《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 41


After making love to her in the night, Sesshomaru stayed with Lyra as she slept. He remained by her side for as long as he could before leaving. She already knew beforehand that he would be gone before she woke. However, she knew how pressing matters were. Kagura was dead because Naraku was strong enough not to need her anymore.

Lyra was to stay in the castle until after the baby was born. Their palace was the safest place in the world. The barrier around the palace was impenetrable and undetectable unless Sesshomaru allowed it. The maid who betrayed them, Josei, may have told Naraku that Lyra was due to give birth, but behind the barrier he wouldn't be able to find her.

She didn't know how long Sesshomaru would be gone that time round. However, he seemed to have brought back Rajah at some point in the night. The little cub and Sabu were her main company but she tried her best to keep her mind off Sesshomaru by helping around the castle. When she entered the kitchen, the chef was simply shocked. He tried his best to make her leave because it wasn't right for the Lady of the palace to do any chores. Especially since she was due to give birth. However, Lyra convinced him to teach her how to prepare meals so that she may cook for Sesshomaru and their son.

"And maybe one day, I can cook for all of you," she suggested excitedly.

"Please, my Lady," the chef begged, clasping his hands together. "Lord Sesshomaru will end me."

She smiled with a shake of her head. "Sesshomaru won't do anything to you. Trust me. So, please, I would be honoured if you could teach me. I'm ever so bored."

Reluctantly, the chef sighed in defeat. "Very well, my Lady. But please do not overexert yourself."

"Don't worry. If I feel tired, I will rest."

For the next few days, Lyra learned how to cook. She already knew how to make certain dishes from her aunt, but the palace chef made even more things that wasn't available in the modern world. He used spices and flavourings she had never even heard of before.

But it was something that kept her occupied. The baby was a lot more active and she put it down to him not being able to sense his father. She was sure the baby had gotten used to hearing Sesshomaru's voice. At night, she would lay in bed and talk to the baby hoping that he could hear her. She would speak of her concerns for the future and praying for the end of Naraku so that they could finally live in peace. The baby would move and kick even more during those times, possibly reacting to her emotions.

Lyra did notice something though. It had been a long while since Sesshomaru had left and not only had the baby grown, her bump had lowered slightly. Sabu was the one who told her that the baby was getting into position to enter the world. She was both excited and nervous. She would finally be able to meet her son, but she was concerned that Sesshomaru would miss the most crucial part of the pregnancy.

One night when she was relaxing in bed, rubbing her hand over her bump, her mind was stuck on Sesshomaru. She had no idea where he was or what he was doing. She had no doubt that he was still alive because she knew that if he was dead, Naraku would have succeeded already. The world would be in chaos without his power. Other demons and humans alike were fearful of him and for good reason. As those thoughts filled her mind, she was overtaken by a vision of the future.


Sesshomaru was battling against some sort of demon. He looked like one of Naraku's incarnations or some part of him. However, it also wasn't Naraku. The demons voice echoed in her ears.

'I know you can see me. You can hear me. I am Magatsuhi; the evil will of the shikon jewel,' he chuckled menacingly. 'I will end your precious Sesshomaru.'

She was then overcome by an image of razor sharp tentacles piercing Sesshomaru's body in multiple places. It was too much for him to heal himself and he was soon swallowed up by some sort of cocoon.

She screamed. "Sesshomaru!!"

Her eyes shot open and she saw her hand reaching up to the ceiling. Her breathing had become ecstatic and sweat dripped from her forehead. Sabu rushed in as Lyra lowered her hand.

"Lady Lyra! What happened? Are you alright?" the maid asked frantically as she rushed to the the side of the bed.

Lyra took her hand so she could sit up, her breathing still quite harsh. "No..." she whispered.

She wiped her forehead with the sleeve of her kimono while Sabu went to get her a cup of water. After she returned, Lyra slowly sipped on the water.

"My Lady, you're crying..." she said with concern. "What did you see?"

She looked at the maid. "I saw Sesshomaru. He's going to die."

Sabu was shocked at her revelation but tried to think rationally so it wouldn't stress her out. "Perhaps it was simply a nightmare. Lord Sesshomaru cannot die so easily."

Lyra shook her head. "No, it was real. I was awake. The jewel... It spoke to me." The words echoed in her mind and set the fear deeper into her heart. She shook her head and stood up. "I need to go. I need to find Sesshomaru."

