《I See You [Sesshomaru]》Chapter 3
The next morning it was decided they would set out in search of jewel shards. There had been rumors in the east, curious to see if they were in fact true. Once crossing the boarder around midday it only took an hour for Kagome to sense their target. The shard was in the possession of a bear demon, having embedded in its forehead and causing it to rampage through the forests without mercy. Akiko merely listened, as the fight unfolded not wishing to get in their way while being kept safe by Tobi. What had occurred with Sesshomaru had been luck and wasn't willing to test it again any time soon. Not until she received proper training on how to wield this blade or understood exactly what her place was in this world. It was nightfall when everything settled and they made camp.
"There's something more important we need to talk about," Inuyasha broke the casual conversation after they had eaten. His eyes were on Akiko. "You need to know who's out there. Who our friends are and our enemies should you get into a situation."
They had many allies that aided them into their searches such as Koga, whom Inuyasha didn't particularly like, Myoga the flea, and Totosai, the demon sword smith who forged Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's swords, to name a few. But that also brought many enemies: Sesshomaru, whose hatred for his half-brother was clear, Naraku, a half-demon who wished to rid of the human side of him by obtaining the remaining pieces of the sacred jewel to become a demon and bring forth chaos into the world, and his many incarnations such as Kagura and Kana, the two that remained a constant thorn in their sides. They had defeated many of Naraku's children but more seemed to take their place, only those two always endured.
"Naraku..." Akiko muttered, "I've read about him. A ruthless man from what I can tell."
"He is," Sango stated with a hard look in her eyes. "He holds my brother, Kohaku, as one of his servants. His life... the jewel shard in his back is the only thing that holds him to this world."
"Without that shard Kohaku will die," Miroku added.
"I'm sorry," Akiko whispered.
The half-demon turned from the fire, a hand resting on the hilt of his weapon. "Inuyasha-?"
He cut Kagome off with a growl, ears twitching and listening to their surroundings before sniffing the air. "What's wrong?" Sango asked in a low whisper.
A growl erupted from his throat. "Sesshomaru's near."
"How close?" Akiko asked.
"A few miles."
"We should continue on," Miroku said. "There no reason for us to engage and in a dense forest such as this we do not have the advantage of maneuvering at quick speeds."
"Agreed," Inuyasha said. Though they knew he wished to do nothing more than fight his half-brother. In only minutes they had packed up their few belongings and searched for somewhere else to reside for the night.
Akiko was the first to wake the next morning, walking towards the edge of a cave they had found only hours before. Not wanting to wake the others from how exhausted they were from yesterdays fight with the demon and their last minute late night travel to put distance between them and Sesshomaru, Tobi guided her to a river where she could drink and wash her face. It was so calm and peaceful, so unlike the city of Tokyo where sound of cars and other activities were constant. How nice it was to hear silence.
There was movement somewhere in the trees causing Tobi to snap at attention, growling at something unseen.
"Who's there?" Akiko asked. It was absolutely silent again. But the young woman did not panic touching Tobi's coat in reassurance and stood. Whatever was near was not friendly, drawing the sword and causing the blade to transform. "Who's there?"
A hand suddenly wrapped around her throat, pulling Akiko off her feet and pinning her against a tree. A gasp escaped her lips, gripping at the enemy's wrist and trying to pull away. But their grasp was firm and making it difficult to breathe.
"Me." Sesshomaru. The voice was very distinctive. The young woman grew nervous, raising the sword in an attack when the demon knocked it from her grasp only momentarily releasing her neck before gripping it even tighter a second time. Tobi snarled in anger, lunging for the demon. A foot kicked out causing the mutt to yelp and roll across the ground into a rock. "I will not tolerate your actions, onna."
"Tobi... get... Inuyasha!" Akiko managed out. There was no way her animal would be able to take him on. They needed help. Hesitantly, but with no other choice, Tobi ran off. Sesshomaru could care less without the animal's presence attention solely on the human. His grip only tightened, causing the young woman to gasp and try even harder to get away. She was feeling dizzy, unable to get a proper breath.
"Now wench, you're mine."
Her body finally went limp, the demon releasing the throat and catching her around the waist.
"Sesshomaru!" He didn't bother to glance over as someone familiar joined them.
"Inuyasha, so you've finally came."
"Put her down," the half-demon growled, drawing his weapon.
"Akiko!" Kagome shouted. The fear was clear in her voice, noticing the fact that her cousin was limp in a demon's grasp. The rest of their company had arrived, prepared to fight. "What did you do to her?"
"It is none of your concern," the demon stated.
The teen set the arrow, pulling the bow taunt. "Let her go!" When he did not move she released. However, they all knew it was futile as the demon easily dodged and disappeared. "No! NO!" Kagome whirled on the half-demon trying to hold back tears. "Inuyasha we have to go after her!"
"How can you say that?"
"Because I can't find Sesshomaru's scent!" he snapped. A sigh escaped him when Kagome remained quiet. "He's covered it up... I don't know where they went."
Her knees shook, legs collapsing underneath her in defeat. "Akiko!" she shouted in desperation.
Tobi whined in loss of his owner, the fox demon riding on his back feeling terrible for the animal before it began to howl. The sound echoed through the forest traveling far beyond them. It was so loud they jumped in surprise, yet hearing the pain and sorrow in the cry was almost heartbreaking. As the sound died in his throat another started behind it again and again... until there was a response.
