《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 39


Lyra decided it was time to visit the future. She hadn't returned to that time since her father died and she was missing her family there. All she had to do was convince Sesshomaru. He wasn't keen on letting her go anywhere without him. There was also that uncertainty of what Naraku was up to.

There was still a few months left before the baby was due yet Lyra's bump had already grown a significant amount. Apparently it was normal for demon babies to grow at an accelerated rate in the womb and they would gather their strength before it was time to give birth. Sesshomaru had explained it to her plenty of times but it still freaked her out.

She was sitting beside the fire with him. Rin and Jaken were already asleep so they were just enjoying the silence. Lyra had the mokomoko wrapped around her as she snuggled into Sesshomaru's side. She was playing with his fingers but he didn't seem to mind. He found it to be quite relaxing.



She lifted her head to peer up at him. "I was wondering if I was able to visit the future."

He turned his gaze onto her. "Now?"

"Well, not right this second. But soon." She looked at him pleadingly. "May I?"

He thought for a short moment before coming to a decision. "Very well. But I will go with you. I don't want you to go through the well on your own."

She grinned and hugged his arm. "Thank you!"

"We will leave in the morning. But I don't want to waste too much time there."

"That's fine."

She kneeled up and kissed his cheek but as she did so, Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his lap. Letting out a squeak of surprise, she allowed him to position her how be wanted. She sat in between his legs as he rested his chin on top of her head and placed his hand over her bump. Lyra giggled quietly and relaxed as Sesshomaru rubbed her bump.

They both sat in silence for a couple of minutes before both their eyes suddenly widened at the exact same time. In sync, they both looked down.

"Did you feel that?" Lyra whispered.

"I did," Sesshomaru replied in a quite tone.

Lyra grinned brightly. The baby had just kicked and they both felt it at the same time. They both stayed still and silent. A few seconds later, there was another kick against Sesshomaru's hand.

Lyra smiled softly. "It's like he knows you're there."

"Our son..."

It was a deeply special moment for the both of them. The baby continued to move as if entertaining his parents.

"Lyra, I have already chosen a name for him," Sesshomaru told her.

"Mikazuki," she said.

He blinked. "How did you-" Before he finished his question, he stopped himself and sighed. It would have been a silly question. "Never mind. Do you like it?"

"I love it, Sesshomaru. It's perfect."

Lyra turned around and sat on her knees so she could face him. Sesshomaru instantly held her chin before bringing her forward and kissing her deeply. She smiled through the kiss as their lips moved slowly together, both sharing a pure love filled kiss. Lyra could feel the baby moving again making her laugh quietly against his lips. They parted from the kiss and looked down at her bump again. Sesshomaru returned his hand to her bump.

"He will be strong," he said.


She nodded and looked up at him. "I believe so. Would you like to see him?"

He met her gaze with confusion as his brows knitted together. "How is that possible?"


Kanda sat in his office at the hospital, typing away at his computer. It had been quite a long and busy day and he had finally found some time to rest. It was almost time for him to go home but he wasn't ready yet.

Since what had happened with Lyra, everything had changed. People treated him like he was a widower, which felt incredibly strange since he was the only one who knew she was still alive. He had to put on an act that he was still trying to get over her death. At first he kept accidentally saying that she was still alive and being all confused, but luckily people thought he was just in denial. His family knew she was alive but they had vowed to keep it hidden. He kept a photo on his desk from their engagement. He still loved her but he was happy that she was finally happy.

Taking a break from his computer, he looked over at the photo. He lifted it up and smiled warmly at the memory. Although he was only with her for a short time, he cherished every moment of it. He still loved her. Even though he was trying to move on and date other women, none of them could surpass her in his heart.

Suddenly, he heard a tapping on the window. He glanced outside for a second before turning back to the photo. Then his eyes almost popped out of his skull. He turned his head to the window and saw a white orb. It was just hovering. He was on the top floor of a 20 story building.

"I'm dreaming," he spoke aloud to himself.

