《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 48


It was another few days in the office and Lyra couldn't forget about the dream she had. She never saw it again after that. However, whenever she saw Sesshomaru, there was an uneasy sensation in her heart. There were times she would often catch herself staring at him. Not only herself, Hokori would catch her staring as well.

When Sesshomaru was in his office, Hokori got up from her desk and stood in front of Lyra's. She had her arms crossed and her hip cocked to one side as she looked down at her. Lyra glanced up from her screen.

"Is something wrong, Hokori?" she asked.

"The only thing wrong here is you," Hokori spat at her.

Lyra blinked and furrowed her brows. "Excuse me?"

Hokori placed her palms down on the desk and leaned forward to be intimidating. "I've seen the way you've been ogling at Sesshomaru."

"Ogling? What?" she asked, confused.

"Don't be so stupid!" she said angrily but still trying to keep her voice down. "I'm not blind. Stay away from him."

"Seriously, I don't want him. I have Kanda," Lyra said trying to remain calm.

Hokori scoffed. "Listen, I don't know what game you're playing here but if you so much as look in Sesshomaru's direction, I will end you. I can have you fired," she snapped her fingers, "just like that." She slammed her hand down again. "You're lucky he gave you this job. But remember, you are just a charity case to him."

Lyra just stayed staring up at her for a few seconds before her gaze lowered. There was no way she could lose her job and she knew Hokori had the power to do it. She could have her fired in a split second. Hokori stood straight and smirked, folding her arms again. She knew her threat will have worked.

Just then, Sesshomaru walked out and Hokori quickly looked at him. Lyra kept her eyes glued to the screen.

"What are you doing?" he asked Hokori.

She smiled sweetly and waved her hand. "Lyra just needed my advice on something. Nothing more."

"Very well." He then looked at Lyra. "Lyra, are you free tonight?"

She kept her eyes on the screen and pretended to type something. "Yes, I am."

He found her behaviour odd but continued. "I wish to invite you to the party the company will be hosting to celebrate our global success. It will be held at the Shangri La Hotel and I expect you to be there."

She gave a curt nod. "Yes, sir. May I bring Kanda with me?"

Sesshomaru breathed out quietly. "Of course. I'll give you the details after lunch."

She nodded again, all without looking at him. Sesshomaru frowned softly before glancing at Hokori to see her smirking.

"I believe it is time for you to go on lunch, Hokori."

"Oh, is it that time already?" she smiled and stepped towards him before kissing his cheek. "See you soon, sweety."

She gave one last warning glance at Lyra before leaving towards the elevator. Once she had left, Sesshomaru remained standing there with his attention now on Lyra. She still hadn't moved her eyes away from the screen.


"Yes, sir?"

He hesitated. "Are you okay?"

"I am, thank you."

"Come into my office."

She gulped. "Yes, sir."

She reluctantly got up and followed him into his office. She stopped walking once she was in the office but didn't move anywhere beyond in front of the door. Sesshomaru closed it and stood to her side, facing her. Still, she kept her head down.


"What's wrong?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked, lifting her head but not turning to look at him. "Nothing is wrong, sir."

"Did Hokori say something to you?"

She shook her head. "No," she lied.

He breathed out in frustration. "Look at me."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, look at me."

She became silent. Even though Hokori wasn't there, her threat still lingered in her mind. She couldn't lose her job. Sesshomaru grew more annoyed and frowned, his eyes narrowing. Losing his patience, he suddenly grabbed her upper arm and spun her to face him before grabbing hold of her other arm. She gasped, her eyes widening as she was forced to look at him. The moment her eyes found his, she was trapped. Those golden orbs were simply melting away all her barriers. She felt almost frightened but she couldn't look away.

She didn't want to.

Sesshomaru stared deep into her eyes. He could see the mix of emotions swirling in those sapphire pools and they were drawing him in. He still kept a hold of her arms as he leaned forward slightly.

"Why won't you look at me?" he asked softly.

Lyra didn't know why her heart was fluttering. She didn't think it was such a big deal but forcing herself to not look at him freely, even just for a few minutes, was so painful. She felt as though it was her right to look at him whenever she wanted.

