《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 49


As the elevator continued to travel, Sesshomaru and Lyra slowly parted from the kiss. He opened his eyes first, viewing the serenity on her face. Lifting his hand, he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. His face was so close to hers but she felt calm. Still, she couldn't get over how right it all felt, yet at the same time, she felt so guilty.

Pushing against him slightly, she sighed. "This is wrong. We're both with other people..."

"I'm sorry," he spoke softly. "I shouldn't have done that..."

"I'm sorry too..." she whispered.

Their hold on each other never loosened though. Lyra's eyes closed again as Sesshomaru pressed a final kiss on her lips.

Just then, the doors slid open. Being so lost in each others presence, neither took notice of the company. But by the time they both realised, it was too late. Lyra quickly pulled away and turned her head to the woman staring at them. The cleaner's eyes widened upon witnessing the two kissing in the elevator.

The woman simply giggled. "Ah, young love. Sorry to disturb you both. I'll take the next one."

Sesshomaru nodded. "Thank you."

As the doors closed again, Lyra dropped her head back against the wall. They knew what they were doing was wrong. She had Kanda and he was with Hokori. Kanda definitely didn't deserve the disloyalty and even someone like Hokori didn't deserve it either. They had to stop. Silently, they both mutually decided the same thing.

Once the elevator began moving again, she lowered her gaze and he moved away from her. They both stood as if nothing had happened and just then, the bell dinged. The elevator doors opened and there stood Hokori. She frowned upon seeing Lyra with Sesshomaru but they both kept straight faces. She looked between the two of them before her attention landed on her boyfriend.

"Where did you go, Sesshomaru?"

"A walk," he replied.

She then turned to Lyra. "What about you?" she asked as if she was testing her.

Lyra stared right back at her. "Nowhere."

"Tell me the truth."

She sighed deeply. "I looked at him. Okay?"

Hokori's eyes widened before she glared at her angrily. Lyra squeezed through the narrow gap beside Hokori before making her way back to the party. Hokori watched her leave with a pissed off expression on her face. Turning back to Sesshomaru, she frowned.

"Are you going to let her get away with that?!"

"Did you tell her not to look at me?" he asked as he stepped out of the elevator.

"Yes, because she-!" She stopped herself from admitting it but it was too late.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You're pathetic."

He walked passed her as well and also returned to the party, leaving Hokori standing there alone, angry and jealous. She stormed back to the party and her eyes scanned the room. Sesshomaru was with some of the directors and Lyra was on the other side of the room talking to her friends.

"Your hair was up earlier, wasn't it?" one of her colleagues asked.

"Oh yeah!" another one said. "I've never seen you with your hair down. It suits you!"

Lyra played with a lock of her hair, remembering the moment. "Thank you."

Suddenly, someone grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. Hokori was quite literally fuming as she glared at her nastily.

"You bitch!" she screamed as she raised her hand.


Lyra's eyes widened, ready to stop her as Hokori swung her hand to slap her. Lyra instinctively raised her hand to shield herself but Hokori's wrist was caught. She gasped as she turned her head to see Sesshomaru was the one who stopped her. The whole room fell silent as they watched the drama unfold.

Her eyes almost popped out of her skull. "Sesshomaru..!"

He glared at her. "What are you doing, Hokori?!" he asked angrily.

She put on a hurt expression and pretended to sob. "But... But Lyra said... She said she's going to...take you from me...a-and there's nothing...I can do about it..."

Lyra's brows furrowed as she stared at the woman in shock. "What?!"

Keeping hold of her wrist in his tight grip, Sesshomaru moved to stand in front of Lyra as if he was protecting her. "Let me remind you that I do not belong to you. You do not own me. Also, you do not need to worry about anyone taking me since I no longer wish for you to remain in my life."

Hokori's eyes widened. "No! Don't say that, Sesshomaru!"

