《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (29)


Sorry for the wait, it took awhile, but its finally here.

please show me your thoughts i would love to hear then! thanks again! :))


Oakley’s P.O.V

‘The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun.’

Staying here was killing me. Scott was still out cold and I couldn’t move anywhere. I don’t know how long we had been like this, but I was hungry, cold and numb. Numb from all the pain and stress Jim was causing.

I thought that singing would distract me. Maybe it would make time go faster.

I needed happy songs to sing. One that will get Scott to wake up.

It struck me a few hours ago that he might be dead. I wouldn’t know, I don’t really know the difference between a dead man and an unconscious man. Thoughts like these have to stay out of my head. They were driving me mental.

Although, funnily enough, he still looked beautiful. There was blood and bruises everywhere, but that didn’t matter to me. He was my love. My one and only love. And he was going to wake up any minute now.

Scott’s P.O.V

My head was aching. It was like someone had shoved a ticking bomb into it or something. All I could hear was tick after tick.

Listening clearer I heard a faint voice in the distance. It was a girl.

‘Tomorrow, tomorrow, you’re only a day away.’ If that was on of the stupid girls in the pack watching that stupid musical again I am going to throw the tv out the window.

I opened my eyes to darkness. The room was dark, but the voice came louder. This defiantly wasn’t the lounge room.

And that voice definitely wasn’t Annie.

I looked closer and smiled.

She was here.

She was okay.

There she was, curled up into a ball singing Annie. Only my Oakley would sing Annie at a time like this.

I slowly and carefully rose to my feet. I was a little wobbly, but managed to take a step without stumbling.

The singing suddenly stopped.

“Scott?!” Oakley gasped opening her eyes.

I couldn’t talk. She was just too beautiful. It had been way to long since I had seen her.

She got up quickly and took a step towards me only to fall straight back down.

“Dammit.” She muttered.

I walked towards her and kneeled down in front of her. She was clutching her ankle tightly; I saw it through the cracks of her fingers. It was blue and bloody.

“Oakley?” I asked her quietly, cupping her cheek.

She immediately looked up and smiled softly.

“You’re finally awake.” She muttered.

“I could hear your beautiful singing, that’s why.” She laughed quietly.

“You were out for a long time. I wasn’t sure if you were going to wake up.” She looked up at me. I saw a tear in her eye.

“I promised I would never leave you didn’t I?” I smirked.

She smiled again. I loved this smile.

I took a good look at her this time. I looked her up and down not too sure if I was happy with what I saw.

“Oakley what did they do to you?” I asked her carefully.

She dropped her head and I regretted asking her.

“They didn’t do anything, just threatened most the time.” She was lying I could tell. I didn’t push it though. She didn’t want to talk about it.

“Why are you chained to the wall?” I questioned her. It’s not like she was going to change into a wolf. Surely they knew.


She shrugged. So just for pure torture they chained her up?


“Are we going to get out of here Scott?” Oakley asked me her voice breaking. This killed me. She was so vulnerable at the moment; it was hard to listen when I new there was nothing I could do about it.

“Of course we are, don’t you worry about it babe. Everything will be alright soon.” I told her I move closer to her and she wrapped her arms around me tightly. This is what I needed.

It was still sore from the bashing I got from Edge, but I’ll live. Holding my girl was much more important right now.

“Why are we here?” She whispered into my chest.

I don’t really know what to say. She was probably going to blame this all on herself when I told her.

“Scott? I know you know. Can you tell me please? I just want to understand.” She signed.

I had to tell her now. I couldn’t lie to her.

“Oakley do you remember anything about your parents?” I asked her.

She was confused. I could tell this by the way she scrunched up the top of her nose.

“How does this have anything to do with my parents?” She questioned.

“Jim Kelang has everything to do with your parents Oakley.” I told her. She obviously had no idea.

She was silent. If only I could read her thoughts at the moment.

“Jim and your mum went to school together. They were really good friends too.” I smiled at the thought. It was kind of like Oakley and me. What Jim did too her mother was horrible though. There was no way in the world the thoughts of doing that to Oakley even crossed my mind.