"I don't know..." she whispered.

He breathed out deeply and let go of her. "So, you still choose not to speak the truth." He stepped back and motioned to the door with his hand. "You may return to your desk."

It was as though she had been set free from punishment. She bowed quickly before darting passed him and out the door. Once she closed the door behind her, she leaned back against it. She closed her eyes and sighed. 'What's happening to me..? There must be more to you, Sesshomaru... Why else would I feel this way?'

On the other side of the door, Sesshomaru placed the palm of his hand on the door and rested his forehead against it. 'Don't distance yourself from me, Lyra...'


Lyra was so glad when she saw Kanda at the end of the day. He picked her up from work like he usually did on a Friday. In the last few days, work had been keeping him extremely busy so she wasn't able to see him as much. As she sat in his car, she heaved a deep sigh.

He chuckled quietly. "Long day?"

"Yeah... And my boss has invited me to the office party. I asked if I could bring you and he said yes."

"When is it?"


"That's fine."

Lyra pulled out the card with all the details written on. Sesshomaru had placed it on her desk while walking back into his office after lunch.

"You really want to go?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Sure, why not? You should never refuse an invite. Especially for work."

She sighed. "Okay then. It starts at 8 and it's at the Shangri La Hotel."

Kanda's brows furrowed slightly as he parked the car. "Did you say the Shangri La?"

"Yeah. Why?"

He shook his head and turned off the engine. "I just didn't hear you properly."

The Shangri La was the hotel where he and Lyra had gotten engaged. He wondered if going there would help trigger some of her memory.


He was about to get out of the car to walk her up but she stopped him.

"I'll be fine," she said. "You've had a long day."

He smiled and leaned over to her. "I'll pick you up in an hour."

"I'll be ready," she smiled before pecking his lips.

She got out of the car and waved at him before entering the building. She only had an hour to get ready but she luckily had another dress to wear. After having a quick shower, she got ready and finished her look with a low updo.

There was still a few minutes until Kanda was due to pick her up and so she sat in her living room. Being alone with her thoughts really wasn't ideal. Sesshomaru filled her mind once more. Closing her eyes, she thought about what had occurred in the office. The way his eyes pierced into hers and the warmth of his voice caressing her heart. At that point all she wanted was for him to hold her in his arms.

The doorbell rang, pulling her out of her thoughts. She hadn't realised the time had gone. Jumping up, she went over to the door and answered it.

"You look stunning as always," Kanda smiled.

She smiled in return. "Thank you."

She took his arm and they made their way down to the car. Kanda was hoping the hotel would kick start something in Lyra's memory.

"Have you ever been to the Shangri La?" he asked her.

She shook her head. "There's no way I could afford to even step inside before."

"Well, I'm sure you'll love it there."

"I hope so. It's so gorgeous."

Once they arrived, Kanda parked up before they both made their way inside. They were directed to the room the party was taking place in and it just so happened to be the same room where he had asked her to marry him. The room was beautifully lit up and everything seemed to be sparkling. As they made their way in, Kanda was waiting for Lyra to say something. 'Come on. This has to work.'

"Hang on..." she said quietly, her brows furrowing.

Kanda looked at her. 'She's remembered!'

"Yujin said she wasn't coming."


Kanda followed the direction of where Lyra was looking to see one of her female colleagues smiling and waving at her. Lyra waved back making Kanda sigh mentally. 'This isn't going to work...'

Sesshomaru had been talking to some international business men and women. Hokori was attached to his arm and refused to let go, much to his annoyance. When he had caught Lyra's scent close by, he looked towards the entrance and almost did a double take upon seeing her. He was no longer even listening to what the other people were saying and his attention was focused on her.

Hokori followed his gaze and frowned deeply. Lyra knew Sesshomaru and Hokori were there and purposely didn't look at them. Instead, she kept herself hooked onto Kanda's arm as they spoke to some of her colleagues.

"Wow, Lyra! You look amazing!" Yujin gasped excitedly.

