《The Half Sister》THIRTEEN



We were walking to Emily's house and to say I was nervous was an understanding. I turned to Maya who had a huge smile on her face"This is going to be awesome! I can't wait to meet all your new friends."She exclaimed clapping her hands excitedly, I nodded and smiled at her"Yea it's great."I said honestly and we soon were outside Emily's.

'I'm outside, try not to overwhelm her.' -Aya

'Have trust in us, Aya. She'll be fine.' -Jared

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Maya hand walking her towards Emily's"This house is so cute!"Maya cooed and I agreed with her, soon chaos was heard and the boys tumbled out the house, Leah strolling behind them, Sam and Emily slowly walking out after. They all walked towards us and Maya tightened the grip on my hand. Embry smiled at me and turned to Maya. The smile on his face dropped and I groaned"Really?!"I yelled and the boys laughed into the background, I patted Maya's shoulder"Welcome to the family!"I said and she looked at me confused, "I thought I was already apart of it?"She questioned, "You are! 2.0 version now."I mumbled and turned to Embry who was looking at Maya in awe.

I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Paul smiling"Not gonna introduce us?"Jacob smirked and grabbed my hand,"Nice one, Aya! You hit jack pot girl."Maya laughed and winked at me. I ignored what she said and introduced everyone, "Maya, this is Paul, Jacob, Quil, Embry, who I have a feeling you're going to get a long with very well! Moving on, that's Jared, Leah and Seth, they're siblings. Lastly, Sam and Emily, they're engaged!"I finished pointing at everyone and she nodded and gave a small wave"I'm Maya, nice to meet you all! I'm glad that you've all been nice to my best friend Inaaya, otherwise I-", I quickly cut her off, "Quickly moving on."I smiled uneasily and watched as she looked at me wide eyed, and I shrugged. Leah looked at Maya who waved at her and she slightly smiled"Nice to meet you."Maya said to her and Leah nodded, "You too."


'Maya...' -Embry

'Who's the love sick puppy now' -Aya

I smirked at Embry who glared at me, we all turned to Sam who cleared his throat"It's nice to meet you too, Maya. It's good that Inaaya has a protective friend like you."Sam commented, holding his hand out which Maya slowly shook, "Maya, why don't you have a chat with Embry? You're going to be living in his house for a few weeks, you two should get a long with each other."I insisted and she turned to Embry who nodded, "Okay, sounds like a good idea!"Maya said cheerfully and turned to Embry"Lead the way, sir!" I giggled quietly at them both and leaned into Paul's chest.

'Thank you for that, maybe I'll try to explain some stuff.' -Embry

'No problem, dude.' - Aya

'Take your time, Embry. Don't overwhelm her, also if you do need any help just come back to Emilys and I'll explain everything else.' -Sam

'Congrats Em!' -Quil, Paul, Jacob

'Lucky boy, she's beautiful.' -Jared

'Cut it Jared.' -Embry

As we walked into Emily's house Leah walked next to me"Whatcha think of Maya knowing about you being a wolf?"Leah said and I was silent, I didn't think of that. I turned to Leah worriedly, "I-I... Maya's not judgemental. She'll just be shocked, maybe even amused."I declared and Leah hm'ed, "That's good then, you've got a good friend."Leah smiled at me and I nodded"You're a good friend to you know."I reassured, just Incase she remembered the moment when I took on that New Born for her.

I sighed and turned to her, "Leah, stop blaming yourself. I made myself do it, not you."I explained again and she slowly nodded and stepped towards me, she hugged me. I hugged her back"It's okay."I whispered to her and she nodded, "I'm still, so sorry."Leah mumbled and we slowly let go of each other"Inaaya! There's hot chocolate in here for you."I heard Jake shout and I squealed and ran into the house.


"WHERE?"I shouted as soon as I got inside, Jake pointed over to Paul who placed it onto the counter, I looked at him strangely. He wasn't drinking it, what's wrong with him? He always attempts to drink my hot chocolate. As I slowly walked towards the drink and picked it up slowly, Paul suddenly bursted out laughing"I didn't do anything to it!"He protested, I turned to Jake who shook his head and I took a sip. I sighed in content and nodded"This is nice." I mumbled and suddenly Paul reached out for it, I took a step back"Lemme have a taste!"Paul whined and I glared at him"No."I said and the boys on the sofa laughed at us"She told you Paul!"Seth chuckled, Paul glared at him"Come here, Sethy."Paul murmured and dashed for Seth who ran outside.


A few hours later and it was starting to get dark meaning I started patrol soon. Embry and Maya still haven't returned yet but from Embry's thoughts things are going very great. He had told her everything since he wanted to get it off his chest and she had taken it fairly well. I was watching a film with Paul and Jake almost falling asleep when Leah rapped me on my shoulder"Let's go, we have patrol now."She said and I whined but eventually stood up, I hugged Jake and Paul goodbye and followed Leah out of the house. As I was going to phase I heard Maya shout my name from behind. I groaned and looked at Leah who shrugged.

I turned to Maya and smiled, I turned to Embry who nodded to me, "You're a shapeshifter?"She questioned, I was about to answer but Sam beat me to it, "Yes, one who needed to be on patrol 10 minutes ago."Sam said staring at me, I smiled sheepishly"See about that, I was going now."I laughed nervously and turned to Maya,"I'll see you in the morning, okay!"I exclaimed and she nodded slowly, I turned to Leah who was glaring at me and I chuckled and ran towards her and phased. I heard a gasp behind me followed by a 'Holy fucking shit, this is real oh my god. I think I'm going to faint.'

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