《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 45


Kanda couldn't tell whether Lyra was joking or not. But he leaned towards the latter since she seemed incredibly serious.

Strange things had been going on recently that he couldn't quite understand. The biggest company in the country, Taisho Corps, pretty much appeared overnight but it had apparently always been there. Kanda even knew the company had always been around but for some reason, it didn't seem right. Yet the whole world was so normal about it. He thought he possibly just never heard of it before but it seemed unlikely. What really bothered him was the fact the owner of the company was a guy named Sesshomaru. He had passed it off as a coincidence but seeing Lyra in front of him made him think otherwise.

He was visiting the Imperial Palace on his lunch break to relive the memories he had spent with Lyra after their engagement. So, it came as quite a shock to him when he saw her there. It had been a few months since he had last seen her so it was a pleasant surprise. However, he found it odd that she was alone and he was pretty certain she was pregnant the last time he saw her. Plus, she was in a hoodie and jeans, which wasn't something she usually wore. He had brushed it off as just her visiting and so he took the opportunity to approach her.

When she eyed him with unfamiliarity, he was instantly concerned. Even now as he introduced himself, there was an uncertainty in her eyes.

"You really don't know who I am?" he asked in shock.

Lyra looked at the man closer. He was incredibly handsome, she couldn't deny that especially in his suit, but she couldn't remember who he was for the life of her.

She sighed. "Listen, we probably met before but I honestly can't remember you. I'm sorry."

She backed away from him awkwardly before turning away. Kanda couldn't just let her go. Something was definitely wrong. Whatever was happening, he had to play it safe. Clearly she had lost her memory and the whole Taisho Corps appearing out of nowhere also had a part to do with whatever was going on. He had to play it off as casual. If he triggered anything, it may end up causing her more harm than good. He couldn't mention anything about their past. Their engagement...

"No, wait!" He caught up to her and blocked her path. "I apologise. I didn't mean to frighten you. It's just... It's just been a long time since we last met. I can understand why you wouldn't recognise me. Again, I'm sorry."

Lyra looked at the stranger hesitantly. "It's alright. I'm terrible at remembering faces so I'm sorry if I'm a bit standoffish."

"It's fine. We met briefly a long time ago. Don't worry."

For some reason, the last two words he spoke felt familiar to her. She tilted her head slightly and took a closer look at him.

"That's something you say quite often, isn't it?" she asked.

His eyes widened slightly. He recalled her saying that he repeated that phrase quite a lot before they had gotten engaged.

"Yeah, that's right," he smiled.

She closed her eyes tightly, trying hard to remember him. "See, I remember that but not much else I'm afraid." Opening her eyes, she smiled apologetically. "I really wish I could remember you."

"Me too..." he whispered.

"Hey, Kanda? If you're free right now, we could get some coffee and catch up," she suggested nervously, feeling a little embarrassed. "Perhaps it will help jog my memory."


He was surprised but nodded. "Yes, of course."

He motioned with his hand for her to lead the way. As they walked together to the nearest café, they were both fairly quiet. Both were lost deep into their thoughts.

Kanda was trying to piece together what had happened. He seemed to be the only one who was questioning the reality of the situation. The woman in front of him was definitely Lyra. He could never forget those eyes, that face, that voice. Was her Sesshomaru really the same one who owned Taisho Corps? If so, why weren't they together? And where was her baby? There were so many questions he had to find answers to without causing her any psychological harm.

Lyra was trying to figure out where she had met Kanda. She knew she had met him but she couldn't remember when or where. He was such a handsome man that she couldn't believe she forgot him. She hoped their spontaneous catch up would answer some of her questions.

Upon arriving at a coffee shop, they took their seats at a small table before the waiter came to take their orders.

"I'll have an earl grey," Kanda said. "And a mocha for the lady, please."

Lyra's eyes widened as did Kanda's once he realised what he had done. The waiter had long gone to prepare their drinks whilst Kanda quickly tried to think of an excuse for the question he knew was coming.