"Thank you. And you as well." She placed her free hand on Kanda's arm and smiled. "Allow me to finally introduce you to-"

"You don't need to tell me who he is," Yujin giggled before holding her hand out to him. "I've heard a lot about you, Kanda. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise," he said, taking her hand and shaking it. "I hope they've all been good things."

Yujin shook her head as they separated their hands. "Absolutely terrible things," she joked. "Lyra just won't stop complaining about you."

He chuckled. "Oh, really?" he asked, turning to Lyra.

"Oh, yeah," she laughed as well.

Suddenly, Hokori turned up looking royally pissed off. The laughter instantly died down and Yujin couldn't help but give her a dirty look. However, Hokori hadn't seen it since her attention was on Lyra.

"Sesshomaru wants to speak with you," she said, completely displeased.

"Okay." Lyra looked at Kanda and Yujin. "I'll be right back."

They nodded as she followed Hokori towards Sesshomaru. He was still with the group of officials and once she got there, she bowed respectfully. Still, she was aware Hokori was watching her every move and she was sure her gaze didn't go anywhere near Sesshomaru. He noticed her odd behaviour again but tried his best to ignore it.

"This is my second PA, Lyra Akiyama," he announced.

"It's nice to meet you," she said politely.

"And you," one of the men said. "Also, congratulations!"

Her brows furrowed slightly. "For what?"

"Your promotion," he replied. "Starting Monday, you'll be joining the board of directors and hold a share on the company."

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"What?!" Hokori gasped, her jaw dropping in shock.

"It was Sesshomaru's suggestion and we agreed," the man told her. "We were going to tell you on Monday but what better a time than now?"

Lyra was still in slight shock. "I-I... This... This is all so sudden..."

"Well, as Sesshomaru said himself, you deserve it!"

She sighed softly. She couldn't understand why he was doing that. She had noticed his behaviour was different around her in recent days and this was the cherry on top. Hokori was fuming. She had been wanting to be on the board for so long and Sesshomaru knew it. Yet he gave it to Lyra. Closing her eyes, Lyra turned to Sesshomaru and bowed.

"Thank you, sir," she said quietly before standing straight again and keeping her gaze lowered.

Sesshomaru could tell she was trying not to look at him again, which annoyed him. "You're welcome."

The woman who was also part of the officials smiled. "Go share the news. He's been waiting patiently for you."

Lyra looked over to see Kanda watching her. He smiled as she gave them a final bow before returning to him. She took hold of his hands as he leaned down to peck her cheek. Sesshomaru's eyes glared at them slightly before he forced himself to turn away. Kanda could tell it bothered him and he hoped the jealousy would wake something up inside him.

"So, what did they say?"

"I've been promoted," she told him.

His brows raised slightly. "Wow! Congratulations!"

She smiled. "Thank you. I really wasn't expecting it."

"Your boss must really like you."

"What?" she asked, furrowing her brows slightly.

"As in you're a good employee," he said quickly.

She sighed. "I guess."

Just then, Sesshomaru joined them. Lyra was instantly on alert and kept her gaze lowered. He noticed her avoidance again. This time, Kanda had seen it as well. He looked over at Hokori and noticed her glaring at Lyra as if she had some sort of control over her.

Sesshomaru ignored it and looked at the man. "I'm certain Lyra has told you about her promotion."

"She has. She deserves it."

Lyra smiled softly as she gently squeezed Kanda's hand. Suddenly, his phone began to ring. Excusing himself, he went to answer the call. Lyra stood awkwardly in front of Sesshomaru and Hokori. She could feel both pairs of eyes on her as she awkwardly played with her fingers. Hokori was ready to slap her but Sesshomaru became even more entranced by her beauty. Lyra was glad when Kanda finally returned but he looked at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Lyra. I have to go," he said. "There's an emergency at the hospital."

She sighed but knew he had his duties to attend to. "Don't be sorry. I understand."

He then turned to Sesshomaru. "If it's possible, could you please take her home?"

Lyra quickly objected. "That's not necessary. I can catch a lift with Yu-" She looked at the bar to see her friend completely drunk. "-jin..."

Sesshomaru glanced at Lyra. "I'll get her home safely."

Kanda smiled. "Thank you." He turned to Lyra and pecked her lips deeply before parting again. "I'll make it up to you."

