《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (27)


new chapter all.....




claire!! xxx


Jason was here. He was actually here, in this house.

I couldn’t breathe.

Why the hell was Jason here?

He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t know who Edge was.

I thought I could trust him but I was wrong. I was completely wrong. He is the worst person anyone could ever come across.

I trusted him. I let him in my life thinking that he was a good man. A decent bloke. I was so wrong.

I was still standing at the doorframe. I didn’t know what to do, or how to help him. How did he even get to Melton?

He wasn’t on the same plan as I was, was he?

I couldn’t believe this. I couldn’t wrap my hand around this whole thing.

I could hear voices down stairs, but I couldn’t understand words. They were talking to quietly now. Something told me that they knew I was listening.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, being careful, looking at every step as I went down. I didn’t trust myself at the moment. I was weak. I couldn’t speak. I was too overwhelmed.

First I find out that Scott was taken, or in danger. I seriously don’t know.

Then I find out that my little orphan boy Jason is siding with the bad side.

I needed to know why the hell Jason was here. I didn’t understand what Edge was telling him, but most of all, I want to understand why Jason was here?

How the hell did he get here?

This was raking my brain. So many thoughts were rushing through. I couldn’t think straight at the moment. I was confused.

I reached the bottom of the stair, and I couldn’t hear anything anymore. The silence was killing me.

I turned the corner and that’s when I saw them. I saw Edge holding Jason up by the underarms, pushing him against the wall. He was whispering something to him, growling to him more like it.

Someone was looking at me. I couldn’t see anyone else in the room, but I could still feel the eyes on me.

“Oakley, we meet again.” Someone whispered in my ear.

I screamed. This was the worst mistake of my life. Both eyes glared at me.

“Oakley?” Jason asked. He was surprised, and upset. I saw tears in his eyes. Edge was making him cry.


“What are you doing out of your room?” Edge snarled at me.

“Edge, that’s no way to talk to your guests.” I was too scared to move. I was trapped in a room with my worst nightmare. All eyes were on me.

“What’s going on?” I whispered only loud enough for the people in my room to hear.

“Oakley why are you out of your room?” Edge asked me nicely.

“Answer my question.” I said. I still couldn’t move.

“Oakley, I don’t think you’re in a position to be asking questions.” The voice behind me whispered in my ear.

A tear fell down my face. I didn’t even realise I was crying until I couldn’t see properly, through the tears.

“Oakley why are you crying? This is your home now; you shouldn’t be upset about it.” He whispered to me.

I faced my fears and turned around to see my worst nightmare staring back at me. He was smiling widely at me.

“Jim.” I stated.

“I’m glad you remember me.” He winked at me, making me tense more.

He took a step closer to me and touched my side with his hand. He was so close to me now I could feel his breath on my face. I couldn’t move. I stood there, waiting for someone to step in and take me away from this horrible place.

“Jim stop it, you’re scaring her.” Jason said, trying to help me.

“Shut up, Jason. You have to learn when to shut your mouth!” Jim snapped at him.

“If you’re not going to answer why I’m here, than answer this one. Why is Jason here?” I didn’t understand anything that was going on here.

“You don’t know?” Jim smiled towards Jason who was going pale. “Jason why don’t you explain why you are here, I’m sure Oakley here is dying to understand why.”

I looked over at Jason who looked as if he was going to be sick. “Jason you can talk to me, you know that. What’s going on? Why am I here?” I asked, knowing that I wasn’t going to like the answer. Maybe this was some intervention or something.

“Well, tell her.” Edge pushed on.

“Oakley I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.” Jason whispered.


I stared at him. What was he talking about?

“Tell her Jason! Tell her how you planned this all along. That you were sent to that orphanage to spy on her, and make sure she doesn’t get adopted. How you promised that you wouldn’t let her get close to anyone, because they might find out. Tell her what you were sent to do.” Edge roared.

“Oakley I didn’t have a choice you have to understand. They forced me to; they were going to kill my family if I didn’t come with them. I had to do what they said.” He said, a tear falling down the side of his face.

“Who are you?” asked looking right through Jason.

“Oakley, I swear you have to believe me.” He took a step closer and edge grabbed him.

“You said that you wouldn’t get attached to her. She is nothing. A worthless bitch that’s all. She doesn’t deserve your tears.” Edge smiled at me.

I couldn’t defend myself. After all the explaining, I still didn’t understand why I was still here.

“What are you going to do it me?” I asked quietly.

Jim grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, until we were so close, I could feel his breath breathing down my neck.

“First we’re going to lock you up, in a dark, cold room until you slowly start to go crazy. When you do we will change you. It’ll hurt so badly you will want to die. You will beg us to kill you. You will turn delirious, and start to see things. You’ll be wishing that all this is a big dream and if you click your fingers together you will wake up next to Mr hot shot. When you turn you won’t be able change back. You won’t be able to listen to anyone, because you won’t be able to think straight. Not even your little Scott won’t be able to help you. You will be so hungry; you will do anything for food. When Scott is the only thing in sight, you won’t stop yourself from ripping him to pieces.”

I couldn’t understand what they were saying. None of it made any sense.

“What do you mean change me?” I asked quietly.

“I thought you knew?” Jim laughed.

I looked at him; he was frightening me half to death.

“Lover boy didn’t tell her.” He smirked.

“Maybe he wasn’t that committed to her in the first place.” Edge laughed.

“You know where Scott is.” I said.

“Of course we do.”

“Where is he?” I asked through my teeth.

“Why do you care, when he clearly doesn’t care what happens to you. He obviously wasn’t going to stay with you much longer.”

“Why do you say that?” I challenged.

“Did you know that your little Scott is the Alpha’s son?”

“Alpha?” What the hell was an alpha?

“The leader of the pack. When you are the leader of the pack your mate must lead. How are you supposed to lead a pack of wolves when you aren’t one yourself?” He smiled evilly.

“What are you trying to say?”

“He was either going to dump you or change you. Both equally as painful.” He laughed.

“You don’t know him!” I growled. Scott wouldn’t have dumped me. I practically dumped him when I left. He was crushed. There was no way he would do that.

And he wouldn’t change me. If he knew how much wolves scared me he would be sure not even to ask me.

“This all must be a misunderstanding. It’s impossible. I don’t need to ‘change’ for anyone. Scott loves me. No, no you have it all wrong!” I said looking at them all like they were crazy.

“You and Scotty aren’t as close as I thought.” He smiled griping my under arm tightly. “Say goodbye to your friend now Jason, it might be the last time you’ll see her.” He smiled and pulled me into a dark room. He threw me to the ground and walked back to the door.

“I’ll check up on you tomorrow princess.” He smiled slamming the door closed.

I leaned against the wall and held my legs close to my body. I closed my eyes and cried. I cried because I knew that what Jim told me was all true.


drama, gotta love it

its coming to an end

aw poor oakley and scott

comment and vote please last chapter didnt get many so i didnt upload!! hahaha


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