“They went out for ages too. Like three years or something.” I shook my head.

“How do you know all this? My mother wouldn’t ever go near someone as cruel as that!” She snapped defensively.

“My father told me a lot of things when I mentioned your name. My dad was a good friend to your father, Nathan Green. They were on the same football team, they talked all the time. Anyway, Jim and your mum Laura were going out. Apparently dad reckons they were like the king and queen at the school. Captain of the footy team, head cheerleader. It was a perfect match.” I laughed thinking about me and Oakley again. We were so different that’s what makes us perfect.

“So they were together for ages when after a while when the football team won the final someone hosted an after party. Of course it went completely out of control.” I didn’t want to tell her this. It was going to make her so unbelievably uncomfortable.

“So um your mum and Jim were a couple yeah, some couples do things like this, not that I’m saying that we shouldn’t, or it’s not that I don’t want to, but they…” She cut me out of my misery.

“They had sex?” She gasped. Her eyes were wide with tears. She couldn’t believe it.

I scratched the back of my head and nervously laughed. “Um yeah I guess you could say that.”

“No there is no way she would do that. She wasn’t like that.” She defended her mum.

“Oakley I know it’s hard for you, but you have to believe me.” I swore to her.

“This still doesn’t explain why we are here? It’s not like I’m his…” She stopped in middle sentence and gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth and the tears started falling from her eyes again.


I didn’t understand why she was crying all of a sudden. Then it clicked, she thought that I was telling her Jim was her dad. Well I guess I had to tell her.

“Oakley, a week or so after they did it, they broke up. All Jim wanted was to get in her pants and ditch her, and that’s what he did. He got with like three other girls the night after. Laura was a mess dad reckons, or so he told me. She was really in love with him and a couple of days after she met Nathan. I guess at first she thought that he was the rebound guy. But then she got to know him.” I smiled. “And then a few months later, your mum was still with Nathan, she fell pregnant. I don’t know if she ever found out who the father was, but she never told my dad.”

She shook her head. “What are you trying to say? My father might not be my father after all?”

I slowly nodded.

Her eyes dropped to the floor, she started to take in everything I told her. It was a lot I guess. She wasn’t used to this much conflict.

“So Jim might be my father? That’s why he took me?” She asked.

“Yeah I guess. He’s a messed up man Oakley. There’s no guarantee that he is your father though, you have to remember that.” I stated.

“He will never be my father. I won’t let it.” She shook her head viciously.

“It’s alright Oakley; I’ll get you out of here.” I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arm around her tighter.


We were quite for a while now.

I guess there was nothing to say to each other. I looked over at her to see she was asleep.

It was about time she fell asleep.

Looking at her before I could see she hadn’t gotten much sleep. There were dark circles under her eyes, hopefully after this little nap she would be all right.

Awhile after she had been fast asleep, Jim stuttered in with a wide smirk on his face.

“Look who’s finally awoken,” he smiled at me.

“What are you going to do with her Jim? She isn’t Laura. No matter how much you try, she never will be.” I shook my head.

He frowned at me. “What makes you think this has anything to do with Laura? She is nothing to me.”

“Why are we here then Jim? Don’t give me that crap. Oakley may be Laura’s daughter but she is nothing like her.”

“How would you know? You never met her. You knew nothing about her.”

“I know more than you think. I know you dated her. I know you slept with her. I know that there is a chance that Oakley is your daughter. If she is, are you seriously going to keep her here? You should love her and care for her like a father does. Not keep her trapped in here scared out of her brains.”

“What would you know?” Jim snarled.

“I know that how you’re treating this girl is no way to treat your family.” I told him sternly.

“Laura was my girlfriend. She was going to be my wife. I loved her and that monster took her away from me. You obviously didn’t do your research properly then did you?” He asked.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“I bet your little daddy dearest forgot to mention one little thing to you I think.” He smiled.

“Yeah what’s that?” I challenged.

