《I See You [Sesshomaru]》Chapter 12
She had never been inside this room before descending the small set of stairs in place to the main floor. All chatter in the grand room had silenced and after a few moments, Akiko spoke lowly,
"Is there a gathering at all?"
"There is," the wolf answered just as quietly, "but they are too busy staring at you."
Stepping off the last step the music in the room started up once more, hearing the familiar sounds of the traditional instruments from the Feudal Era. The recordings the young woman would listen to in her era did not do them justice knowing she could have listened to them all night long without interruption. As Tobi guided her through the room they finally came to a stop in an empty area. Those nearby stared at the large animals in tow some sniffing the air with furrowed brows detecting the hint of human on the young woman before them. Though none approached. "This is going to be one long night."
"And it's only just started," Aisu pointed out. "Here comes Sesshomaru. Behave. You're no longer sparing."
She had learned rather quickly the demon enjoyed trying to rile her up with his harsh words. Though luckily Akiko didn't fall prey to what he said like Inuyasha would, meaning her actions would not be as rash and hasty. Still, there had been a few times when the young woman wished to slap him across the face.
"I will if he does," Akiko stated.
Both wolves smirked. "Spoken like a true Ice Queen." The young woman smiled. "Be aware the lord is not alone."
"An acquaintance of his?" Because they knew he refused to refer to anyone as a friend.
"Unfortunately no. A main reason he is not fond of gatherings, whether they be his own or another's, is it poses as a headache for him." Akiko's brows furrowed. "He's a sought out bachelor among demons."
"I'm surprised he wouldn't enjoy it. For most men it does well for their egos."
"Careful," came his monotone voice. "You are a guest, I can easily see to it you are not."
"Then that would mean I would be free to leave." Neither spoke for a moment. "I enjoy your taste in music. Never thought I would ever hear the originals myself."
He was about to speak when a voice interrupted them, "Lord Sesshomaru." The females had remained at a distance upon realizing who the dog demon was approaching, many wary of the large wolves. But one seemed brave enough to finally step forward. "You have yet to introduced your friend." His brow twitched, which went unnoticed by the woman. She sounded regal, full of authority. But there was something about her that did not sit well with Akiko.
"Ralin of the Southern Mountains, this is... Akiko, the Ice Queen of the North," Sesshomaru answered. Akiko nodded slightly in greeting.
"I thought you were nothing more than a myth becoming lost in time. It appears maybe we were wrong to assume such a thing." There was a beat of silence that passed between them as the demon sized up the stranger before her. "It's nice to meet you. Lord Sesshomaru would you like to dance?" The dog demon said nothing, only to turn and lead Ralin over to the dance floor.
"What are you waiting for?" Aisu suddenly asked when alone once more.
"What?" Akiko questioned in confusion.
"Why did you allow them to leave?"
The young woman cocked a brow. "I wasn't aware it was my job to keep him here in the first place. Besides, it's his event. He can do as he pleases." Tobi's head nodded in agreement. "What demon is Ralin?"
"What do your senses tell you?"
Akiko thought back to when first sensing her presence and how she initially felt. "Something about her... puts me on edge."
"As it should. Ralin's clan is made up of very powerful felines. They are sly, calculating, and can be wicked with their words."
"Seems like a good alliance between the two."
"Too bad Lord Sesshomaru isn't particularly fond of them." Akiko cocked a brow. "It's all a front to be in her father's good graces."
"I take it he owns a large stretch of land in the south."
"You would be correct."
Due to the dog demon approaching Akiko on his own accord, others began to introduce themselves as well. There was the Boar Clan, Frog Clan, Bat Clan, and the Hawk Clan to name a few, all with very interesting personalities and views. The one who amused her the most was the lord from the east of the Tanukis Clan. He loved to joke, was witty, but knowledgeable at the same time. They conversed for nearly an hour until his wife called him away. "You have good taste in allies," Aisu spoke lowly. The wolves led the young woman to a table in the room, allowing her to grab a drink.
"Were the two of you once?"
"No. They were further south when I was in power and were a lesser-known clan at the time. And they were very private. Not much was known about them. They have come a long way." Listening to the conversations around them Akiko wondered whom to approach next when the wolf spoke up once more, "You have an admirer."
She prayed it wasn't the lecherous weasel demon, who only thought otherwise to not get touchy feely with the young woman when Tobi gave a low growl in warning. "Who?"
"Lord Sesshomaru," Aisu answered, mildly amused. That was not what she was expecting to hear. "He's been watching you for some time as you've made yourself known."
"He's either afraid I'm going to run off again or will tarnish his image." Attempting to move away from the demon's line of sight Akiko preceded towards the other side of the room. Those that had yet to make their acquaintance with the new ruler of the north came to offer their congratulations. Though the young woman didn't believe their supposed sincerity. "You seem unsure." The statement caught the demons off guard. "What is it about me that you doubt?"
"To simply put it, you are not a full demon," a lord from the Spider Clan stated.
"Neither was the past Queen."
"And her Empire fell."
"Because the east and west grew greedy." Some shifted uncomfortably from the blunt accusation. "And she didn't go down easily."
