《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 37


It was deep into the night. Lyra was still in bed, sleeping peacefully now that Sesshomaru had returned. While she slept, Sesshomaru sat outside on the veranda but leaning back against the wall near the door so he could still check on her.

He thought back to what had occurred while he was away. Naraku had found his way to the border of the afterlife. To his father's grave. Inuyasha was there also and Sesshomaru had decked him in the jaw for disrespecting their father's grave. Despite that, Naraku's barrier was strong. Sesshomaru was able to disturb it but he was unable to destroy it completely. Naraku tried to attack him with his sharp tentacles but his attempts were wasted as Sesshomaru destroyed them all.

In the end, Inuyasha's Tessaiga gained a new power from Hosenki, an old friend of their father. He destroyed the barrier and Naraku was left defenceless. Kagome shot an arrow at Naraku, both he and the arrow disappearing back to the world of the living. Because of all the miasma that had accumulated, Sesshomaru and Jaken led the way out for the others.

Hearing a quiet mewling, he looked down to see the tiger cub sitting and staring up at him. He mewed again wanting attention. Sesshomaru looked into the room and saw Lyra was still asleep. The cub let out another meow making Sesshomaru look to him again.

"Rajah," he spoke quietly as he stroked the cub's head. "You didn't wish to disturb her?" The cub simply meowed in response. "I have not been the best she deserves. Once Naraku is dead, I will be able to give her whatever desires," he spoke softly. "That is why I must end him quickly. I could give her the world yet that would not be enough. She deserves more." Sesshomaru looked at the cub, who staring up at him before he mewed again, causing him to sigh. "Why am I telling you this? You're just a cat. I'll have the servants take care of you."

He held Rajah in his hand before getting up. He looked towards Lyra to check if she was still asleep. She was. Quietly, he left the room in search of a servant.

Lyra smiled softly to herself having heard everything before falling asleep again.


The next morning, Sesshomaru was sitting beside Lyra as she continued to sleep. He didn't want to disturb her since it was the most she had slept since he left two weeks previous. Rajah was already up again and playing with the butterflies in the garden. Sesshomaru gently stroked his fingers through her hair, watching the serenity on her face. Turning his gaze down to her stomach, he saw how much the baby had grown already. Demon children developed at a faster rate in the womb so her bump would be visible to everyone soon. It would be difficult to hide.

Moving his hand down, he placed it on her small bump and stroked his thumb over the material of her kimono. He still couldn't quite believe that she was carrying his very own child. He was going to become a father thanks to the woman he loved. He had been responsible for Rin anyway but it was going to be so much more different. That child was a symbol of their love. That child was of their own blood. Just a single night of making love to her had created something so beautiful.

"Se-... Sesshomaru..."

He looked at Lyra's face. She was still asleep but her expression showed pain making Sesshomaru worry. She began to stir, mumbling more in her sleep.


"No..." she breathed out and shook her head. "No..!"

Her breathing became shallow and quick. Sesshomaru cupped her cheek and frowned.

"Lyra, wake up," he called softly.

She shook her head side to side, her panting becoming more harsh as sweat began forming on her forehead. Sesshomaru grew more concerned as he tried to wake her up. But she wasn't responding. Her arms and legs began flailing.

"Let go of me!" she yelled. "Stay away from him!"

"Lyra!" Sesshomaru shouted.

"Sesshomaru, save him! Save him! Please!"

Lyra suddenly gasped and sat up, her eyes wide open. Sesshomaru held the back of her head as her breathing remained erratic. She turned her head to look at him. Seeing his golden eyes, she felt safe again and then burst into tears. He looked at her, still extremely worried as he pulled her into his lap. Clutching onto his kimono, she sobbed into his chest while he gently stroked the back of her head.

"You are safe, Lyra," he said to calm her.

She tried to compose herself but still continued to cry. "He... He killed our baby..."

His brows furrowed slightly. "Who?"

She sniffed. "Naraku."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed as she told him. "He will not come anywhere near you or the baby."

"He will... I saw it..." She lifted her head to look up at him. Her face showed her distraught as tears continued to fall. "He knows, Sesshomaru... He knows," she repeated, weakly hitting his chest. "He's going to come after I give birth and he's going to kill our...our baby..."

She broke down into a fit of sobs again as she buried her face into his chest. Sesshomaru stared blankly off into the distance, his hand still holding the back of her head. He didn't know how Naraku knew that Lyra was pregnant or what his motivation was to harm an innocent baby. It was most likely just to hurt Lyra and himself. The baby would become their greatest weakness and therefore he would target that to get at both of them.

But it didn't matter. There was still a few months to go before the baby arrived. Sesshomaru was going to kill Naraku before then. That was now his ultimate goal to protect his family.

"Hush, Lyra," he whispered softly, stroking her hair. "You know your visions are not absolute. They can still change," he told her. Lyra sniffed and breathed out shakily, listening to him carefully. "Naraku will die. I will kill him before he so much as thinks of hurting you."