The knocking on the window came again making him open his eyes. It was still there. After putting the frame down somewhere on the desk, he quickly rushed towards the window before sliding it open. The orb flew in passed his head and into his office. Turning to face it, he saw the orb changing shape. It grew longer and soon revealed two people.

"Hey, Kanda," Lyra greeted.

"Lyra?!" he gasped loudly, become flustered as he looked at the window and then back at the other two again. "I- You- How- What-"

She laughed quietly. "After everything you know about me, are you still surprised?"

He breathed out. "I don't think I can ever get used to it." He smiled softly. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing a lot better since I was here last..." She returned the smile. "How are you?"

"Ah, you know, just busy with work."

He turned his attention to Sesshomaru and gave a nod in greeting. "It's nice to see you again."

"Likewise," Sesshomaru replied simply.

Kanda looked at Lyra again, but his eyes went down to her bump. "Wow! The baby's growing fast. Is it because it's a demon?"

She nodded. "Yes, that's right."

"I don't think I was able to congratulate you properly last time," he said as his smile grew slightly. "I'm truly happy for you both."

"Thank you."

He went to go to hug her but quickly stopped himself because he wasn't sure if Sesshomaru would mind. Lyra smiled understandingly but she knew that Sesshomaru truly didn't mind at all. He actually respected the man for how much he cared for her. Lyra stepped forward instead and hugged Kanda. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her as well, embracing her firmly but being mindful of her bump. He missed having her in his arms so it was something he wanted to make the most of.


At that point, Sesshomaru understood how Lyra was feeling the other night about Kagura. Both she and Kanda were left without the ones they wished to be with. He himself already had to survive though a time when he believed Lyra was gone from his life forever. It was a horrible time. Kanda would actually have to live with not having Lyra in his life.

Sesshomaru wasn't the type to wish well upon others but he did wish that Kanda would find someone to fill the void.

After parting from the hug, Lyra smiled up at Kanda. "You couldn't do us a favour, could you?" she asked.

"Of course. Name it."

"I wanted to show Sesshomaru a scan of the baby. Do you think you could-"

"Say no more, Lyra. Consider it done."

She grinned brightly. "Thank you!"

He chuckled quietly at her reaction. "Just give me a few moments to set it up and I'll be right back."

With that, Kanda left the office and closed the door behind him. Lyra turned to Sesshomaru and took hold of his hand. He gently squeezed her hand as he gazed down at her.

"He's a good man," he spoke softly.

She nodded. "I agree. I don't think anyone else would be so understanding."

She casually looked around his office, seeing all the certificates hanging on the walls and his modern computer sitting on top of the large desk. Then something caught her eye. There was a photo frame placed on top of the desk and it was out of place facing in their direction. She walked over to the desk and lifted it up.

"Oh, my god..." she breathed out, her heart breaking slightly.

Sesshomaru came up behind her. "What is it?" he asked before looking over her shoulder.

"It's the day Kanda and I got engaged," she told him quietly. Scanning his desk quickly, she saw no other photos. "He's held onto it."

"He still loves you," Sesshomaru responded. "He looks at you the same way I do."

It was true. The way Kanda looked at her, it was the very same way Sesshomaru looked at her. The love in his eyes were obvious.

Lyra put the frame back, placing it properly. Just as she turned her back to the desk, Kanda returned. Behind him was a woman and she entered the room as well. She looked really sweet and friendly and her eyes were kind.

"This is Haru. She's a midwife here," Kanda explained.

Haru bowed respectfully and stood up straight again. "Doctor Hideki has informed me of your situation. I promise on my life that I will keep your secret safe."

"I trust her."

Lyra smiled softly. "Then I trust her too. It's nice to meet you, Haru."

"It's an absolute honour to meet you as well, ma'am," she said happily. "Doctor Hideki has told me so much about you. And..."

Haru looked over to Sesshomaru and viewed him curiously. He narrowed his eyes at her and made that sound of disapproval. Haru's eyes widened slightly out of fear and Lyra laughed awkwardly.

