《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 57


After the guard left, Sesshomaru returned to Lyra. She looked up at him questioningly as he sat back down.

"What was it?" she asked.

Sesshomaru sighed. "The bone eater's well has opened and Kagome has returned."


Her eyes widened and she quickly tried to get up, which only caused her further pain. Sesshomaru held onto her and made her sit in his lap.

"Calm yourself, Lyra."

"But Kagome's back. I have to see her."

"You don't need to see anyone," he said. "You're due to give birth any day now."


"When I send the guards to retrieve the priestess, I will tell them to ask Inuyasha to bring Kagome. Does that satisfy you?"

She sighed. "Yes. Thank you."

It had been three years since she had seen her cousin, which was the longest she had gone without seeing her at all. But she was extremely happy for Inuyasha. The whole time she was gone, he had remained devoted and loyal to her and his wait was worth it.

Lyra relaxed against Sesshomaru again and closed her eyes. Unfortunately, she couldn't relax for long. She began feeling faint contractions and squeezed her eyes shut from the slight pain.

"Sesshy? I think it's time to get Kaede..."

His eyes widened a little. "What's wrong?"

"The contractions have started..." She then gasped and looked down at her bump. "And my waters have just broken."

Sesshomaru got her to lie down before leaving the room to send the guards to retrieve Lady Kaede. As the guards hurriedly left the palace, they ran past Kanda and Sabu, who had just arrived to visit.

Kanda quickly stopped one of the guards. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Lady Lyra has gone into labour. We're going to get the priestess," he answered before rushing off.

Kanda quickly glanced at Sabu before they both ran towards their bedroom. Being a doctor, Kanda naturally barged into the room and saw Sesshomaru helping Lyra to lie down. They both looked at him and Lyra's eyes widened.

"Kanda? Sabu?"

"We just got here and heard you were in labour," he explained as they entered. "Sorry for coming in without knocking. I thought you were having the baby but you seem fine."

She shot a glare at him. "Why don't you have a baby? Then you can tell me I seem fine."

"Okay," he said awkwardly. "Clearly your hormones are a bit high right now."

Lyra closed her eyes and took deep breaths as another wave of contractions hit her. She was gripping onto Sesshomaru's hand, trying her best not to scream out loud. He was worried about her, remembering how much pain she was in the last time.


He looked up at Kanda. "Is there nothing you can do for the pain?"

"I could blend some herbs together but nothing will be strong enough to relieve the pain of childbirth," Kanda explained. "I doubt she would even feel its effects. Back in the future, we have medicines and machines to provide relief, such as the epidural."

Lyra breathed out. "Hey, Kanda?"


"Instead of giving us a lecture, why don't you go back and get some pain relief for me?"

"But the well's closed."

"It has reopened," Sesshomaru said. "Kagome has returned."

Kanda's eyes widened. It was tempting to rush back to get what he needed but he knew it would be too late by the time he got back. Lyra sighed and shook her head before looking at him.

"I'm sorry, Kanda, for being rude."

He smiled warmly. "Don't be."

Just then, the doors opened and a whole crowd entered the room. Kaede, Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, their kids, Shippo, Rin and Jaken. Lyra felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people that were suddenly there but she was so happy to see Kagome.

"Kagome, it's so good to see you!"

Kagome knelt down beside her. "You too, Lyra. This is so exciting!"

Lyra laughed softly. "Yeah. I wish we could catch up but-"

She began taking deep breaths again, her eyes closing tight. She wanted to scream but she found it embarrassing with everyone there. Sesshomaru could feel how hard she was clutching onto his hand and looked at Kaede. The priestess was already on it.

"Whoever does not need to be here, please leave the room," she said. "That means ye men."

Kanda stepped forward. "I'm a doctor. Maybe I can help."

"I don't care if ye are God. No men allowed."

He held his hands up. "Okay, okay. Sabu, stay with her."

She nodded. "Of course."

All the men left the room, except for Sesshomaru obviously. Miroku took his children with him as well and only the women stayed back.

"Someone please take care of Mikazuki!" Lyra called after them.

"Don't worry," Inuyasha said just as he was leaving the room. "Uncle Inuyasha is here."

Kagome smiled and looked at Lyra. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be. Sesshomaru?"

"Yes, Lyra?"

"I apologise in advance if I start shouting at you."

He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. "There's nothing to apologise for, my beloved. You're about to birth our second child. Not once did I ever imagine that my family would continue to grow. So, thank you."

Sango, Kagome and Rin all aww'd at his words, causing him to glare at them. Lyra laughed quietly before suddenly gasping from the pain.