Lyra didn't say anything but she trusted him. She knew Sesshomaru meant every word and she had no reason to be scared. But just the flashback from her vision sent chills down her body. Naraku was holding their new born baby, ready to impale him with his sharp demon tentacle. She woke up before she could see the impact.

"A son."

Lyra lifted her head and looked at him with confusion. "What?"

He gazed down at her. "You were shouting in your sleep for me to save him. You are going to give birth to our son."

She blinked a couple of times before her eyes suddenly widened as she let out a quiet gasp. Sesshomaru was right. They were going to have a boy. Even with the tears in her eyes, she grew a large smile and her entire face lit up. That's exactly the reaction Sesshomaru wanted to see. That was why he said it. It had completely taken her mind off of Naraku.


They both would have been happy with either a boy or a girl. But just knowing what they were going to have brought a sense of excitement. Even to Sesshomaru.

He gently pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Lyra closed her eyes as he moved his lips down to kiss her nose, then the corner of her mouth and finally her lips, each kiss making her forget about her vision more and more. She kissed him deeply, almost forgetting what his lips tasted like. The way he kissed her was simply and incredibly intoxicating. Especially the way he pushed his tongue into her mouth and increasing the passion. Just as things started to become heated, there was a knock at the door. They parted with a sigh and Lyra lay her head on Sesshomaru's chest as he called in whoever was at the door.

As the door slid open, Sabu entered and closed the door behind her.

She bowed. "Lord Sesshomaru. Lady Lyra." She stood straight again and looked directly at them with a worried expression. "I apologise for disturbing you but this simply could not wait."

Lyra lifted her head. "What is it, Sabu?"

The maid gulped. "It's about Josei."

"Is she okay?"

Sabu shook her head. "She's left. She's gone to inform Naraku that you're expecting, my Lady."

Lyra gasped, her hand shooting up to her mouth. It made sense how Naraku would eventually find out. It was because of Josei. She never would have guessed it would be her and she couldn't understand why she would do it. Sesshomaru frowned, his eyes narrowing. He was pissed. Gently, he took Lyra off his lap and stood before putting on his armour and swords.

"Sesshomaru? What are you doing?" Lyra asked as she stood as well.

"I'm going to stop her," he answered in a low tone.

She frowned softly. "Are you-"

"Stay here with Lyra," he ordered Sabu.

The maid nodded and before Lyra could say anything more, Sesshomaru left. She breathed out and lowered to her knees.

"He's going to kill her, isn't he..?"

"Yes, my Lady..."


Sesshomaru had caught Josei's scent and was already tracking her. Once he found her, he would kill her before she could reach Naraku. It concerned him as to who else would betray him at the castle. However, all the guards had been with the family for generations and were loyal. Sabu as well. Josei was fairly recent having been saved by Sabu before requesting to work for him.

'Could it be that she was also a part of Naraku's plan?' he wondered. 'Like that wretched Shapeshifter.'

Soon, he caught up to Josei and landed on the ground. But he was too late.

"Ah, Sesshomaru. So nice of you to join us."

Josei stood with her back to him, facing Naraku who was protected by a barrier. Josei was too frightened to face Sesshomaru who had already unsheathed his Tokijin. Naraku chuckled evilly with a smirk.

"You're too late. I already know that Lyra is due to birth your child in a few months time," he taunted.

Before he could say anymore, Sesshomaru swung his sword, sending a huge ball of energy towards him. Josei got caught in the blast and screamed, instantly being disintegrated but Naraku's barrier remained unharmed. Sesshomaru knew it wouldn't affect the barrier but it was his main aim to end Josei's life for betraying them and putting Lyra and their baby's life at risk.

"Such a shame," Naraku said. "I was just about to reward her with a shard of the Shikon jewel. That is why she betrayed you after all. What these pathetic beings do for power."

Sesshomaru glared angrily. "That in turn makes you pathetic."

Naraku chuckled again. "I have my ultimate goal playing out. And now that I know Lyra is pregnant-"

"I will end your disgusting existence."

"Oh?" he smirked. "You can't even break through my barrier. How do you expect to kill me?"

Sesshomaru remained silent. He knew there was no point in wasting his energy. Naraku had shielded himself. It frustrated him being so close to the enemy but unable to do anything about it.

"I have no use for Lyra now. On the day she gives birth to your precious baby, I will be there," Naraku threatened. "I will kill her for I have a better use for your child. The offspring of two lovers; one an oracle and the other a great dog demon. How perfect a combination. Your child will be truly special."

Sesshomaru's knuckles turned white as he gripped the hilt of his sword. He knew Naraku was only able to gloat because he couldn't touch him. Even though he couldn't cause him any damage, Sesshomaru growled as he threw another attack. The ball of energy was filled with the might of his anger and upon impact, the barrier completely broke down.

