《Once Upon A Christmas》OUAC 1


"Oh! Don't look at his kids, you might end up hating Christmas too."

He heard a woman tell her kids as he walked by them.

He rolled his eyes and walked away. He was used to this since childhood. He hated Christmas. It was the time of year where he saw people getting together, laughing and smiling. He hated how it united everyone, big or small. He hated people and he hated happiness.

"Hey, Mr Grinch. Oops! I mean Mr Green. Why are you out of your house at this time of year?"

He was being questioned by an 8-year-old boy. He glared at him and the boy ran away giggling. He mimicked the giggle and stepped ahead on the counter line.

Finally. He thought to himself. I have all the necessities required to keep me inside the house. He paid for his stuff and rushed towards his car. This was definitely not his day. He thought as he looked up to see snow falling.

He banged his hand on his car with irritation.

"Is everything OK?"

He heard a sweet worried voice asking him. He turned to find her standing with worried eyes. Her eyes, icy blue, filled with worries for him. Her dirty blonde hair hanging down her face with Santa cap on her head. Her 5'3 height was covered in a red long sleeved dress made of the net as if she was Elsa from Frozen saying that cold never bothered her anyway.

He looked around to find the snow falling around them were slow as if someone took slow motion video. His eyes were not able to leave her. He found her cute but also crazy. Who walks around without sweater in such a cold weather?

She was genuinely concerned about him. He looked so stressed and angry. Why would he be angry at a such a cheerful holiday? It's Christmas. Everyone should be happy. You had one job to do, idjit. You can't even keep people happy.


She gawked at him as he turned around to face her. He was one handsome piece God made in his spare time. Snow suited so well on him. He was standing in front of her in blue heavy jacket and goggles covering his beautiful eyes. His handsome face donned a beard making his jaw look more chiselled.

He removed his goggles to look at her which froze her even more. She got lost in his eyes. His black eyes looked molten dark chocolate in the snow. Bleh, I hate dark chocolate. It's not chocolate. But she can't help liking them. She tilted her head to the side to examine this new species.

She couldn't help but examine every inch of him. She was given the task to make a person like this holiday. If she wanted the position of Santa, she had to prove it to her grandfather. He owned this position for centuries. He wanted that his family should keep this position and treat it as well as he did.

He asked her to make a guy named Draco Green at least like Christmas. If she succeeded, then she would be given the position of being The Claus directly. But if she failed, she will never turn towards the throne again. Grandpa said and she quoted Emma if you want this position then make him like Christmas. He is an important task for you. His liking towards you and Christmas will make you powerful enough to rule for the rest of your life.

She loved being a Santa because she loved people and loved giving them gifts and happiness. She loved watching people having fun, staying warm and playing in this weather. Along with her cousin, Jack Frost, she would play with kids. While Jack controlled the weather, she could control the amount of snow.


When she saw Draco, her emotions turned calm and comforted. Snowfall turned slow to the point of stopping in its place. As if someone clicked a pause button. She realized that he was the guy about whom she was told.

She walked closer to him and poked his cheeks. He gave her a weird eye and took hold of her wrist. She was cold as ice. He looked closer in her eyes only find snowflakes swirling in them. She blinked back turning her eyes to normal.

"You are cold. You should wear a sweater."

He touched her face with the back of his hands. She giggled and stepped back.

"I don't get cold. In fact, this weather is warmer than last year. Global warming has ruined all the system. It's hard to keep up."

She pouted sadly by the end of the sentence.

"You are not human."

He narrowed his eyes looking at her attire again. She looked down to look at her dress and up again to find him gazing her again. She tilted her head sideways.

How can someone look so cute? Why am I feeling this for someone I just met? I swear this holiday is messing with my head more than the past years. Thoughts swirled in his head by just glancing at her.

Why is he so handsome? Why it had to be him? Why would I feel weird by just looking at him? Something is wrong with me I swear. She kept on thinking about him by just looking at him.

"Can I come with you? You look like you need a someone by your side this Christmas," she said putting her hand on his folded arm.

He looked down on his hand and back at her again. He jerked away from her hand. His eyes flared up with anger. He didn't need anyone. He was just fine. Alone and without any problem.

She jumped back when he jerked her off. She feared he might do something bad. She never had any experience with adult human beings. All she had experienced were little kids and newborn babies. Her eyes widened with fear as she saw his angry eyes.

"I don't need anybody. I'm perfectly fine on my own. No one cares about anyone, no one cared and no one will. So stop pretending and be on your way."

He spat out his anger at her. But when he saw her eyes wide with fear and glistened with tears, his anger fell cold and he calmed down.

He walked closer to her and held her gently.

"I'm sorry."

He had never apologized to anyone. But for her, it came naturally to him. She looked back in his eyes to find a genuine sorry feeling. She nodded her head and a smile instantly made its way to her.

"Come-on. We have so much to do and so little time."

She entwined their hands and pulled him towards the town. She was going to make him like Christmas and he was going to enjoy it.

But none of them knew what this season had in wraps for them.


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