
first of all, thank you all so so much for 200k.

theory is my baby and it means so much to me. i wanted to do something as a thank you and i was thinking it might be fun to make a one shot or editing contest for theory as a thank you for 200k.

you could write the untold stories of nerd nation or moments between mom or even jeb if you really want (if you write the proposal june proposed to seb tho just saying). basically everything i wanted to write but didn't have time to. or you could make any kind of edit you wanted ie edits, manips, covers, gifs, videos etc. really you can do whatever you want. i thought it would also be fun to give out prizes and stuff too although i have no idea what. i could make stuff for you guys or read your stuff or put it in theory depending on what it is. i really don't know but i'm kind of excited about this.

would you guys be at all interested in this or is it a terrible idea and no one cares? lmk below in this makeshift poll

if you would want to participate in a theory contest comment yes

if yes, comment ideas for prizes

thanks guys i love you all

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