead. "We missed quite the fight," the former Queen spoke up.
Akiko looked to the spirit. "We regroup and try to formulate a plan. The sword cannot remain in this world, but it's no use running after either of them. They will appear again when they are ready. In the mean time we need numbers and information on the threat at hand."
Picking up her cousin, Akiko placed the teen on Tobi's back before making her way back towards Rin and Jaken. The child looked up at her in worry as she bent down. "Jaken will be alright," the young woman reassured. A wolf bent down taking his collar between his teeth to lift the imp off the ground. "Let's meet up with the others–"
"But what about the beads?" she asked. "We can't leave them too. They are Inuyasha's."
Glancing around the reincarnation caught sight of the strewn about items that had broke during the altercation. Only some were visible, many hidden amongst the rocks, and some would probably never be found. "Aisu, go find Sango and Miroku. Tell them to set up camp with everyone else."
"And what about you?" Totosai asked.
"I will be there shortly." As they all left, two wolves stayed behind for protection in case the threat returned as Akiko held out her hand for Rin to take. "Let's find those beads." Grinning widely, she took her hand as the two set to work with the wolves digging beside them for help as the sun began to set in the distance.
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So this is going to be my first time writing on this website or an website in general . Helpful suggestions for my story is very welcomed and it might not be used but it will be read. The basic theme of the story is like the title said our main charactor Zig dies and is reborn into the first of the monster in the dungeons. Not only that but a bing of enormouse power has made him is entertainment. Follow Zig as he lives through his multiple lives. Also I do not plan on making the Zig a god and I am planing on him getting killed at least 3 times or more. Guys I am changing things up starting with names and it will be a rewrite. If someone wants to take it pleaze do.
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