《Orphan Girl》Epilogue


29th October 2012

(This is the final every chapter of Just an Orphan Girl, I want to dedicate this to my beautiful cousin Johnny as it's his birthday today. You were my inspiration Johnny, always have, always will. Love you so much Rest in Peace, this ones for you!)


I dragged my hands down my skirt trying to stop them from sweating. I was so nervous I couldn’t even think. After 12 years of suffering in this hellhole, I was finally free. I never had to see these people ever again thank goodness for that. I have imagined this day over and over in my head so many times and now I was living the dream.

Here we all were, class of 2012 lining up about to get our graduation hat and certificate on stage. I was freaking out. What if I trip up the stairs? I would die of embarrassment if that happened. Or maybe they’ll forget to call up my name and I got up as someone else. Ugh I’m making myself panic for no reason.

I turned my head to look at all the people lining up behind me. I was in the first half of the group going up to receive my certificate because my last name was Green.

My eyes searched through the crowd of students looking for him. He was towards the very back, and I couldn’t see him anywhere through the tall heads bobbing back and forth talking to the people beside them.

“Looking for someone?” Hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I panicked at first but relaxed when I smelt the familiar cologne.

“I thought I saw a really handsome guy walk past that’s all.” I teased him.

Scott tensed looking around thinking I was serious. I laughed out loud causing his eyes to drop back on me.


“Scott I was kidding, I was looking for you. I wanted to see you before I went on stage.” I smiled into his neck.

“You’ll be fine. It’s not like you’re saying a speech or anything.” He shrugged trying to lighten the moment. He was right I guess. All I had to do was focus each step at a time and I would be fine. Nothing to worry about Oakley, you got this.

“Oh my gosh Oakley I have been looking for you everywhere. Of course you’d be with lover boy.” My best friend in the entire world Rachel smiled at me playfully pushing Scott out of the way.

A few months ago after the accident and the adoption Rachel had found herself a solid boyfriend and moved in with him. Who knows how long they will last for?

“Hey Rach, you excited?” I asked her.

“Hell yeah I can’t wait to finally tell all these losers how I feel about them.” She fist pumped in the air making Scott and I laugh.

“Students get in line order, the procession has started.” One of the teachers who was helping out called out to us all.

“Well I’ll see you guys in a little, I have a long way to walk. Rachel signed. Her last name was Zanier. She was the last person to be called. She had ages!

As Rachel turned to leave, Scott wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kidded me on the check. “See you in a little while.” He smiled walking to his spot in the line.

Names after names were called and fewer and fewer people were left in the line.

I was next finally. All 12 years of being pushed around and made fun of are finally over. I was ready for the new chapter in my life.


“Oakley Green, honourable student of 2012.” The principal called my name and I stood up taking each step at a time. I walked onto the stage and shook hands with the principal and he hugged me.

“You’ll do great things Oakley, I just know it.” He whispered into my ear. Smiling I looked at him and realised that maybe, and just maybe I would really miss this place after all.


Jason was here wit his family happier than ever. He fit in so well with Brooke it was adorable to watch them too together.

Chloe had been adopted someone in Melton also and promised Jason that they would keep in contact. They would find and a way to be together like I always knew they would.

Me on the other hand was the happiest girl in the world. I had everything I could ever ask for. Ever since we got back from the accident, I have been living with Scott and his pack. They have been so welcoming to us all its amazing. All the little orphan kids have come here too. They have all found a place where they finally belong.

“You did it babe, you finally graduated.” Scott lifted me up and spun me around. Laughing, I hit his shoulder in embarrassment. Then again, who cares? I was never going to see any of these people again? What did I care what they thought?

“I love you Scott.” I smiled kissing him passionately.

“I love you too Oakley, so much.” He replied returning the kiss.

This was honestly the perfect life. I wouldn’t ever ask for any better. This is as good as it gets!


and that's that.... i honestly never thought i would finish a story like this before.

this was my first story that i ever have finished. i don't really know what to do with my life now! hahaha i want to put it on itunes or something maybe so my friends and family can buy it. there's no way im letting them read it for free! haha

Thanks to everyone who has supported me, i love you guys! all 185 fans i love you all so so much! it took me a full year and a bit to write this, and i cant believe its finally all over.... now for the editing process :(

haha love you guys all so so so much!

Love claire! :) xoxoxoxoxxoxo

(Stay tuned in for a Jason and Chloe Sequel!!!!)

love you guys!

comment, vote fan, its the last chapter, come on! haha ;P xxx

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