The maid hurriedly stood as well with a gasp. "Lord Sesshomaru has instructed you to remain in the palace."

"I don't care." She rushed to the doors that led to the garden and opened them to see Taiyo grazing on the grass. "Taiyo," she called as she reached the pegasus. "You need to take me to Sesshomaru."

Taiyo instantly shook her head side to side. Even she was unwilling to go against Sesshomaru's orders. Sabu ran out as well to plead with her.

"Please, Lady Lyra! Naraku will find you if you leave the protection of the barrier."

Lyra grew more and more annoyed at the two not listening to her. "Sabu, I know that. I need your support here." She then held Taiyo's face and frowned sadly. "Sesshomaru is going to die if I don't warn him. Please... I'm begging you..."

Taiyo seemed to become more convinced, and even Sabu sighed in defeat.

"Very well, my Lady. But I will go with you."


Taiyo got down slightly so that Lyra could mount her back and Sabu climbed on behind her. Lyra held onto the reins and took a deep breath. The baby was growing restless and her back and lower abdomen were cramping. But she had to brush away the pain.

"Go, Taiyo!"


Taiyo was flying as fast as she could and the atmosphere was growing more ominous the longer they were travelling. Sabu was keeping her eyes and ears out for any potential attacks whilst Lyra's mind was focused on Sesshomaru.

"I hope we're not too late..." she whispered. "AH!"

She clutched onto her kimono over her bump and gasped from the sharp pain. It was stronger than the last one and she couldn't hide it from Sabu that time. The cramps had grown stronger.


"My Lady! What is it?!"

"N-nothing..." she lied. "The baby just kicked really hard."

Lyra knew she was going into labour but she couldn't let Sabu know otherwise she would turn the ride around and return to the palace.

A few minutes later, the clouds had grown even darker. There were tentacle-like things in the air and Lyra quickly spotted Kagome, Inuyasha and the others also there along with Jaken and Rin. Kagome seemed to be unconscious and the others were looking at the one she knew was called Magatsuhi. Sesshomaru was facing off against him, trying to cut through with the Tenseiga.

"Taiyo, quickly!" she ordered. She was almost there. "Se-!"

But she was too late. The sharp tentacles shot through his armour and pierced him through. Her eyes widened as she heard the others gasp and call for him. 'I was too late...'

"Now I'll say it one last time," Magatsuhi taunted. "You are weak."

Then all the surrounding demon tentacles gathered around his body and completely enveloped him into the cocoon. It had played out just like her vision. Inuyasha had jumped onto the cocoon and began slashing at it to try and free him but the tentacles kept on reforming.

She felt empty at that moment. Taiyo landed and it was only then that the others saw her. For one, they were shocked that she was there and that she had witnessed Sesshomaru's death. But secondly, they were surprised by the large bump. Sabu jumped down from Taiyo and clutched onto Lyra. She was just staring at the cocoon not knowing what to do or what to think. She couldn't even cry like Jaken and Rin, both of who were crying their eyes out.

Miroku ran over and carried her down from Taiyo. He could see her swaying and needed to get her down to the ground. Once she was down, she couldn't even stand. She lowered onto her knees and sat there blankly. Everything around her sounded muffled and it seemed to go in slow motion.

"Oh no! Lyra!" Rin gasped, forgetting her tears and rushing over to her. She held Lyra's face and forced herself to smile. "Lord Sesshomaru will be fine. I'm sure of it!"

Seeing the little girl and how brave she was being, Lyra finally burst into tears. She wrapped her arms around Rin and cried as she hugged her tightly. Rin also hugged her arms around Lyra's head and cried quietly.

Magatsuhi moved his attention to Lyra and laughed evilly. "I told you he would die! You were too late!"

She was about to respond but that same pain shot through her pelvic area causing her to gasp in pain and clutch onto her bump. Rin grew extremely worried and Sango ran over to her before crouching down.

"She's having contractions," she announced with concern. "We need to take her from here."

As the pain began to subside, she shook her head. "No. Sesshomaru..."

Magatsuhi chuckled again. "What a heartbreaking scene. The baby will never know the love of a father. Born on the day the father died."

Inuyasha growled. "Shut up, you bastard!" he yelled as he continued cutting away at the cocoon.