"You're blind," the lady from the eastern Bat Clan stated. Clearly the previous statement did not sit well with her now wishing to attack Akiko with her words.
Instead of being angered, she smiled. "What is your point?" That was not the response they were expecting. "This isn't something that occurred a few months ago. I've been blind my whole life and have learned to live with it. I've learned how to read, my hearing is better than most humans, and I can fight to defend the north."
The authority in her voice surprised those listening. It pleased Aisu and Tobi to see this. She was being taken seriously and as they dispersed the lady from the Hawk Clan remained behind for a moment. "I look forward to seeing your rise to power," the demon spoke. "When you recover your empire, you have allies within my household." Akiko bowed, rather surprised as she was left alone once more.
"Well done," the wolf praised. "You're holding up well against the higher society."
"I feel like my heart will beat out of my chest." Tobi's wet nose pressed against the back of a hand in reassurance. "How much longer will this continue?"
"A few more hours."
Before the young woman could say anymore there was a presence behind her that set her senses on edge. "Who's there?" Akiko had not heard their approach and was unable to tell if this was a guest she had met earlier, and as the silence dragged on her hearing strained to find answers. "Answer me please."
"Are you afraid that you don't know who it is?" The voice made her sigh heavily. Sesshomaru. Of course he would be the one to try and sneak up on her.
"You could have been Lord Hideo with wandering hands." His brows slightly narrowed at the statement. He would be having a conversation with the weasel lord sooner than her thought. "Where's Ralin?" Sesshomaru growled lowly at the name.
"She is not worthy of my time."
"But she's a demon like you is she not?"
"Yes, a cat demon."
"Oh, I understand. So it's even true now that dog demons don't like cat demons, yes?" Sesshomaru didn't answer because Akiko was right.
"Lord Sesshomaru," came a voice from the crowd. It belonged to Ralin. The demon growled lowly once more.
"It appears you are being summoned. So if you'd excuse me, I'd like to retire for the evening." Akiko went to leave, when a hand grasped an arm tugging the young woman towards the dance floor. She stumbled at first having lost her balance from the change in direction, being pulled around to stand before the dog demon. "What are you doing?" Akiko questioned in an irritated whisper. This isn't exactly what she had planned.
"You're helping me be rid of a nuisance." The hand was placed on the small of her back in order to guide the young woman to the music filtering through the room. She was at a clear disadvantage, unable to see his movements and needing to full rely on his direction by the simple touch of one hand. In a way... they were both handicapped. "Place your free hand on my upper arm." The one grasped a shoulder, the other traveling up and feeling the texture of his kimono beneath the fingertips. Eventually, Akiko found the stump of his arm, doing as he said. There was still movement in what remained, acting as a second guide as if a hand held her own. This style of dance was rather odd to the young woman, it being reminiscent of the modern day waltz. It appeared to be a bit early for its time, but rather than question it, now was not the time as the young woman focused.
Aisu and Tobi were nearby, watching along the edge of the crowd. Many had begun to gather when witnessing the Queen join the Western Lord and among them was a displeased looking Ralin.
When the song ended the two parted and out of respect Akiko bowed slightly to offer thanks. She then left the demon standing there to disappear into the crowd as Tobi came up beside her. "I didn't know you could dance," Aisu spoke up.
"I'm as surprised as you," she answered. Though that was most likely due to the fact that Sesshomaru may have been a good leader. She'd never voice it to him though otherwise it could add to his ego.
There was a howl the came from outside the walls, though it was feint. The guests completely ignored the sound as the wolves' heads picked up, listening carefully. "What is it?" Akiko asked.
"I'm not sure..." Aisu answered. "Stay here. Don't leave her side, Tobi." And she slipped off into the crowd.
Unfortunately they weren't alone for long as a very unwelcoming presence stepped forward. "The Queen of the North." Ralin gave a mocking bow, making the animal's eyes narrow. "You're not royal, not of noble blood. And nothing you say or do will change that."
"You don't need noble blood to be a great ruler," Akiko stated.
"You'll never be one of us."
"I wasn't looking to be." Akiko never strived to be a part of the 'in' crowd, making a path for herself in her own era. There was no need for her to impress other people with poisonous personalities.
Ralin's brows narrowed. "I know the real reason you're here and why Lord Sesshomaru has had an eye on you all evening. I'm here to tell you, it won't work no matter how hard you try. You're a low class blind human."
Akiko blinked at the hostility. "You're jealous." The silence was the only answer she needed. "That's very childish."
"Watch your tongue, Akiko," Ralin snapped.
"You watch your tone, Ralin," she countered. "I have not shown you any disrespect."
"You being here is enough. Do you honestly think any of these demons will ally with you? You're a worthless nobody, and you don't belong here."
A low growl resonated from Tobi's throat, startling the demon woman for a moment as the wolf moved around Akiko's body to look her in the eye and the young woman could sense her fear. She even took a step back. "What you fail to realize, Ralin, is that I'm not alone. And he doesn't take disrespect well. I can't say I'll have any control over his actions if you continue." The noise from the animal had drawn the attention of those around them, watching the heated discussion in silence. "You're ruining a perfectly good evening, and posing yourself in a negative light. If you have a problem with me being here, take it up with Lord Sesshomaru."
