《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 28


"Explain to me what happened," Sesshomaru demanded.

Jaken and Rin both spoke over each other telling him about what happened. They had actually seen Sesshomaru come and take Lyra away.

"That's impossible." He clenched his fist. He turned, trying to locate her scent. "That wasn't me. She's been taken."

"Oh no!" Rin gasped loudly.

"Then who was that imposter?" Jaken asked.

Sesshomaru growled. "Itachi."


Lyra groaned quietly from the dull pain in her head as she woke up from her sleep. Stirring slightly, she opened her eyes to see an unfamiliar setting. There was no sky or trees above her but instead there was a wooden ceiling. The floor was solid and cold and everything was quiet.

"You're awake."

Lyra jumped at the sudden voice in the room, causing her to sit up quickly and turn in the direction of it.

"Itachi?" she asked with confusion.

There was an indoor fire in the middle of the room and Itachi sat against the opposite side of it. He was leaning back against the wall with one knee raised, his arm resting on top of it. Lyra slowly stood up and rubbed her head as she looked around the empty room.

"What happened? Why am I here?" she asked, walking over to him. "I remember being with Sesshomaru and then everything went blank... I just... I can't remember..."

Itachi stood and looked down at her. The usual friendly smile he had was no longer there. Lyra tilted her head, her brows furrowing together.

"What's wrong?"

"Sesshomaru was never there, Lyra," he told her, his tone serious.

She smiled nervously. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, his face began to change in front of her. Lyra's eyes widened as she witnessed his features, face and body begin morphing, right down to the clothes. It was horrifying, causing her to take a step back away from him. Within seconds, it was Sesshomaru standing in front of her. She gasped as she looked at him. Everything was perfectly him. Even down to the markings on his face and that golden glow in his eyes.

"It was me who took you last night," he told her, his voice even matching Sesshomaru's.

Lyra felt scared. Her heart pounded in fear as tears welled up in her eyes. She put her hand over her mouth, not believing what was actually happening. Sesshomaru- No. Itachi began walking towards her as she moved away from him. However, she didn't get far as her back hit the wall. He loomed over her, blocking her into the corner.

"S-stay away from me..!" she yelled.

He leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheeks, making her turn her face away in disgust. Grabbing her face, he forced her to look up into his eyes. Those eyes that were not Sesshomaru's despite it looking the same. She frowned angrily and lifted her hand to slap him but he easily stopped her. He squeezed her wrist causing her to wince from the pain as he lowered her hand down.

"Don't worry, beautiful," he smirked and it scared her because it was evil but it was still Sesshomaru's face. "You will fall for me." He morphed back to his own face, his eyes returning to hazel and his hair becoming purple again. "You will love me."


Tears fell from her eyes and down her cheeks. "Why are you doing this..?"

"That half demon summoned me to delay Sesshomaru from getting to him," he explained.

Her eyes widened slightly. "Naraku..."

Itachi scoffed. "In exchange for my services, he would give me shards of the shikon jewel." His expression softened to that friendly face Lyra was used to before he cupped her cheeks. "But I got something even more precious. I saw you and made the decision I wanted you whether Naraku prompted me or not." He peered into her eyes. "I will make you my wife."

She could feel herself falling into the depth of his eyes. Itachi was swaying her heart to him, manipulating her thoughts to his will. She was slowly losing herself to his needs but there was a small something that was keeping her in reality. Her sheer will was keeping her sane. She pushed his hands away causing Itachi to become surprised. He had never had anyone break away from his trance before.

"No!" she yelled. "Sesshomaru will find me and he will kill you."

"Oh, really?" Itachi showed that he was impressed. "I wouldn't count in it. Both your scent and mine are hidden and not even someone like Sesshomaru can find us."

"You're lying..."

"I'm really not, my dear beauty."

He smirked again before forcefully holding the back of her head, clutching onto her hair and bringing her close to him. She winced from the pain but she tried her best to show she wasn't scared. With his other hand, he gently stroked her cheek.

"You're beautiful. But that's not all that made me want you. You are strong and that's what I like about you," he said. "Though I regret to inform you that you're not strong enough." His voice suddenly began echoing through her mind, putting her into a trance. "You will forget all about that dog. You will fall in love with me."

Lyra's mind was trapped in that instant. Itachi was right; she wasn't strong enough. His power was incomprehensible. The power to change his appearance and the power to manipulate her heart was strong. Sheer will wasn't enough to defeat him. She couldn't seem to fight it. She didn't want to fight it. All she could thing about was him. The light in her eyes were gone as she became lost in his void.

Itachi could see that she had fallen into his trap. To strengthen his hold over her, he leaned forward and kissed her lips. He had won the moment she began to kiss him in return.


Sesshomaru couldn't locate Lyra's scent. Nor could he find Itachi's scent. He soared through the air hoping to perhaps catch any clues from above. He was calm on the outside but inside, he was panicking. The fact that Itachi had somehow managed to convince everyone that he was Sesshomaru baffled him. He had never seen such a power. He had only ever heard of it. A myth.

'A Shapeshifter...'

He didn't think they were real but all the signs were there. The ability to manipulate ones emotions and to change their appearance at will. It had to be. And once he found the creep, he would kill him.

Rin and Jaken rode on A-Un's back, both of them also trying to spot anything.