He then left. Lyra watched him leave and frowned softly. Sesshomaru's eyes were still on her. All he craved was for her to look at him. Lyra turned back and almost raised her gaze to him but she quickly stopped herself. Before anyone could say anything, she awkwardly left the pair to find Yujin.

"Sesshomaru!" Hokori whined as she tugged on his arm. "Why did you say yes?"

He breathed out deeply and closed his eyes. "It's my responsibility to ensure she gets home safely."

"It's not your responsibility to do anything for her," she spat.

He opened his eyes and glared at her. "Stop behaving like a child."

He pushed her hand from his arm and walked away, leaving her standing there alone. She became even more vexed than before, her death glare aimed straight at Lyra.

Lyra sat at the bar with her drunken friend. Yujin was completely out of it, slurring random words and not making sense. It was a shock at how quickly she became intoxicated but the same thing would happen to her. She wasn't much of a drinker. Although, being at the bar and looking around the venue, it felt as though she had been drunk before. The more she thought about it, the more the room and the whole setting seemed familiar.

"Have I been here before..?" she mumbled to herself.

"Wha yoa sayn?" Yujin spoke unintelligibly, lifting her head.

As she did that, her arm knocked the half filled glass causing the contents to fall on Lyra's dress. She seethed as the cold liquid soaked part of her dress and she quickly grabbed some tissue to absorb most of it. Yujin gasped dramatically and tried to help her but she was just making more of a mess. Lyra stopped her and called one of her other colleagues to watch her drunken friend while she went to clean her dress.

Sesshomaru saw Lyra making her way out of the room whilst she continued to wipe her dress. Seeing that Hokori had occupied herself with a drink, he followed Lyra. Just as she made it out, he had caught up to her.

"Lyra," he called. "Are you alright?"

She stopped walking and closed her eyes, mentally cursing herself. "Yes, sir. Some drink spilled onto my dress so I need to clean it," she answered without turning to face him.

"Hm. Follow me."

He walked passed her and began walking ahead. She opened her eyes and followed silently. He went to the elevator and pushed the button as she came to stand beside him. Once the doors opened, he motioned for her to go first and so she entered before him. He pressed the button for the floor for where they would find the lavatory and the doors slid closed.

The elevator itself was extremely glamorous, all golden and sparkly. But Lyra couldn't seem to focus on any of it. All she could concentrate was the close proximity between herself and Sesshomaru. The tension was bearing down on her and all she wanted was to touch him. Her fingers twitched by her side but she clenched it into a fist to control herself. But it wasn't just her. Sesshomaru could also feel the tension. Being in an enclosed space where her amazingly wonderful scent surrounded him. They were both relieved when the doors finally opened again and Sesshomaru led her to the ladies room.

"Thank you," she said with a bow of her head before heading to the door.

"I'll wait for you here," he told her.

"I-it's fine. I'll make my own way back."

"I'm waiting," he said stubbornly.

She sighed mentally. "Okay..."

Making her way inside, she began cleaning her dress. The water obviously made it more wet but at least the dress wouldn't be left with a stain. Luckily, with the hotel being so extravagant, they had left hairdryers in there. 'Thank the lawd!' She dried the wet patch on her dress and after a few minutes, her dress looked good as new. Satisfied, she left the room.

Being so focused on her dress, she had almost forgotten about Sesshomaru waiting for her. She was silently hoping he would have gone in that time. But alas, there he was. Again, she averted her gaze from his.

Without saying anything, Sesshomaru began walking back to the elevator. It arrived quite quickly and they both entered. To diffuse some of the tension, Lyra tried keeping herself occupied by sorting out her hair with her reflection on the wall beside her. She brushed back strands of her hair that had fallen out of the bun.

"My hair is so annoying sometimes," she said, trying her best to be natural and to break the silence. "It just won't stay."

"It looks fine. Your appearance doesn't matter."

She raised her brows slightly and mumbled under her breath. "Oh, wow. Thanks."

He narrowed his eyes slightly. "You misunderstand me."

Lyra realised she had taken to heart what he said and mentally kicked herself. "I understand."

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