《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 42


The fighting had been continuing. The demons that came at them were mere child's play for them. Even Shippo had no trouble. They were able to keep them away from the barrier so that it wouldn't weaken. Soon, the demons stopped coming and there was a moment of peace. Everyone stayed silent to regain some of their lost energy, although not much energy was actually spent fighting the low level demons.

Then something broke that silence. Even from outside, a baby's first cries could be heard. Lyra had given birth. There was a new, precious and innocent life amongst them and all unanimously felt the need to protect it. Inukimi smiled, her heart filling with joy. Part of it was due to her finally being a grandmother but for the most part, it was because Sesshomaru was a father. He had a child to call his own and carry on his line. Even Jaken celebrated. Miroku slapped Inuyasha's shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, you're an uncle, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha had never thought of it that way. He only considered that it was Lyra's baby and she and Kagome were so close. But the fact remained that Sesshomaru was still his half brother. Therefore, the baby was in fact his nephew.

"Yeah..." He smiled slightly. "I'm an uncle."

There was a loud rumble, causing everyone to turn in that direction. A purple orb flew in their direction. Inside, Naraku smirked at their attempts of stopping him. But he was surprised by who was there to stop him.

"Well, this is a surprise, Inuyasha." He grinned with amusement. "I thought you brother's despised one another."

Inuyasha wielded Tetsaiga in front of him, glaring at Naraku. "I'm not doing this for him. This is a chance for me to kill you once and for all!"

"I don't think so, Inuyasha. That baby will be mine."

Inukimi stepped forward with an angered frown on her face. "Stay away from my grandson."

With that warning in place, her eyes turned red as her face grew elongated through transformation. A roar filled the air as she fully morphed into her true demon form. Without wasting a second, she leaped into the air and began attacking Naraku's orb as he desperately tried to dodge her.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome ran to them and watched the battle unfold. "When did Naraku get here?"

"Just now. He must have known the baby was born. How's Lyra and the baby?"

"They're both fine."

"Good. Make sure they stay that way."

Not waiting for a response, Inuyasha ran forward to join the fight.


They had heard the roar from inside the hut. Naraku had arrived. But Lyra had to pretend not to be scared. One thing she had learned was that babies pick up from the mother's vibes and she didn't want the first thing for Mikazuki to feel was fear. They all knew something was wrong and Sango soon left to hopefully provide some help in their fight.

Lyra was still in the process of breast feeding while Kaede was cleaning away all the blood down below. There was a deadly silence in the tent and Sesshomaru simply couldn't sit back any longer whilst the enemy threatened his family. As much as he would have loved to be a part of their bonding with their new born baby, he couldn't enjoy it knowing Naraku was out there. He stood to leave the hut and Lyra knew there was no point in trying to stop him. He would fight to protect his family. Before he completely left the threshold, he turned back to look at her.


"Stay in here. No matter what happens, you must stay inside until I say otherwise. Only me. Do you understand?"

Sesshomaru had to make sure he made himself perfectly clear so that Lyra wouldn't do anything stupid. Not only that, he knew that if she felt something was wrong, she would definitely do something to help. Not even the condition she was in would be enough to stop her.

She nodded. "I understand."

"I will return to you."

She smiled. "I know."

Without another word, he stepped out of the hut. His mother was currently fighting Naraku singlehandedly, the others knowing they would simply get in the way if they joined in the fight. Naraku was actually having to dodge all her attacks to protect himself. If he hadn't taken a defensive approach, she certainly would have gotten a hit. But Sesshomaru hadn't noticed until that moment that Inuyasha was also fighting as well. Naraku was having to work harder to avoid taking a hit.

Naraku scowled mentally. He had miscalculated. He hadn't foreseen Inuyasha siding with his brother to protect Lyra and the baby. His plan was initially to take the baby and end Lyra once and for all. But he had altered it slightly since then and he had to recalculate his next steps.

Sesshomaru took hold of his new sword, Bakusaiga but once Naraku spotted him, he smirked. 'Now I can put my plan into action.'

Naraku suddenly broke away from the fight as if he was trying to run away. Sesshomaru instantly gave chase and flew out of the barrier to go after him, leaving everyone else behind. His goal was to kill Naraku once and for all. But one thing didn't make sense to him. If Naraku truly wanted to flee from the fight, he could have easily done so by literally vanishing into thin air. He was toying with them.

Sesshomaru darted in front of him, causing Naraku to come to a stop. But he was smirking. They had made it quite far from the village where everyone else has remained behind. Sesshomaru held up his sword, ready to attack.

"What are you planning this time, vermin?"

Naraku chuckled. "My plan has already begun, Sesshomaru. Your baby will be mine. But I shall allow Lyra to live."

Sesshomaru didn't know what he was up to but he didn't like it. Something was wrong. Naraku seemed too confident.

He narrowed his eyes. "Die."

Just as Sesshomaru swung his sword, Naraku held up the Shikon jewel. It glowed brightly, almost blinding him. Sesshomaru clenched his jaw as the light completely enveloped him. His body felt numb and he couldn't see anything but white light.

And then...nothing.

Inukimi and Inuyasha arrived on the scene just in time to see the light fade away. Just before then, they had seen that Sesshomaru was about to attack Naraku. But now that the light had dissipated, Sesshomaru was nowhere to be seen. They were both utterly confused. Naraku looked at them with a smirk of victory across his face.