"Look! It's Kagome!" Rin announced as they flew over the group. "Maybe she could help us find Lyra."

Sesshomaru glanced down and saw Inuyasha and his friends walking through the trees. As a reincarnation of a priestess, he wondered if Kagome would be able to assist him. He didn't want to ask Inuyasha and his friends out of all people but he was desperate. He wasn't going to risk Lyra's life over a family feud.

He descended down, followed by the others, and landed in front of the group. Surprised by his appearance, they all came to a stop. Inuyasha frowned and gripped onto the hilt of his sword.

"Sesshomaru?! What do you want?" Inuyasha demanded.

"Take your hand off your sword. I'm not here to fight you," Sesshomaru responded before looking directly at Kagome. "I need your help."

Kagome furrowed her brows in confusion. "My help?"

"Lyra has been taken," he explained. "I suspect the man is a shapeshifter."

Miroku frowned and stepped forward. "Hold on. Shapeshifters are meant to be extinct. They are no more than a legend."

Sesshomaru turned to him. "There is no other explanation. He was able to trick Lyra into going with him by feigning my own appearance."

"What?!" Kagome gasped as the others glanced at each other with worry.

Rin came forward. "It's true. Master Jaken and I also believed him to be Lord Sesshomaru. He said he wanted to talk with Lyra alone and then left with her."

Jaken shook his head. "I am ashamed that I could not tell the difference myself."

"It's not your fault," Miroku said. "Shapeshifters are said to be tricky creatures. Sesshomaru, were there any other signs to confirm your suspicion?"

"Lyra's behaviour has been odd since she first found that pest," Sesshomaru spat in anger. "To the point she argued with me to defend him."

"They were said to be master manipulators, able to control the thoughts and the hearts of their victims," Sango explained. "He must have turned her against you."

Shippo whimpered. "That sounds scary."

Kagome became increasingly more worried. "Where is she?"

"I can't find her," Sesshomaru admitted.

Inuyasha and the others all became surprised as Sesshomaru suddenly didn't seem as strong as they were used to knowing him to be. He had turned away from them, his head lowered as he clenched his fist. They knew he must have been desperate to ask them for help. He was lost for the first time. Vulnerable. Weak. Everything he wasn't. They had to help him.


Within Mount Hakurei, a weak Naraku watched Sesshomaru's dilemma through Kanna's mirror. He chuckled quietly. His plan was working.

"Getting that Shapeshifter to take Lyra away was the perfect plan. By the time Sesshomaru finds her, I will have regained my strength," he spoke aloud. "The Shichinintai would not have been enough to hold back both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha." He chuckled again with a smirk. "His desire to protect her is stronger than his will to find me. As long as Lyra is occupied, I can continue with my plan. If I had not sought out Itachi's aid, Sesshomaru would have destroyed me by now."

Everything had been set into place and there was nothing to hold him back. With the Band of Seven and the Shapeshifter, it was enough of a distraction for the brothers.


Kagome hadn't been able to sense any sort of ominous aura that might have given them a lead into finding Lyra. She never thought that Sesshomaru would have come to them for help but she was glad he did. It showed that his love for Lyra was stronger than his pride. It was the same for Inuyasha as well. He was doing all he could to find Lyra. But she guessed it helped that Lyra was Kagome's cousin. She was family.

Miroku, Sango and Shippo asked around at villages they came across if they had seen a man with purple hair. Unfortunately, no one had seen him. Rin and Jaken stayed with Sesshomaru as he searched from above for any signs.

The second day since her kidnapping had already arrived and there was no luck in finding her. Not only were they searching for her, but the Band of Seven were also planning their next move. They all just hoped that they could find her soon.

Sesshomaru was surprisingly calm and collected. He knew he couldn't panic because that would not help Lyra's situation. He focused simply on finding her and once he did, he would kill that scum. 'Stay strong, my beloved...'


A small hut stood alone within a clearing inside a dormant area of the forest. The place was surrounded by a rather large land of grass with trees surrounding it. It was a private area with no other life in sight. Not even a single ant could be found within the blades of grass. It was deadly silent but it was also the perfect place to remain hidden.

"Itachi!" Lyra called as she stepped out of the hut. "Ugh, there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

Itachi smiled as he approached her. "Oh? You were missing me?"

"Of course I was. It's so quiet without you," she smiled in return as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Stay with me?"

He put his arms around her waist and lifted her feet off the ground. "As you wish."

He carried her inside, closing the door behind him. The longer they were together, the stronger his hold was on her. Lyra had already forgotten about Sesshomaru but Itachi was still unable to get her to sleep with him. She would always shy away and say she wasn't ready. She would also blush and hide her face whenever he wanted to kiss her as well. It annoyed him but he had to be patient.

All he had to do was somehow make her give consent. The moment he was to have sex with her, she would be lost to Sesshomaru forever. He would not be able to get her back. Even though he had a strong hold on her, it wasn't enough. It would only be complete at the moment. However, he couldn't force her either. She was at a fragile position. He had to play his cards right or else the affect would be broken and she would wake up to her senses.

As they sat inside the hut, Itachi gently brushed Lyra's hair back from her neck. She was sat in his lap, her back to him as he began to brush his lips over his skin. Closing her eyes. she breathed out softly.

'I don't know how long I can keep up this act for. Please hurry and find me, Sesshomaru...'

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