"How did you know?" she asked in shock.

"Well, uh... It's what you ordered when I last met you," he fibbed. "I recall you saying it was your favourite. We can change it if you fancy something different."

She quickly shook her head. "No, no. That's what I wanted." She sighed. "So, tell me about yourself. Something might click."

"As you already know, my name is Kanda. I'm a consultant at my private medical centre but I work at City Hospital from time to time," he told her.

"You're a doctor?" she asked in surprise. "But you look so young."

As she said that, she felt like she was getting déjà vu all over again. It was as if she had spoken those exact words before. But it was because she already had. She just didn't know it. Kanda could remember that conversation clearly and even Lyra could guess what he was going to say next.

"Yeah. Youngest there's ever been," he said.

'I knew it...' She breathed out, placing her hands on the table as he fingers began to fumble together. "I think I'm starting to remember you... It's just not clear."

He looked at her fingers fumbling, a trait she had when she was concerned or nervous. "Hey, it was a really long time ago." He placed a hand over hers and smiled. "Don't worry too much over it. It's just that I could never forget someone like you."

She glanced down at his hand over hers and her fingers became still. There was that strange connection and familiarity she could sense. Even as she looked back up into his eyes, she felt in her heart that she knew him. From the way he was gazing at her, there was almost a longing glint in his eyes. Her cheeks flushed slightly as her gaze returned to their hands.

"I just don't know how I could forget someone like you," she said quietly.

His smile softened. "Like I said, it was a long time ago."

Their drinks had arrived and their hands parted from on top of the table. Lyra wrapped her hands around her mug and stared into the liquid. She was so comfortable with this man and it only ingrained deeper that she did know him from somewhere.


"So, Lyra, what have you been up to recently?" he asked.

She lifted her gaze again to him again. "Oh, not much to be honest with you. I was looking for work for a while but I got offered a job today. I start working from tomorrow," she said proudly with a bright smile.

"That's great! Where will you be working?"

"Taisho Corps," she answered, causing Kanda's eyes to widen a little. Luckily, she didn't spot it as she continued. "I'm going to be second PA to the CEO."

Kanda naturally played it off. "Wow, that's pretty exciting." He then pretended to be deep in thought as he tapped his fingers on the side of his mug. "What's the guy's name again? Somu? Saru?"

"Sesshomaru," she corrected with an amused laugh.

He clicked his fingers. "That's the one. Have you ever heard a name like that before?"

She shook her head. "It's very different. And he looks as unique as his name."

"I'm sure he does."

"Anyway, tell me more about you," she said, changing the topic of discussion.

He shrugged softly before leaning back in his seat. "There's not much to tell. I was born into a rich family and lived the highlife. My parents were always mixed with the upper class community as was my sister. They still are of course. I got sucked into it all but I wanted a change. I wanted to truly help people. So, I became a doctor."

Lyra listened to him carefully. Everything he was telling her seemed vaguely familiar and she was glad about it. Kanda was a very kind man and she could feel that bond in her heart.

"And then I met you," he said.

Lyra's eyes widened a little. "Me?"

"Yeah," he smiled as he reminisced seeing her for the first time and the moments they spent together. "Our time was short together but you changed me as a man. You showed me that life was so amazing and wonderful and that nothing could ever go to plan so everything we do should be spontaneous. That way we can live our best life and live it to the fullest."

She blinked a couple of times and smiled in disbelief. "I showed you all that?"

He nodded once. "Unfortunately, our time was cut short. But...it seems we were destined to cross paths again."

Her heart gave a pang at those final words. 'It seems we are always destined to cross paths.' It's what Sesshomaru had said to her earlier that day. It was an amusing coincidence and it made her smile.

"I'm glad we did cross paths again, Kanda."

"Me too."

