《Orphan Girl》authors note


Hey Guys,

so that's it, i don't know i finished this story so long ago i honestly don't know what to do with it. I'm working on a new story Ashfords first if you wanna check it out, i haven't uploaded much but i will be a much better story than this i can guarantee you all! hahaha

so anyway i thought why not chuck this into watty awards, its not that good of a story but why not, the worst that can happen is is don't win, what do you guys reckon?

Please help me out i have no idea how to do it... hahahahha I'll just be honest!

also im still thinking of making a sequel to Orphan Girl writing about Jason and Chloe I don't know yet, i might wait till the long holidays come up, then i will have more time to write and edit things....

well yeah thats just a little note from claire,

thanks so much guys, honestly! i finished this story in a weeks time it will be a year since i finished it, whoa, that is absolutely crazy holy cow that's so long ago!!

well thanks again guys i love every single one of you who have read or voted and commented!!



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