A wolf's wail sounded in the distance before there was a whole chorus of them on different intervals. They were drawing closer.
"Inuyasha," Miroku spoke cautiously. They were beginning to feel uneasy as Tobi continued to call. Kagome seeming to be unfazed by what was happening, still in shock that she had lost her cousin.
"I shouldn't have brought her along," the teen whispered.
"Kagome, we will find her," Inuyasha stated under his breath. "But right now, I need you to focus. Something is coming."
Kirara transformed, snarling in the direction the new threat was approaching in before it suddenly went silent. It was deafening, waiting. Their eyes trained on Tobi, who stared off into the forest. "Who's there?" Sango asked.
There was movement as six wolves emerged from the trees and stopped feet from them. Weapons raised, the group prepared to attack, Inuyasha standing protectively in front of their distraught friend.
"Stand down!" a voice ordered. Looking at each other in wonder the group was unsure where it had come from. A snow-white wolf appeared in the back of the pack, making its way to the front as Tobi too moved forward, nuzzling the animal under the jaw before standing on its right flank. The animals were massive, all dwarfing the mutt by a considerable amount. They were demons. "Where's Akiko?"
"You can talk?" Miroku asked. It was feminine, the voice coming from the white wolf as its silver eyes stared them down.
"Yes. I will only ask one more time, where is Akiko?"
"She with my half-brother, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha answered.
"Sesshomaru..." the wolf snarled. The pack followed her lead, baring their teeth. Tobi's head slightly bowed.
"You know him?"
"Unfortunately. Through his grandfather... Your grandfather." Their weapons began to lower not feeling threatened. "There was a time when the Western and Eastern lands became allies and sought to threaten the North. They were greedy and wanted the land for themselves. Sesshomaru was just a boy when his father went to battle to fight beside his own kin. I'm sure he's heard of the stories. In the end both sides were at a draw and in an effort to protect the land the northern ruler, their Queen, killed the eldest dog demon by running a blade through his cold heart. But it was too late to save the empire. Even with him dead the northern forces were overrun. Their ruler was brought before Sesshomaru's father. They did not kill her, instead trapping the Queen in the form of a wolf to forever wander and be reminded of what once was hers. Which in a ruler's eyes is worse than death. Meanwhil, the blade that was in her possession was sent to the village you now stay in, to the priestess. No one else could harness the power... nor control it."
"Kaede," the monk pieced together. "You're talking about the Ice Blade, aren't you?"
"Yes. It was mine once."
"Then that means... you're..." Sango whispered.
"I was the true Queen of the North," the wolf stated. "Tobi is one of my own," their eyes went to the mutt, "a general who received the same fate. Who you see here is what remains of those that did not abandon our land. There are others... but they are in hiding. We sent Tobi through the well years ago when there were rumors as to where my successor would appear. Even if it wasn't in this era. It was made certain that he was assigned to Akiko when it became clear she was my reincarnation. Tobi became her protector." The wolf's eyes narrowed towards them. "But she has come too soon. How is it that she traveled through the well without our knowledge?"
"Her mother died," Kagome answered softly. "And came to live with me. She had barely been there a day when... I forgot something at home and she decided to bring it to me. We didn't think she'd pass through–"
"She should not have come," the she wolf stated, looking to Tobi. The animal glanced away.
"When was she to cross over?" Miroku asked.
"When she reached the proper age of twenty-five and the matters in this world were handled." That would have been another four years before traveling through the well. "She is in danger. It won't be long until news spreads about the return of the Queen."
"Naraku," Inuyasha snarled.
The wolf nodded. "He will seek her out... and kill Akiko."
"And what about Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked.
"I fear Sesshomaru has other plans in mind. He may still be unaware of what she is exactly since he was too young when the conflict between our lands occurred. Still, that demon will have other reasons behind what to do with her since it is rare when a human is able to stand up against a lord such as himself. Sesshomaru will wish to know of her importance and the weapon she carries." This only made the teen more nervous. "The lord is having a gathering at his domain in a week. It occurs every year for those he has standing relations with."
"I never knew him to be so social," Inuyasha muttered.
"Just because they occur does not mean he enjoys them. If we can get Tobi into the palace, without Sesshomaru knowing, she can try and escape while he is occupied with guests."
"How will he get inside without Sesshomaru sniffing him out?"
"Tobi can hide his scent even better than Sesshomaru, who managed to conceal his trail from you. Akiko's not the only one of the two of them with powers. Though most of his strength has become suppressed in order to pass in the future as a normal dog, there are few traits that remain from the demon form. Now that they have crossed over he will begin to shift to what it once was." There was a beat of silence. "I must go. Tobi you know what to do." The animal nodded and disappeared into the underbrush.
"Wait, what about us?"
"Continue your search for the shards. Now that Akiko is here it is imperative that Naraku does not gain control of the jewel or we will be no match for him. Akiko's death will be most certain if that comes to pass. Four days from today, make your way towards the western lands. The night of the gathering, she will escape."
"How?" Kagome asked.
"Leave that to Tobi. They're more connected then you think. And he will find you." The pack began to retreat into the forest. "We will meet again soon."
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