《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 56


The guards were extremely surprised to see that Sesshomaru and Lyra had returned after over a month. During their absence they had continued to protect the castle. Sabu as well had been making sure to keep the palace in top order in case they returned at any moment. And she was glad she did. She also took care of Taiyo and Rajah. When she saw that they had Mikazuki with them too, she became even more excited.

Jaken was given his own room, which he loved. He was finally happy to live like a king and wished his mother could have seen him now.

When Sesshomaru and Lyra went to their room, they saw that a small cot had been set up beside their own bed. It made Lyra so happy to be back home and she couldn't wait to sleep in her own bed again. She placed Mikazuki down inside the cot since he was fast asleep and turned to Sesshomaru. He had taken off his armour and swords, placing them on the ground before wrapping his arms around her waist. As he pulled her into him, she raised her brows in surprise.

"You're being awfully affectionate."

"Is it truly awful?" He rested his chin on top of her head. "I'm tired, Lyra." He sighed and closed his eyes. "I believe I may even sleep throughout the night."

She smiled and nuzzled her face into his chest. "Now I can watch you sleep instead," she laughed softly. "I know, let's take a bath. It will help you to relax. I'll ask Sabu to watch over Mikazuki."

He placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I would like that."

A bath was quickly readied for them and they both sat in the hot water. Lyra sat in Sesshomaru's lap as he leaned back and relaxed. He had his eyes closed, his arms wrapped around her stomach as she lay back across his chest. It was so peaceful.

Lyra's thoughts were on what had happened since she had arrived in the feudal era. But only the important moments. Falling in love with Sesshomaru, going on an adventure, finding about her true past, her father, Kanda-

Her eyes suddenly shot open as she sat up. "Holy crap I forgot about Kanda!"

Sesshomaru lifted his head and looked at her. "He's safe," he sighed. "Please don't ruin our time together. You can see him tomorrow."

She turned to face him and breathed out. "Right. Sorry."

She lay back down, this time facing him and burying her face in the crook of his neck. Closing her eyes, she relaxed in his arms and closed her eyes. Sesshomaru was right. Kanda was safe within Inukimi's castle.

After spending a while in the bath, they got out of the water. Sesshomaru was even more relaxed than before and after getting dressed, they both returned to their room. Mikazuki was still sleeping but he was beginning to stir. They got into bed but didn't fall asleep just yet. Lyra was sitting up and thinking about feeding Mikazuki properly. And because she wasn't lying down, Sesshomaru didn't either.


"What is it, Lyra?"

"Who knows when he was fed last," she said. "My baby must be starving."

"He's a demon child. Even children as young as him can go days without eating."

"But he's just a baby..."

"If he's hungry, he'll cry." He held her chin and turned her face to make her look at him. "Now can I sleep in the arms of my wife?"

She tried to hold back her smile as she blushed. "The last time I checked, I wasn't your wife."

"You're as good as. And I don't care if the ritual has taken place of not. I still consider you to be my wife."

She could no longer hide her smile as she leaned towards him and pressed her lips onto his. He moved his hand to the back of her head and kissed her deeply, slowly pushing her to lie down. After sharing a passionate kiss, he slowly pulled away and looked down at her as she opened her eyes.

She smiled at him bashfully. "I love you."

"And I love you, my beloved."

He pecked her lips again before lying down beside her. He wrapped her up in his arms and closed his eyes. Lyra stayed awake and watched him sleep. She was sure it was the first time that she had ever seen him fall asleep and he had done so quite quickly. He truly was tired. After everything they had been through, he deserved to sleep more than anyone.

She couldn't help but smile. After placing a quick kiss on his chin, she closed her eyes and held him as he slept.


The next morning, Sesshomaru took Lyra and Mikazuki to Inukimi's castle. Of course Inukimi was quite eager to properly see her grandson and took him from Lyra. While she was busy being a grandmother, Kanda came out to meet them.

He smiled upon seeing them. "Hey. I thought you guys had forgotten about me."

Lyra nervously glanced at Sesshomaru before laughing awkwardly. "Forget about you? Definitely not." She suddenly realised what he was wearing. "Hey, the kimono really suits you," she said as she slid her hand down his arm, admiring the design.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes slightly. "Stop stroking his arm."

She quickly moved her hand away and mumbled a quick sorry. "Anyway, how have you been?"

"Great. I heard the Naraku guy is gone."

"That's right."


She blinked. "How did you know there was a but?"

He smiled at her. "I know you enough to know when you have more to say."

She sighed softly. "The bone eater's well is the only way to travel between this world and the future."