“The rebound guy Nathan, was a human. I’m a wolf Scott. Oakley had better wish Nathan was her father.” He raised an eyebrow.

I stared at Jim. This was unbelievable. Oakley didn’t show any signs of being a wolf. I would be much happier if she was, so I didn’t have to change her. But I love her no other. If she wasn’t a wolf, this meant that Jim was her father.

He could do all sorts of stuff to ruin Oakley’s life. He adopted her, so technically he owns her.

“What are you going to do to her? You don’t know that she isn’t a werewolf. Just because she hasn’t changed yet doesn’t mean she isn’t.” I don’t know if I was hoping to be right or not.

“That’s why I’m going to test it. What’s the one way to change a human into a wolf Scott?” He asked.

I thought about it silently. I didn’t understand where he was getting at.

“What does this have to do with Oakley?” I demanded.

“Scott if you pulled your head out of your ass for ten minutes you would listen to what I’m trying to tell you. The only way to see if Oakley is my daughter or not is to see if she has werewolves blood in her system.” Jim stated.

“How are you going to do that?” I tensed.

“If a werewolf gets bitten by another wolf it hurts, makes you bleed. Maybe break a bone or too. If your human and you get bitten you die.” Jim said.

My heart started to race.




There is no way I’m letting them lay a hand on Oakley.

Oakley moaned in her sleep. I forgot she was lying here. I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled a little tighter to me.

“Let me make this perfectly clear to you Kelang. You are not laying a single hand on her. Daughter or not, you could kill her.”

“If she dies she’s not my daughter. It’s as simple as that Williams.” He smirked.

This was impossible.

“You can’t do that.” I shook my head.

“You’re going to watch me pretty boy.”


“She hasn’t eaten properly in days Scott. If she turns into a wolf she is going to be hungry and she’ll probably have no idea who you are.” He smiled.

He was right. I wanted him to be making all this up so badly it hurt.

I wanted Oakley to be safe, but something was telling me that this wasn’t going to do down well.

She was going to get hurt, either physically or emotionally.

Oakley’s P.O.V

I felt safe with Scott. Like no one couldn’t possibly hurt me.

Lying here in his arms made me feel in heaven. Today’s sleep with Scott was probably the best sleep I have ever had.

His head was resting on the top of my head. He was snoring. I don’t know when he fell asleep but it was cute and relaxing.

The door was still closed and the whole room was dark nevertheless. Maybe Jim forgot about us. I hadn’t spoken or seen Jason in what I think a few days. I kind of miss him. Though I still have idea why he’s here and what happened to him, I feel for the kid. He should be in school and hanging out with his mates. Why the hell is he here?

Scott’s eyes slowly opened and he lifted his head.

“Hey you’re up.” He smiled lazily.

“How long have you been asleep for?” I asked him

“Not too long. Just long enough to rest my eyes.” He smiled down at me.

I smiled. He was perfect.

“I’m surprised Jim or Jason haven’t come back in here,” I muttered.

Scot signed, “Jim came by when you were sleeping.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked him a little hurt. What if Jim had come and hurt Scott? I could have done something to stop it.

“You haven’t slept in days Oakley. I thought I would let you sleep.” He smiled down at me.

He was sweet. He thought of everything!

I smiled back at him. “Did you talk to him?”

“Yeah, for a little bit.”

“Did he say what was going on? Why we were still here?” I was hopeful.

Scott opened his mouth, and then quickly closed it again. He then shook his head. There was something that he wasn’t telling me, but I didn’t have time to question him because the door was pushed open.

It was bright outside; the light almost hurt my eyes. I hadn’t been outside in weeks. I couldn’t wait till we were out of here.

I squinted my eyes to see who was there, but could only faintly see the outline of three men.

Three big men.

“Get up Scott.” One of them that I didn’t recognise said.

Scott tightened his arm around me. He wasn’t going anywhere by the looks of it.

“Don’t make me repeat myself Williams. Let go of Oakley and get up.”

“What are you going to do?” Scott questioned them.

“Let her go and we will show you.”