Naraku's eyes widened as he scowled. "What?!"

Sesshomaru was surprised himself but took the chance. While Naraku was still in shock, Sesshomaru leapt up and threw another attack, that one being even more destructive than the last. Another direct hit. Naraku's body was engulfed by the sheer power, lightning strikes covering his entire form. Sesshomaru landed on the ground and watched.

Naraku screamed as his body broke apart but a portal opened up behind him and he was transported away. Sesshomaru frowned deeply.

'He got away...'

Unable to do much else, he left the scene.


Lyra paced around the room. Sabu had brought her some tea but she couldn't relax at that moment. The maid sat solemnly in the corner of the room, the both of them in shock at Josei's betrayal.

The bedroom door slid open and closed again as Sesshomaru returned. Lyra rushed over to him.

"What happened?" she asked quickly.

He looked down at her. "I was too late. She has informed Naraku that you're pregnant. So, I killed her."

Lyra closed her eyes and lowered her head. Everything was feeling so wrong. Sesshomaru turned to Sabu and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You." He sounded extremely vexed as he walked over to her.

Sabu became frightened and quickly bowed her head as she hurried to stand. "Y-yes, m-my Lor- ugh!"

Sesshomaru grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground. She struggled for breath as her legs flailed slightly. Lyra watched in horror and ran over to grab his arm.

"Sesshomaru, let her go!"

He didn't listen to her and kept his eyes on the maid. "Did you know that she would betray us?"

Sabu tried to shake her head. "No, m-my Lord! I... I-I swear..!"

Lyra pulled on his arm. "I trust her, Sesshomaru! Please!"

"You trusted the other one," he replied.

Lyra begged. "Please, let go of her!"

Sesshomaru glanced at her before looking at the struggling maid again. He released his grip and she dropped to the ground with a thud. Lyra crouched down beside Sabu to make sure she was okay as she tried to catch her breath. Sesshomaru frowned and walked out to the garden.

"I'm fine, m-my Lady," Sabu assured. "Lord Sesshomaru has every right to question me. I swear I came straight to you the moment I found out."

"I know, Sabu. I know. I trust you." Lyra sighed quietly. "Go and take rest now."


"I'm ordering you to rest, Sabu," she said harshly, knowing the maid wouldn't listen otherwise.

Sabu smiled softly. "Thank you."

Lyra smiled and helped her stand. Once the maid left, Lyra frowned and went to Sesshomaru. He looked as though he was contemplating something.

"What the hell was that about?!" she asked him angrily. "Sabu was the one who told us about Josei betraying us."

"I am beginning to doubt everyone's loyalty here," he told her.

She breathed out and held his arm, rubbing his bicep slowly. "Josei was the only one who had a different vibe to her. As if she didn't want to be here. I just thought it was because she was generally quiet. I never thought she would-..." She sighed. "So, Naraku knows?"

Sesshomaru gazed down at her. "He said he's going to come for our child the day he is born."

Lyra tried so hard not to freak out because it would affect the baby but Sesshomaru could see it in her eyes. He couldn't tell her anymore of Naraku's plan, that he was planning on killing her and taking their child for his own evil scheme. It would only stress her out even more. In fact, he wished he could take back what he had already told her.

"I almost had him but he slipped through my fingers," he said. "He is not going to succeed. I will kill him."

Lyra nodded. "I know you will."

"Until I have strengthened the barrier and the guards around the castle, I wish for you to remain with me. We will leave now."

She nodded again. She generally felt safer with Sesshomaru anyway so it would cause her less emotional stress. Suddenly, Rajah came running back in and began circling around their feet. Lyra smiled and lifted him up.

"Do you want to come with us?" she asked whilst nuzzling his nose.

Rajah let out a quiet meow in response causing Lyra to giggle. Sesshomaru breathed out quietly. Seeing her be so happy still helped to calm him. There was still time. He could kill Naraku.

"We will take him," Sesshomaru said in regards to the cub. "And Taiyo as well for you to travel."


She placed Rajah down and he ran off inside. As she went to follow him, Sesshomaru grabbed hold of her hand.

"Hm?" She looked up at him. "Yes?"

He gazed into her eyes, gently squeezing her hand. "I promise to keep both you and our son out of harm."

She smiled softly and reached her free hand up to cup his cheek. "I know, Sesshomaru. I always feel safest when I'm with you."

Tiptoeing up, she pressed her lips to his. They shared a short yet loving kiss before parting again.

"I'm just going to change into some different clothes before we leave," she told him.

He gave a simple nod and she pecked his lips again before returning into the room. He watched her leave and looked out into the garden. Not only did he have the duty of being Lyra's mate and protector, he had to fulfill his duty as a father to their son.

Naraku would not succeed in harming his family.

'Anyone who tries to hurt my family will die. Prepare for your death, Naraku.'

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