"Okay. What about it?"

"I'm sorry, Kanda. The well has closed."

His eyes widened but he was confused. "It's closed? What does that mean?'

"It means you're stuck here until it opens up again. And we don't know when that will be."


"So, it could open up today or even 10 years from now."


"I see..."

He turned away from them slightly as he contemplated the new information. The truth was that he was stuck in the feudal era with no guarantee if and when he would be able to return home. Lyra felt bad and glanced up at Sesshomaru. He too felt some sympathy for the man. Even he had been through a great deal.

Kanda put on a smile and turned back to them. "It's fine."

Lyra frowned softly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "If you can live here, then so can I."

"But your family, your job..."

He smiled genuinely. "I can't get upset over something that is beyond my control. You guys brought me here to bring me back from the dead and I am extremely grateful for that. It's my chance for a new life. Look at the positive side. I'm in the feudal era!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I never dreamed that I would ever experience it firsthand. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. My family will probably send out a search party for me but I can explain it to them once I go back. As for my job, I can always return to it." He sighed. "I honestly can't wait to see everything. And while I'm here, I can be a travelling doctor or something."

Lyra smiled at his optimism. "You'll never fail to amaze me, Kanda."

Sesshomaru stepped forward. "I assure you that you will not have to worry about a thing. If you need a place to stay, our doors will always be open to you."

Lyra was incredibly surprised by his offer but it made her happy. Even Kanda was surprised as he blinked a couple of times.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"You sacrificed your life in order to save Lyra's. For that I will forever be indebted to you."

And thus, a friendship was formed between them. As much as Sesshomaru denied it, Lyra knew that he was actually quite fond of Kanda.


A couple of months later, Kanda quickly became used to life in the feudal era. He was a great doctor and travelled from village to village to treat the sick and injured. It wasn't long before he became popular and was highly requested. He visited Lyra and Sesshomaru often and would spend time with Mikazuki. But also during his visits, another relationship blossomed.

He and Sabu quickly grew a connection that soon turned into love. Kanda found her extremely kind and beautiful and she often helped him during his trips to the villages. Sabu also found him to be very caring and gentle. He never treated her as a slave and saw her true beauty despite being a demon. Kanda never thought he would ever fall in love with a demon but it just proved to him how much he didn't know about love.

Lyra was so happy that he was finally able to move on. Even Sesshomaru was glad since he no longer had to worry over Kanda's feelings for Lyra. They both blessed the new couple as they both ventured on a life of travelling together.

Jaken was fully retired. He only ever went along with Sesshomaru if it was absolutely necessary for him to go. Otherwise he was happy to lounge around and go fishing.

Lyra would meet with Inuyasha and the others along with Mikazuki. They would all sit around and wait to see if Kagome was going to return. Still, they continued to keep themselves busy and would wait by the well whenever they could.

A few months later, Sesshomaru and Lyra finally had their marital ceremony. They were now together with the sacred bond of marriage. They both visited Rin as much as they could and sometimes brought her to the palace. Mikazuki had learned to sit up by himself and was a very happy baby. He loved playing with Rajah and the tiger also enjoyed playing with him. Even though Rajah had grown a bit, he was still always very careful with the baby.

Mikazuki was definitely a mommy's boy but he also loved being with his father. Whenever Sesshomaru would return after a few days of being away, Mikazuki would cling onto him and never leave his side for ages until he was certain his father wouldn't leave again.

Sesshomaru took on the role of being a father so naturally. He was extremely patient with Mikazuki, very loving but also provided discipline whenever it was needed. Clearly it was due to his relationship with his own father. He understood what it meant to be a father and Lyra couldn't have been more proud.

Overall, life had settled, however, they all continued to look to the future.


•3 years later•

Sesshomaru was sitting on the bed with his arms wrapped around Lyra from behind as she rested against him. He was gently stroking her large bump. She was bigger than she was with Mikazuki, almost ready to pop as she was at the stage where pregnancy became uncomfortable. Mikazuki was no longer in a cot and had a small bed in the next room. He was taking his afternoon nap and so she took the opportunity to relax.

"The baby is active today," Sesshomaru commented as he felt the baby moving.

"It's practically kicking my lungs," she told him as she breathed deeply. "It's going to break my ribs."

"I doubt that."

Then there was a knock at the door. Sesshomaru let go of her and opened the door. At that stage, he didn't want anyone to see her and refused to call whoever it was to enter. A guard stood there and quickly bowed.

"My Lord. We have just received news," the guard said.

"What is it?"

"The well has reopened. Kagome has returned."

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