“I’m not giving in to you guys. You can go back to Jim and tell him that I’m not budging like I told him already. I’m not leaving Oakley.” He growled.

What was going on? Whatever Scott and Jim talked about while I was asleep obviously wasn’t about the football. Something was going to happen. I had a good feeling that something had to do with me.

The three boys looked at each other and nodded. They took a few steps closer towards us and stopped right in front of Scott. They each grabbed him by the arms and ripped him off me. Screaming I tried to reach for his hand, but the chains where holding me down.

“Oakley!” Scott thrashed in the men’s arms. He was looking around franticly looking for something that would help him because I was no help.

They brought him to the other side of the room where there were handcuffs stuck on the wall. Carefully, so he wouldn’t break free, they cuffed him up the wall, both hands above his head.

He dropped his head in defeat. He had lost.

“Scott?” I asked quietly.

It didn’t even look like he heard me. His head didn’t move in the slightest. What was going on?

I looked over at the three men and saw that there were only two of them now. I looked around for the third man and gasped when I realised he was next to me.

“Sit still.” He grunted. He was fiddling with the chains that held my legs down. After minutes of wondering what in the world he was doing, I heard them unclick, and my ankles suddenly started aching. They had been tightly locked for a few days now; I didn’t think I would ever be able to walk again.

Without looking back at the man, I awkwardly ran to Scott. His head was still down, but when I ran to him his head shot up. I jumped on him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I rested my head between his neck and shoulder and breathed in his scent. He didn’t smell like the clean boy he normally does, but the safe smell was still there. Faintly.

“I love you Scott.” I muttered.

“I Love you too Oakley.” He whispered back sadly.

Why was something inside me telling me this was him telling me goodbye?

“Scott what’s happening? Why did they unchain me and chain you up?” I asked.

“Oakley, Jim’s coming back, I need you to be strong. Don’t let him touch you alright? I’m right here, but there isn’t much I can do. I want you to remember that I love you.” He muttered.

“Scott what’s going on?” I asked, my breath shaking. Why was he saying this?

“Oakley it’s going to be okay. You’re going to be alright.” He repeated to me.

That’s when I realised what he was finally talking about.


Jim walked in, his smile as wide as can be. Scott released a breath of air. He knew what was going to happen.

“Oakley, you look a little tense, everything alright?” He asked.

I looked at Scott and he nodded slowly, as if he was allowing me to speak.

“What are you going to do to me?”

He looked from me to Scott, then back to me.

“He didn’t tell you?” Jim’s smile faded as he took one step closer to me.

I shook my head. Scott didn’t tell me anything in fact.

“Did Scott tell you about me and your beautiful mother at least?” He challenged.

I nodded.

“Did he tell you that there are very high chances that you are my daughter?”

I nodded once again.

“I need to find out if that theory is true. There’s only one way to do that.” He took a few more steps closer to me.

He was now directly in front of me, but I was too scared to move. I didn’t want to move back and upset him. He had something planned and I didn’t want to make it worse. Especially not with Scott hopelessly watching.

“You can leave now boys.” Jim called to them still looking directly at me.

One by one, the three men exited the room closing the door behind them. I heard a few key chains clang together so I’m assuming they locked it so I couldn’t escape.

Suddenly he took a step away from Scott and myself and threw his top onto the ground unexpectedly.

I looked at him as if he were insane. He kneeled onto the ground and all of his bones started cracking.

“Scott!” I screamed. What the hell was going on?

“He’s changing Oakley. Jim is a werewolf, come here quickly.” Scott demanded. I carefully walked towards him and with his leg he awkwardly shoved my behind him.

We both knew that this battle was between Jim and I. Scott was still hurt, and chained to a wall. He was going to get nowhere if he tried.

I closed my eyes and wished that I were somewhere else. Somewhere nice and warm, somewhere where I didn’t have to worry about any strange creatures like wolves. I want to open my and be in the lounge room, or better yet, I’d rather be at school.

Anywhere but here.

When I opened my eyes I couldn’t help but scream.

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