Tentacles wrapped themselves around his arms and legs to stop him.

Lyra shook her head again. "No... Sesshomaru is alive."

Magatsuhi scowled. "What?!"

She smiled through her tears. "You failed."

Everyone looked at her with confusion, thinking that she was in denial. But she could feel it. Yes, she believed he was dead but she hadn't been counting on what was going to happen next.

Light began emitting from the cocoon, the whole thing suddenly breaking apart with some sort of electric power. It blasted apart, surprising everyone by its destruction. Soon, Sesshomaru's silhouette could be seen, his hair flowing from the power of the blast. There was a yellow-green energy flowing from his cut off left arm.

Lyra smiled with relief. Although she knew in her heart that he was still alive, physically seeing him was a breath of fresh air.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin smiled widely.

Jaken sobbed. "I'm so glad you're safe."

Sesshomaru sensed Lyra's presence and looked directly at her, his eyes widening at seeing her there. But he didn't have time to scold her at that moment. There was a cloud trailing in the sky behind Magatsuhi's head capturing their attention. Totosai had arrived.

Upon seeing Totosai, Sesshomaru knew exactly what he needed to do. He blasted the energy coming from his left arm forward, completely destroying the cocoon made of tentacles. Once the light from the energy blast dimmed away, it was revealed that Sesshomaru had gained a new arm along with a new sword.

"So, it's finally appeared, Sesshomaru," Totosai said. "Finally a weapon that did not belong to your father. This is your sword Bakusaiga."

Sesshomaru gripped the sword firmly. "This is my new sword, is it? Bakusaiga."

The tentacles began squirming to join together again. However, no matter how hard it tried, they continued to disintegrate. Even the parts untouched by Sesshomaru's power began to destroy itself.

"I admit this diversion has proved to be very surprising," Magatsuhi spoke with false confidence. "However, as I am only borrowing this body, you've done me no harm."

Sesshomaru wasn't going to waste time with words. With another swing of his new sword, Magatsuhi's head was destroyed within seconds. The dark, ominous clouds faded away to reveal the blue skies and white clouds overhead.

"It escaped," Sesshomaru spoke aloud.

He then turned to Lyra who was being helped to stand by Rin. He went to her as he placed the sword through the sash around his waist. It was still a surprise that she was right there, yet for her it was a pleasant sight to see that his arm had returned. His hands instantly went to her bump before his arms wrapped around her. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers and took her breath away with his kiss. She closed her eyes, readily accepting it.

Nearby, Kagome eventually woke up now that Magatsuhi no longer had a hold on her. Before she could even fully come to, Inuyasha bombarded her with questions.

"Hey, did you know Lyra's pregnant? How long has she been pregnant for? Did she tell you?"

His questions completely shocked her out of the lethargic feeling. "Lyra's pregnant?!"

With Inuyasha's help, she got up and saw the very prominent bump as Sesshomaru and Lyra parted from their kiss. Lyra spotted Kagome awake and called her over.

"Kagome, how are you feeling?" she asked as they hugged one another.

"I'm fine. But I should be asking you. I had no idea!" Kagome stated excitedly whilst part in form the hug.

She smiled. "I know. We had to keep it as quiet as possible for Naraku reasons."

"I understand." Kagome then suddenly realised that Sesshomaru was standing there and waiting patiently. "Um, anyway..." she laughed nervously. "I'll leave you two alone." She left hurriedly back to her friends to give them space.

Overwhelmed with joy of having Sesshomaru alive made Lyra completely forget that she had been getting her first contractions. The wave of emotions mixed with hormones was not a good combination as tears began streaming down her cheeks. Sesshomaru held her face and gazed down into her eyes. After brushing her tears from her cheeks, he pressed his forehead to hers. She closed her eyes and smiled. Not only was he alive but he regained his arm. There was even more of him to love. And she couldn't wait for the days where he would be to hold her completely.

"I told you to stay inside the castle," he whispered.

"I know... But Magatsuhi got into my head and then I had a vision of you dying and I couldn't stay back." She opened her eyes again to look at him. "I couldn't..."

Sesshomaru wasn't angry or disappointed with her. He would never admit it with Inuyasha and the others watching them, so instead he simply placed a soft kiss to her lips.