"He's not that scary," she said. "Trust me."

Haru simply bowed again. "Please, follow me."

They followed Kanda and Haru out of the office and down the empty hallways. Lyra looked at Sesshomaru and silently reprimanded him for scaring the poor midwife. He just glanced at her with an unimpressed expression because he literally didn't care.

Once they were in the ultrasound room, they made sure to lock the door so other staff members wouldn't accidentally walk in. Sesshomaru's eyes scanned the room, finding all the equipment to be very awkward. Lyra took his hand as she walked over to the bed. Haru told her to lay down and expose her belly. As she did so, Kanda busied himself with some random papers so that Lyra didn't feel awkward. Sesshomaru was still incredibly confused as to how he was going to see the baby but he remained silent, still holding onto her hand.

Haru just finished setting up the sonogram machine and wheeled it over before grabbing a tube of gel. "This will be cold," she warned.

"I'm ready," Lyra nodded.

A pump of the gel was squeezed onto her bump and she let out a quiet squeak from the sudden hit of the ice cold gel. Kanda couldn't help but smile to himself at her reaction whilst Sesshomaru was still wondering what was happening as he stood beside the bed and watched. Haru rubbed the gel over her skin slightly and the cold feeling was quickly gone. She then brought over the probe to press onto the bump but Sesshomaru's eyes widened.

He instantly placed his hand between the probe and Lyra's belly. "What are you doing with that?"

Haru looked frightened, especially after seeing his sharp talons. Kanda glanced in their direction before rushing over.

Lyra held Sesshomaru's hand and moved it away. "It's okay. It's what they use to check the baby."

He looked down at her, his hand gripping onto hers. "Are you certain?"

"I assure you," Kanda added. "It's perfectly safe."

"Hm. Very well."

Haru still didn't seem too sure, scared that Sesshomaru would do something to her. However, Kanda placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. She turned to look at him over her shoulder to see him give her a small nod to continue. Lyra swore she could see the young midwife blush before turning back to the scan.

Placing the probe over the gel, Haru concentrated on the screen as she moved it around to get a clear image. Only she and Kanda could see the screen for the moment since it was turned away from Lyra and Sesshomaru. They just needed to make sure everything was okay before showing them.

Lyra was squeezing Sesshomaru's hand as they both fixated their gazes on the other two. Just a couple of seconds later, their faces grew smiles.

"There you are," Kanda said happily before turning the screen towards the expectant parents.

There on the screen was a black and white image of the baby. Sesshomaru's eyes widened in shock. He leaned forward just above Lyra to take a closer look. The baby was lying there in her womb and it felt so unreal to him. The fact that he could see his son completely amazed him. Lyra could feel his hand squeezing hers making her turn her attention up at him. She saw the love in his eyes for that baby as he stayed focused on the screen. She could tell he didn't want to look away.

Haru pressed some buttons on the machine. "And here is the heartbeat."

Just then, they heard the sound of the baby's heart beating away. Sesshomaru's eyes widened as the sound filled his ears. It was music to both him and Lyra and nothing could sound more beautiful. She quickly placed her hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying but tears still formed in her eyes. Sesshomaru looked down at her, as did Kanda and Haru.

"I'm sorry..." she mumbled into her hand.

Kanda smiled warmly at her. "Don't be. It's a special time."

Sesshomaru let go of her hand and brushed her hair back. "Our son will be with us soon."

Leaning down, he placed a kiss to the top of her head. However, Kanda and Haru glanced at each other in confusion before looking back at them.

"Son?" Kanda question. "How do you know?"

Lyra smiled at them. "I can see the future. Although it was a scary vision because the evil demon Naraku wants to kill me and take my son but-"

"Lyra," Sesshomaru called her to shut her up.

She laughed nervously and waved her hand. "But it's all fine."

Kanda and Haru just stared at the other two in shock. Their eyes were wide as they tried to make sense of everything. But after a while, Kanda let out an awkward cough.