At that point, the crowd was watching intently. The party had taken an awkward turn and it was almost embarrassing. Sesshomaru pushed her wrist away and narrowed his eyes at her.

"Leave," he said.

Hokori looked around, noticing everyone was watching and instantly became embarrassed. She quickly turned on her heel and ran out of the room. Lyra actually felt sorry for her and was about to follow after but Sesshomaru stopped her by holding his hand out.

"Let her go," he told her. Before she could object, Sesshomaru began to address the crowd. "I apologise for that drama. I wish to thank you all for coming and sharing the success of the company. Please continue to enjoy the party."

People went back to doing whatever they were doing as if nothing happened. Lyra was about to say something to him but before she could, he walked away. She watched him leave to resume his conversation and he didn't look her way even once. Sighing softly, she made her way back towards her friends.

"I can't believe he just broke up with her in front of everyone," one of the said still filled with excitement from the drama.

"I know!" another one gasped. "It serves her right. She's always been a nasty piece of work. And I can't believe she said that about Lyra."

"Do you think it's true?"

Lyra groaned and did a 180, walking away from all the gossip. She left the room and sat in the lobby area by herself. Leaning her elbow on her knee, she rested her face in the palm of her hand and sighed. It wasn't true that she was trying to steal Sesshomaru. Still...something was drawing her to him. She needed him. But she couldn't understand why...


Looking up, she saw Sesshomaru standing in front of her. She sat up straight and cleared her throat awkwardly as she averted his gaze.

"Do you wish to return home?" he asked.

She shook her head quickly. "I'll wait. You enjoy the party."

He sighed. "I'm done. Let's go."

With a nod, she stood and followed him. They both remained quiet as he led her to his car. After opening the door for her, she got in and he went around and got in himself. He started the engine and began driving.

"Where do you live?"

She stayed looking ahead. "Carry on straight and take the first right."


He followed her directions but other than that, nothing more was spoken. That same tension was there again, heavy and weighing down on them in the car. When the car stopped at some red lights, he asked her which way to go next. But she didn't reply.

He looked at her. "Lyra?"

She breathed out deeply. "... I don't want to go home."

When the light turned green, Sesshomaru revved the engine and did a U-turn, turning the car around and zooming towards a different destination. Again, it became silent apart from the noise of the engine. Moments later, Sesshomaru parked up in front of the Taisho Corps building.

They both got out and silently went to the front doors. It was night and the building had been closed for the past few hours. All the lights were off except for the nightlights. Sesshomaru used his key card to unlock the door before holding the door open for Lyra to enter. He locked the door behind him before they were suddenly approached by a security guard. He was holding his gun up but upon seeing who it was, he relaxed and lowered his weapon.

"Sir, it's you. Is something wrong?" he asked with a quick bow.

Standing straight again, he wondered what he and Lyra were doing there together. Sesshomaru took out his wallet and pulled out a huge wad of cash. Taking the security guard's hand, he placed the money in his palm and the guard's eyes widened.

"No one will hear of this."

"Oh, of course!" the guard understood with another bow.

He then left the two alone, happy with his easy win. The couple made their way to the elevator and once inside, they could feel the apprehension and the heat rising. They stood side by side, both silent still.

It seemed to take forever to reach the top. When they finally reached it and the doors opened, Lyra followed his lead again towards his office. He opened the door and allowed her in first. As he closed and locked the door, Lyra continued to walk to the large window wall behind his desk.

He watched her. The woman who entered his life and changed everything.

The lights in the office remained off, leaving the room dark with nightlife and the city lights giving the room an enigmatic atmosphere. Lyra stood at the window and looked out at the city. Everything seemed to glitter with serenity. But none of that mattered at that moment.