"You're too late."

Inuyasha unsheathed the Tetsaiga. "What did you do?!"

"It's a shame you never got the chance to say goodbye," he chuckled lowly.


Inukimi growled. "Where is my son?!"

"You made the mistake of coming here. Who's protecting the baby? Those good for nothing humans?"

At his words, their eyes widened. Naraku laughed out loud at their reactions. They both turned to head back to the village, knowing that Naraku must have put something in place for him to say such a thing. Would the barrier not be enough? And everyone else there? What had he done that the others wouldn't be able to protect them?

"You fools!" he yelled. "You're too late!"

Back in the village, everything was calm for the moment. Lyra was resting whilst Kaede took care of the baby. Kagome and the others waited outside hoping that the others would return with some good news. It hadn't been long since Sesshomaru had gone after Naraku.

Jaken was restless. "Oh no! Where is Lord Sesshomaru? I should have gone with him," he whined.

"This all needs to end," Sango said. "We cannot allow that precious life to know a world with Naraku in it."

"I agree," Miroku sighed. "We-... What the hell?"

He had been looking out before the barrier around the village suddenly disappeared. They were all confused as to what was going on. They could feel an ominous aura in the atmosphere and even A-Un, Taiyo and Kirara were becoming anxious. Everything was so deadly quiet and it was clear that something was happening. They just didn't know what.

Kagome frowned with worry. "What's going on?"

"It doesn't feel so good," Shippo cowered.

They stood in silence, preparing themselves for whatever was coming their way. A glow from Kaede's hut diverted their attention. The bright light shone from the doorway, almost blinding them. They all covered their eyes but the light soon disappeared as quickly as it came.

A couple of seconds passed by in pure silence. And then the baby's cries pierced it. They all rushed in to find Mikazuki crying in Kaede's arms. The old lady's eyes were glued to the bed though.

"She- She's gone..." she spoke in shock.

It was true. Lyra had completely vanished into thin air.

"What's going on? What was that light?" Kagome asked questions they all had.

They were all frozen in shock, not understanding what was happening. They thought they would be prepared for anything but that was something they weren't expecting.

Soon, Inuyasha's voice could be heard in the distance.

"Protect the baby!" he shouted.

Upon seeing the barrier was gone, he and Inukimi pushed themselves to move faster. Kagome left the hut to see them both darting towards them to reach the hut.

"You're too late!" Naraku's voice echoed.

A huge blast came down right in front of the hut, blowing the ground to pieces. Villagers began escaping their homes upon hearing the blast and screamed as they escaped from the scene. Rin also came running out but made her way towards the sound of the commotion. She found Kagome and the others shielding themselves from the debris that had gone flying. Kagome held her back to keep her from getting hurt.

"What's happening?" she asked innocently. "Where's Lord Sesshomaru and Lyra?"

Kagome shook her head. "I don't know. Naraku's here..."

Smoke and dust billowed from the centre of the blast but once it began to clear, Naraku's obvious silhouette could be seen entering the hut. Kaede backed away into the far corner, clutching onto the wailing Mikazuki in order to protect him as Naraku made his way towards her. Inukimi, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Jaken and Sabu went to attack him but he was protected by his barrier. None of their attacks were able to get through.

"You're all a nuisance."

Naraku's barrier pulsed and a wave of energy blasted them all back and knocked them out. Kaede turned the baby away, keeping her back to the monster. Naraku stood there with his hand out.

"Give him to me," he demanded.

"Never! Ye shall not get him!"

Naraku simply smirked. "Pathetic old fool."

He clutched onto the collar of her kimono and yanked her back towards him. But she kept herself strong and stayed holding onto the baby. It wasn't enough though. With his other hand, he reached around her and grabbed onto the cloth that was around the baby. Mikazuki continued to cry. Although he didn't understand anything, not being able to sense his mother's presence hurt him.

"Unhand him!" Kaede yelled.

Naraku had had enough and hit Kaede on the head. Her eye rolled back as she lost consciousness, letting go of her hold on the baby. Naraku smirked victoriously as he held onto the prize he had been waiting for. His plan had been a success and the baby was finally his. However, the crying was becoming too much for him. Waving his hand over Mikazuki's face, he cast a spell which made the baby fall asleep.

"Leave him!" came Kagome's voice.

Naraku turned and saw Kagome ready to attack him with her sacred arrow. But he held the trump card in his arm.

"Are you sure that's wise?" he asked rhetorically before motioning towards the baby. "It will only hit him as well."

Kagome's eyes darted to the now sleeping baby. Mikazuki was her nephew. She had to protect him. He was Lyra's son. But if she attacked, Naraku would use him as a shield. She was stuck. Tears filled her eyes. She couldn't let the baby be taken but she couldn't let him die.

Naraku knew her choice had been made the moment she lowered her weapon.

"Good girl."

With that, he walked passed her and out of the hut as if to taunt her. She gripped onto her bow and arrow knowing that she had failed Lyra. Looking at everyone's unconscious forms on the floor, she knew the worst had happened. But she didn't know what she was going to do. There was no Sesshomaru or Lyra in sight and she felt useless.

Outside, Rin finally got to see the baby but he was in the wrong hands. She watched as Naraku looked directly at her and smirked before flying away and disappearing from sight.

He had won.

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