As she returned the kiss, that very same contracting pain around her pelvis and lower back hit again at full force. She cried out from the pain, squeezing her eyes shut as her legs buckled under her. Sesshomaru's eyes widened, growing panicked as the others rushed over. He grabbed hold of her as she clutched onto him, his heart going into overdrive after seeing how much pain she was going through. She soon released her hold on him once she felt some relief, taking a few deep breaths in and out.

"Lyra, what is it?"

She rested her head against him. "The baby's coming."

Kagome rushed over and placed her hand over Lyra's bump. "We have to take her to Lady Kaede."

Sesshomaru grew panicked, although he didn't show it on the outside. If Lyra was due to give birth, that meant Naraku would be on his way. Due to the fact he finally had his arm back, he placed one arm at her back and the other under her legs before lifting her up. The pain had already taken its toll on her and she was completely exhausted.

"Naraku will be coming for the baby," Sesshomaru informed before turning to his own team. "Let's return to the castle."

Sabu stepped forward. "Forgive me for speaking out of terms, my Lord, but I don't believe we have enough time to return."

As if to reinforce Sabu's point, Lyra was hit with yet another contraction. They were getting closer together and lasting for much longer. Sesshomaru couldn't handle seeing her suffer from the pain as she clutched onto his clothes and screamed.

"We don't have much time," Sango warned.

Rin had become worried and gripped onto Jaken's sleeve. "Is Lyra going to be okay?"

Even Jaken was concerned, none of them having seen her in so much pain before. "Y-yes, Rin."

Miroku stepped forward. "I'll create a barrier around the village so Naraku can't get to the baby."

"We'll hold off anything he throws at us," Inuyasha added.

Sesshomaru looked at them and nodded. "Let's go."

He didn't have time to refuse his half brother and his friend's help. Lyra and the baby were much more important than his own feud. He leapt into the air and flew in the direction of Kaede's village and the others quickly followed behind.


Kaede was simply enjoying the day, sitting outside her hut and relaxing. That was until there was a big gust of wind, causing her to lose her concentration of being relaxed. Looking over, she saw Sesshomaru standing there with a weak Lyra in his arms.

She stood, not even having to ask. "Bring her inside."

Once inside the hut, Kaede set up some bedding on the ground. As he placed Lyra down carefully, the others had arrived. Kagome, Sango and Rin entered the hut to help Kaede through the birthing process.

Outside, Miroku began making preparations to form a barrier around the village to keep all the residents safe in case Naraku did turn up. He, Inuyasha, Kohaku, Jaken, Shippo, Sabu and even the demon creatures Taiyo, A-Un and Kirara were all ready to battle. Just as Miroku was about to complete the barrier, there was a loud roar coming from the sky. A strong wind almost knocked them back but they quickly recovered.

Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsaiga, ready to fight. "Oh great! What now?!" he growled.

Inside the hut, Kaede had given Lyra some herbal medicine to hopefully relieve some of the pain. Kagome was wiping the sweat from her forehead with a damp cloth whilst Sango was preparing everything they would be needing. Rin had been sent to stay with one of the family's in the village as it wasn't right for her to witness such a moment. Sesshomaru gently cupped her cheek, gazing at her and wishing he could take the pain away from her somehow. Their hands were together and he could tell whenever she was in pain because she would squeeze his hand really tight. But she could punch him on the face and he would take it.

Suddenly, he sensed the extra presence and sat up straight. He went to stand but Lyra clutched onto his hand and looked up at him tearfully.

"Please stay with me..."

He kissed her hand before slowly placing it down. "I will return quickly. I promise."

She reluctantly let go of his hand and he got up to leave the hut. Stepping out, he saw his mother standing there talking to Inuyasha, Miroku and Jaken. Confused by her presence, Sesshomaru went to her. She looked at him. His one sleeve was still torn and his armour broken. But then she noticed his arm had returned.

"You're a mess, Sesshomaru."

"Mother, what are you doing here?" he asked bluntly.

She smiled almost as if to taunt him. "I would think you'd be grateful to see me. I wasn't completely obliged to bring Lyra back from the dead."

His brows furrowed together slightly. "That is not what I meant. I am simply surprised to see you."

"Well, I'm about to become a grandmother. I've come to see my daughter-in-law." Going passed him, she walked towards the hut. "How is she doing?"

"She's in pain."

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