They continued to talk about general things and Kanda was trying to find out if Lyra's memories were true or had been fabricated. So far, it was the latter. Not once did she mention her previous job nor her life in the feudal era. It would prove difficult for him to make her realise that her memory had been altered without causing suspicion and scaring her away. He had to be careful and ease her into it.

Once they had finished their hot drinks, they decided to leave. Lyra was about to pay for it but Kanda stopped her and paid for it before she could even take her card out. He then insisted to walk her home.

"Don't expect anything amazing," she told him as they made their way down the street.

He smiled. "Don't worry. Home is home."

He was expecting her to go down the route to the home she shared with her father but she instead led him down a completely different path. Upon arriving at the seriously dangerous looking street, Kanda was shocked. Lyra, his ex fiancé and still the love of his life, was living in such horrible conditions. When he saw her apartment building, his heart clenched. He wanted to take her away from it all and bring her back to the real world. He knew that he was never destined to be with her but she needed to be with Sesshomaru again.

'I need to show her the truth... But how?'

"Like I said, it's nothing amazing," she said, feeling a little embarrassed. "But once I save enough money, I'll move out."

"I'm sure the wait will be worth it," he smiled at her. "Listen, Lyra. How about after work tomorrow, I take you out to dinner?"

"You mean like a date?" she asked awkwardly.

"Yeah. I-if you want to, that is..."

She smiled softly. "I'd like that. But I don't have anything nice to wear. Only my work clothes."

"If you want to go in jeans and a hoodie, I will too," he told her.

She laughed and raised her brows slightly. "I'll hold you to that. Oh! Let me take your number."

She pulled out her phone and handed it to him. Once he entered his number, he gave it back.

"Great," she smiled brightly. "I'll text you."

"Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow."

He took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of her fingers. She blushed deeply and nervously cleared her throat before moving her hand away.

"See you tomorrow."

Kanda waited for her to go inside before leaving. As he made his way back towards the palace where his car was, he couldn't believe the events of the day. He wasn't expecting to find Lyra at the palace and he certainly wasn't expecting for her memories to be altered. It made him even more curious about Sesshomaru and how he, as a demon from the feudal era, came to be the CEO of the country's biggest company and how everyone else in the world found it normal. 'I knew something wasn't right... Something bigger is happening.'

After arriving back at the hospital, he went straight to his office. He sat in the seat behind his desk and sighed deeply, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together in front of his mouth. The frame beside his computer caught his attention. It was the photo from their engagement. He picked up the frame and held onto it, gazing at it longingly.

There was a war between heart and mind going on inside him. His heart was telling him that he needed to help Lyra find her way back to reality. He had to somehow get her to regain her memories again and return reality to normal. Still, his mind wished to take chance of the opportunity. It was as if life was giving him another chance to be with her. He yearned to be with her. So many other women tried hard to become his other half but no one could replace Lyra. He could finally lead the life he wanted with her.

His mind was slowly edging towards victory.


Lyra had informed the landlord about her job and he had agreed to allow her to stay. It was a huge relief and she could finally get on with her life.

Once she had gotten everything ready for work the next day, she flopped down into bed. The night before, she couldn't stop thinking about Sesshomaru. But now Sesshomaru not once entered her thoughts. All she could think about was Kanda. The tall and handsome doctor was taking her out on a date.

She was absolutely sure that she knew him. They had met in the past like he said. She found it a shame she couldn't recall it. Forcing herself to push him out of her mind, she set her alarm and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, she wore her suit and made sure she looked the part before grabbing all her things and leaving the apartment. She was excited to start her first day as she walked towards the building and climbed the steps. But the moment she arrived in front of the rotating doors, the nerves set in.

It was always an apprehensive moment when starting something new. Her heart was racing and her mouth became dry. Swallowing hard, she forced her legs to move and she soon made it inside. The huge clock behind the reception desk showed it was exactly 8.50. Perfect. Going to the receptionist, she announced that it was her first day so the receptionist made a quick call.

"You may go up," the receptionist said, motioning towards the elevator.