"Right. Well, I'm just going to get the picture of your scan and I'll be right back," he said before placing his hand on Haru's shoulder. "You can put it away now."

"Yes, doctor."

As Kanda turned and left, Haru watched him with a faint blush on her cheeks before turning back to the machine. With their permission, she turned everything off and wiped the gel off Lyra's bump.

Lyra was watching the young midwife as she packed everything away. There was still that same blush on her face.

"Haru, can I ask you something?" Lyra spoke suddenly before sitting up.

Haru turned to her and smiled. "Yes?"

"How long have you been working with Kanda?"

"For just over a year, ma'am," she answered. "We work the same shift pattern so we get to work at the same time and leave at the same time."

"And how has he been recently?"

Haru's smiled softened slightly. "He's been his usual self but he misses you greatly. He talks about you often."

Both Sesshomaru and Lyra listened to her speak about Kanda.

She continued. "I was at your engagement party but it was so busy, I wasn't able to congratulate you. When you died, I had never seen him so distraught. He wasn't himself at all. But then after a few days, he acted as if nothing happened. As if you were still alive. Obviously I realise now that he knew you are alive." She breathed out softly.

Lyra smiled at her understandingly. "Do you like him?"

Haru blushed deeper. "Who doesn't? He's kind, smart, friendly and so giving. Nearly all the girls here got jealous when they found out he was marrying you. But even now, he's not interested in dating anyone. He's still so in love with you."

Lyra could tell that it bothered the midwife quite a bit but she was mature enough not to let it show so much. But Lyra couldn't help but feel guilty. Kanda was unable to move on and find someone else. However, she hoped that the right one would enter his life in the near future. She received good vibes from Haru and she had to find a way to hint it to Kanda. Not once did she mention his money or looks and Lyra liked that about her.

After Kanda returned with the photo of the scan, he handed it over to Sesshomaru in an envelope. Haru left and Sesshomaru had decided that it was also time for them to return to the feudal era. Lyra and Kanda hugged a final time and as they embraced, she gave her parting words until the next time.

"Drop Haru off home tonight," she told him quietly.

Kanda knitted his brows in confusion. "I don't understand."

They parted from the hug and Lyra smiled at him. "She's done us a huge favour by keeping our secret and by staying back even after her shift was over."

"You're right. I'll do that," he smiled at her softly. "You'll come back soon, right? I'd love to meet your little boy."

"Of course," she agreed happily.

"And..." He sighed quietly and looked over at Sesshomaru. "I trust you to take care of that Naraku guy."

Sesshomaru simply nodded and Lyra and Kanda gave their final goodbyes to each other. Sesshomaru wrapped his arm around her waist and they transformed into a flying orb. Kanda opened the window and they left.

Turning back to his desk, he only just noticed that his photo frame had been put back in its usual place. He knew for certain that he had left it on the edge of the desk after seeing the orb at the window. Then he realised. Lyra had seen the photo on the desk.


After returning to the feudal era, they rejoined with Jaken and Rin. Sesshomaru took the envelope and took out the picture before giving it to Lyra since the others wanted to see the baby. Whilst they were distracted with that, he found something else in the envelope. It was a note. Taking it out, he read it.


This is my letter to you. You have my life with you. Lyra still means everything to me. I know she will try to make me move on but I simply cannot. I envisioned my future with her but her heart was already taken. By you. And now I can't help but resent you for it. I still love her. Even now as she carries your child, I love her. You're a lucky man.'

Sesshomaru simply crumpled up the note and used his poison claws to completely disintegrate the paper. He then turned to the others.

"Let's go," he ordered.

"Yes, my Lord!" Jaken said happily.

They all followed behind Sesshomaru as he lead the way at the front. Rin was holding Lyra's hand as they spoke about the baby with A-Un and Taiyo trailing after them. Sesshomaru set his eyes ahead as he thought about Kanda's note.

'Kanda, maybe Lyra will be yours in another life. But it would serve you well to forget about her.'

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