Things moved quickly from there. Kaede and her assistants got everything ready to prepare for the baby's arrival. Lyra's contractions were long and frequent and Sesshomaru received his fair share of anger from her. He didn't take anything she said to heart though, understanding the pain she was going through. They eventually had to take Rin out of the room. And after a long few hours, the time had come.

"Push, Lyra!" Kaede said. "The baby is coming."

Sesshomaru was holding Lyra up as she leaned against him to stay slightly upright. Both of his hands were holding hers as she squeezed them whilst she pushed. Getting worn out, she collapsed back onto him and panted heavily.

"I can't do it..." she breathed unevenly.

He looked down at her face. "Yes, you can, Lyra. You gave birth to Mikazuki. You can do it again."

She wanted to cry as she whined, "Sesshomaru..."

He leaned down and pecked her forehead. "You can do it."

"Lyra," Kaede called. "Ye must push."

After taking a deep breath, Sesshomaru helped her up slightly and she began pushing again. Kagome wiped her face with a cold cloth whilst Sango and Sabu helped Kaede. Lyra continued to push, screaming as the pain tore through her.

Sango gasped. "The head is out!"

Lyra screamed loudly as she literally felt herself rip as the baby was being pushed out. And then finally, the rest of the baby came sliding out. The baby's cries filled the room as Lyra fell back against Sesshomaru and breathed heavily, completely exhausted.

Sesshomaru kissed the top of her head. "Well done, Lyra. I'm so proud of you."

"It's a boy!" Sango announced happily.

"Congratulations!" Kagome said in excitement.

Lyra smiled and looked up at Sesshomaru. "I did it."

"Yes, you did."

"Ye are not done yet," Kaede said.

Everyone looked at her and saw her getting ready as she passed the crying baby to Sango.

"What do you mean?" Lyra asked.

"The second baby is on it's way."


She looked up at Sesshomaru and saw that his eyes were wide in surprise. Kagome and Sango were shocked as well.

"We're having twins?" Lyra asked as if it was the most absurd thing. "Twins? Are you sure?"



He blinked, clearly in shock and looked at her. "Twins?" he questioned just as dumbfounded.

Lyra breathed out deeply. "Okay, now is not the time to be confused. It's coming."

She began pushing again and just a minute later, the second baby was out. As the baby cried, the first one started crying again. Both babies cried together.

"It's another boy," Kaede told them.

Finally, Lyra could relax. She had managed to deliver both the babies safely, even though the whole twin thing was a surprise. Sesshomaru was even more proud that he received two more boys when he was only expecting one. Lyra never ceased to amaze him, especially since she had no idea she was carrying two babies.

Soon, both the crying babies were taken over to her and they were laid down on her chest so she could give them skin contact. Lyra laughed in disbelief, holding both of them as they slowly calmed their crying. Sesshomaru couldn't hold back the smile as he looked down at her holding the twins. One had Sesshomaru's white hair whilst the other had Lyra's black hair. As they opened their eyes, they noticed the one with white hair had blue eyes and the one with black hair had gold eyes. Apart from that, their faces were completely identical.

"Finally," Lyra said.

"Finally what?" Kagome asked.

"Finally at least two of my children inherited something from me. Mikazuki got nothing. He got everything from Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Mikazuki inherited your personality, my beloved. That's the most precious thing."

Lyra blushed softly at his words. Kagome got up and left the room to give everyone the surprising news whilst the babies were taken to be cleaned and wrapped up as Kaede helped to heal Lyra. They were soon left to rest and it had been decided that the others would go to the babies after Lyra was feeling better.

While she rested, Sesshomaru held both babies in each arm. He still couldn't quite believe they were twins but he couldn't be happier.

Lyra smiled upon seeing him carrying them both. "I can't wait for Mikazuki to meet his little brothers."

"Indeed," Sesshomaru agreed.

"So, have you decided on any names?" she asked him.

"I have. But only if you approve."

"Go on."

"Ryu, meaning a mighty dragon. And Rai, meaning trust, lightning and thunder."

"I love them both," she said. "Now it's just deciding who will be named what."

Sesshomaru looked at the baby with white hair. "He will be Rai." Then he looked at the one with black hair. "And he shall be Ryu."

"Sorted." She breathed calmly and closed her eyes. "I know I'm still going to forget who's who."

"I will be there to remind you. Get some sleep now. I will take care of them."

"Thank you, Sesshy."

Being absolutely exhausted, she barely even got the last few words out before falling asleep. Sesshomaru smiled upon seeing her sleep, ready to spend the night holding his twin boys.

'No, Lyra. Thank you for giving me the family I never knew I needed. Thank you.'

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