As Ralin went to snap back with a remark, a noise caught Akiko's attention over the music and her words. It was low, faint, but upon hearing the wood on the wall beside them groan and a wind began whipping against the panels she grew alarmed. At the same moment the doors to the hall burst open a sharp bark as if in warning broke the calming atmosphere as Tobi's side pressed against hers. But the young woman was already lunging forward towards the direction of her enemy at the moment, shouting, "Get down!"
Tackling Ralin to the floor Tobi was not far behind in her advance as the side of the grand hall exploded. Those nearby were forced off their feet as smoke and dust filled the room making it difficult to see. And when the others finally managed to collect themselves and realize what happened the household was in a panic. Servants began rushing in to the aid of the lords and ladies, escorting them to safety. There were few that were injured as they stumbled around. And through it all Sesshomaru was moving forward towards the source of the chaos where a large gaping hole was left in his household. And he wasn't alone, seeing the white wolf push through the crowd rather aggressively to come to a stop near the pile of debris where the cloud was the thickest.
"She's been buried!" Aisu stated before the demon could speak. And she was already digging with her paws forcing away the wooden beams and sections of rock from the foundation of the structure. Sesshomaru didn't hesitate to join her, shoving away the destruction. Minutes later they began to uncover ice. As more became visible they discovered Tobi's large form on the other side, staring up at them with a very serious expression. The dog demon barely caught sight of Akiko under his massive form being protected, and it appeared she was shifting around. It had been her to create the shield, the ice beginning to crumble when enough of the rubble had been cleared away in order for them to escape. The animal was the first to climb out before bending back in to allow Akiko's arms to wrap around the neck and hoist her out. It was then the two discovered they were not alone. Ralin was lying on the ground unconscious, having been protected by the both of them from the severity of the attack. Though from the flying wood her head was bleeding from a minor wound. Once Akiko was safely kneeling on the ground Tobi craned his neck back inside, teeth catching hold of the demon's outfit and dragging her free.
An arm wrapped around the young woman's waist pulling her off the hazardous surface, lifting her from the ground and causing one hand to clasp the arm, and the other gripping the edge of armor. Her body was pressed flush against the person's form, feeling every shift in their movement. "Are you injured?" Head tilting towards the voice, Akiko was a bit surprised by the question seeing as how it came from Sesshomaru.
"I'm fine."
Aisu nuzzled her hip, sighing heavily, relieved she was all right. "Do we know what the source was?" he questioned.
"Something is coming in from the south," the wolf answered. "One of the scouts picked up on their movements and it's rapidly approaching."
"Who would be so bold to attack a gathering of high class demons?" the lord from the Hawk Clan questioned. Some had pulled themselves to enter the room again to survey the damage.
"Naraku," Sesshomaru stated, brows narrowing. His stench was growing with each passing second, which meant that his miasma would be soon to follow along with a horde of demons. And possibly one of his children.
"Naraku?" the lady from the Frog Clan breathed. "Why would he come here of all places and tonight?"
Nearly all had had an encounter with the man invading their lands, even some loosing members in their domain. But the Lord of the West had reason to believe that a few of them could have been allied with him at one time or another for their own gain. He would know, having once listened to his manipulating words.
"He doesn't agree that the north should be taken over by the Queen." The wolves that had been scanning the boarder began to filter through the hole and guarded the front for what was coming their way.
"He has some nerve," the lady from the Hawk Clan spoke up, "to cowardly attack us from behind a wall. I won't stand for such disrespect."
Others hummed in agreement as they prepared to fight, Akiko feeling her blade materialize at her side. "Do not stray," Sesshomaru ordered. "And stay focused."
This was not like their spars. Far from it with the impending danger. Someone could be seriously hurt if this went wrong. Separating, the wolves began to transform into their full demon forms growing further in height to a point where they stood taller than Akiko. Except Tobi, being a half-demon, as he stood protectively at her side, shoulder high. In turn, the young woman's features altered further, skin turning colder, the frost on the skin and hair spreading more and even giving off a slight light blue tint to the surface. The nails grew thicker as the tips covered in ice, tip of the ears elongating a bit more and coming to a fine point. But the most haunting feature of all was her eyes. The dull color had enhanced a bit in the pupils to match the color of the blue tinted skin. Almost giving off the appearance that the young woman could in fact see. Overall, many begun to reason that Akiko could pass as a demon in human form.
Unsheathing the weapon, ice began to crawl up the surface as Sesshomaru removed Tokijin as well. All could feel the intense aura. "Nothing touches Akiko," Aisu stated to her wolves. "And nothing enters this household. Force them back."
All began to gather on the grounds just beyond the hole in the wall watching the edge of the forest and the sky above. A mass was beginning to make itself known, charging towards them from above as lesser demons also began to swarm tumbling out of the underbrush.
The lords and ladies began performing half shifts to tap into their power and though Akiko couldn't see it she could sense the change in their auras. With a sweep of the blade shards of ice broke off sailing through the air and cutting down the front line. "Very nice," the weasel demon grinned. "What else you've got?"
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