She thanked the receptionist before going to the elevator. She was thankful it was empty so she could take deep breaths to calm her nerves.

The elevator reached the top floor way too quickly. It wasn't enough time. When the doors slid open, she took in a deep breath and sighed out again. As she walked out and made her way down the corridor, she saw another desk had already been fitted opposite to Hokori's. She was surprised how quickly they had made arrangements for her but it made it all the more real.

Hokori herself was sat at her desk when she saw Lyra approach. Instantly, her mood dropped. She put on a sickly sweet smile though once Lyra reached her desk.

"Hello. How may I help you?" she said putting on her customer service voice and pretending she didn't know her.

Lyra was confused. "Hey, it's me. Lyra," she introduced awkwardly. "I was here yesterday. You know...for the assistant position."

"Ohhhhh," she gasped dramatically. "How silly of me. I didn't recognise you." She stood and looked her up and down before folding her arms and jutting her hip out slightly. "You scrub up well."

Lyra felt extremely awkward but she could tell Hokori was trying hard to be nice. "Thanks? Um, is Sesshomaru in?"

"It's 'sir' to you." She put on a smile again. "And, yes, he is in. You may go through."

Her smile disappeared as she sat back down again and returned her attention to the computer screen. It was obvious she was trying to make Lyra feel unwelcome but she wasn't going let it to get to her. She offered a quiet thanks before going to the door and entering.


Sesshomaru had been sitting in his office and he had heard the call come in from Hokori's desk. Lyra had arrived. But he had caught her scent even before then. Then there was the wait.

Since the night before, he had been counting down the hours, the minutes, the seconds, waiting to see her again. There was something about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on. 'That scent...' She was different to others. She didn't have the same scent as the other humans around him. It was desirable. Even more so than his girlfriend's. He had sex with Hokori the night before hoping it would get Lyra out of his mind. It worked for the most part but after, she filled his thoughts again. In just two days, she was haunting him. But he couldn't let it take over. Having her work for him would quench his longing for her scent and he would have his fill until the next day.

The knock at the door pulled him out of his thoughts and he opened his eyes to see her enter. Dressed in a suit that showed her figure better than the ill fitting hoodie and jeans and having her hair tied back in a bun, she certainly looked the part. She looked high class as she walked over to his desk, her heels clicking rhythmically against the floor. Even the way she walked was better than Hokori.

"Good morning," she greeted with a smile.

Sesshomaru cleared his mind. "Good morning. Take a seat. I hope you've brought everything I asked you to."

She slid into the seat and nodded. "I have." She got her passport and card out of her bag and passed them to him. "Here."

He took them from her without making eye contact and checked over them. "I'll have these faxed over to personnel," he told her, placing her things down, still not directly looking at her. "Your first pay will be in your account by tonight."

"Wow, that's fast," she said with surprise.

"Hokori will be the one to train you."

She sighed mentally. "Okay."

He picked up the phone on his desk and pressed a button. "Come into my office," he said before putting it down again.

Seconds later, Hokori entered.

"Yes?" she asked politely.

"I would like for you to show Lyra how things are done," Sesshomaru told her. "She will sit with you for the day so she can see what you do. I also wish for you to explain everything as you do it and why."

The displeasure on her face was obvious as she gave a stiff nod. "Very well."

"Take your lunch hour as usual. When you return, Lyra and I will go on lunch."

Hokori's jaw almost dropped. "But why?"

"When you're gone, I can spend that time teaching Lyra more about the company in greater detail." He narrowed his eyes a little at her. "Is that a problem?"


"Good. Get going."

Hokori looked at Lyra and sighed. "Follow me."

Lyra stood and gave Sesshomaru a quick bow before turning and following Hokori out of the office. Hokori sat behind her desk and looked Lyra up and down again.

"Put your bag behind your desk and grab your chair."


Lyra went to what would soon be her desk and wheeled over her chair. She placed it besides Hokori but pushed it a little further back so she didn't get in the way too much.

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