Sesshomaru came up behind her and gently gripped her bare shoulders. It ignited a fire within him as he kissed behind her ear and her scent completely intoxicated him. She closed her eyes as a tingling sensation travelled through her entire body and into her stomach. His hands glided down her arms so softly as if she was a delicate rose petal that would crack under pressure. One hand moved down to hold onto hers, which she gripped onto whilst his other hand went back up her arm. He pulled down the strap of her dress from her shoulder before placing deep kisses on the side of her neck. Her lips parted as she breathed out shakily.

"Sesshomaru... We shouldn't-"

"Silent, Lyra," he breathed against her skin. "I've forced myself to control my urges for too long now. You drive me insane."

He bit down on her neck causing her to gasp lightly. She gripped onto his hand as she pressed her free hand against the cold window. With his other hand, he unzipped the back of her dress and pushed down her other strap. The golden dress simply slid off her body into a pile around her feet.

There was no turning back.


Daylight had filled the silent office. Since it was the weekend, the building would remain empty. Luckily. Lyra's naked body lay in the gap between Sesshomaru and the back of the couch. She slept peacefully, her head resting on his arm and her face nuzzled into his chest, his free arm around her waist as their legs stayed tangled together.

He watched her sleep. He had been watching her ever since she had fallen asleep. His heart yearned for her even with her in his arms. He had no idea how he had managed to hold himself back for so long.

As she slept, he took in everything. Every movement she made. The way her hair fell. Every breath she took. The way she mumbled things in her sleep. The way her hand would hold onto his. The way she would nuzzle her face into his chest and the crook of his neck. Everything she did. Everything seemed so familiar to him. Her scent. He felt as though he was home.

He knew her.

He brought his hand up and caressed her cheek. Seeing her sleep beside him, it felt as though it was all he needed. The touch of his hand on her cheek made her stir a little.

"Mikazuki..." she whispered. "We're coming..."

His eyes widened and he instantly moved his hand away. 'How does she-...' Slowly, he sat up and carefully moved away so he didn't disturb her. He quickly found his clothes and got dressed before finding her clothes and underwear. Leaving her underwear to one side, he placed her dress over her body before going to sit on the opposite couch. He sat with his arms stretched out on top of the back of the couch, his eyes focused on the woman he had made love to.

'Who are you?'


All Lyra could hear was a baby crying. It was as if the baby was lost and crying to be found. She heard an evil laughter and the baby began to cry louder. She could see him. He had white hair, golden eyes, a crescent moon on his forehead and two blue jagged lines on each cheek. She knew he was her son and she needed to find him.

"Mikazuki," she called. "We're coming."

And then everything turned black.

With a gasp, she startled awake. As the light filled her eyes, she blinked a few times and looked up at the high ceilings. Looking down, she saw her dress covering her body before turning her head to the side. Sesshomaru was sitting on the opposite couch and he was just staring at her. Thoughts from the night filled her mind and she blushed deeply. Clutching onto her dress, she sat up. Her underwear was on the table and she awkwardly began to dress herself whilst holding the dress with Sesshomaru watching her.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, his eyes still on her.

"Yes..." she answered timidly.

She stood up to pull her underwear up before slipping into her dress. As she pulled the straps over her shoulders, Sesshomaru stood as well. She struggled with the zip, which frustrated her since she had been able to do it herself before. While she was struggling, she didn't notice that Sesshomaru had come up behind her. He moved her hands away and pulled the zip up.

"Thank you," she said.

Just as she was about to step away to find her shoes, Sesshomaru grabbed her elbow and pulled her back. A surprised gasp left her lips as she almost tripped but her back hit his chest. She didn't understand what he was doing. His grip on her arm remained even as she tried to pull away. But she stayed silent. Sesshomaru brought his other hand up and held her throat. Her eyes widened as she became overtaken with fear. Was he going to kill her? Was it because they had sex and he had a reputation to uphold? A hundred different reasons boggled her mind.

"Sesshomaru, what-"

"Silence," he said calmly. Bringing his head down, he spoke into her ear. "Tell me who you truly are. And who is Mikazuki?"

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