《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (25)


hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but heres another chapter, vote for it maybe !! hahaha that stupid song has been stuck in my head for so long now its getting annoying!!


claire xx


Oakley's P.O.V

Hours had pasted and I hadn’t moved from my bed. I couldn’t get that strange voice out of my head. I tried calling once or twice more but there was no answer this time. I needed to hear that Scott was okay. I needed to make sure that everything was alright.

I wanted to hear his voice again.

I did what I thought was best, which honestly, if I wasn’t in a rush panicking about what was happening there is no way in hell I would have done it, but I was desperate.

“Hello there.” The voice answered seductively.

“Tyler?” I asked hastily.

“Who’s this?”

“It’s Oakley.”

“Oakley?” He thought. That’d be right; he has no idea who I was. I wasn’t one of his one night stands which I think he was hoping was calling.

“Um hey Tyler, yeah it’s Oakley, Scott’s girlfriend?” I asked.

“Ohhhhhhh hey you. What’s up?” He yelled, proud of himself that he knew who I was.

“Have you seen Scott anywhere lately?” I asked.

“Um, yeah I saw him this morning. He was going to pick you up to meet the parents. Did he forget to pick you up?” He chuckled.

I had to hurry. I didn’t know where Scott was, and we were just wasting time talking about useless crap.

“Tyler, do you know where Scott is now? I tried calling him and someone picked up saying that Scott was in danger. I don’t know if it was a joke or not but I’m scared and I can’t get over there because I’m in Melton. Tyler I don’t know what to do.” I ranted on.

“Whoa whoa Oakley breathe, breathe. I’m near the house now, just calm down, I’ll go have a look. It was probably just one of the kids he lives with. Scott’s must have fallen asleep and left his phone in the lounge room or something. They always mess around with stuff that isn’t there’s. ” Tyler tried to reassure me, but deep down, I think he was trying to reassure himself.


“Alright, I’m at the house now, I’ll go in and wake him up.” He said.

“Can you see anything?” I asked.

He stopped. I could hear the phone drop to the floor.

“Tyler! Tyler! Tyler what happened?” I yelled.

There was a couple of seconds where Tyler didn’t say anything, my heart nearly beating out of my chest. “Oakley, listen to me. Listen to me right now. Get out of the house. Run, do you hear me?” He yelled.

I froze. What in the world is going on?

“What?” I gasped.

“Oakley get out of the house. Someone is after you Oakley. Whoever it is, took Scott, Don’t talk to anyone, just run. Alright?” He shouted.

I panicked. Why was someone after me?

“Where do I go?” I asked quickly.

“Who cares just get out! There’s a boy Edge, Oakley if you see him run away. Use self defence, anything, he is a bad man! He will hurt you.” Tyler wasn’t making any sense. Edge wouldn’t hurt me. He was the nice one in the family.

I didn’t want to risk anything. I jumped off my bed and ran out of my room. I didn’t know my way around the houses yet, so I just around hopping for the best. I could still hear Tyler on the other side of the phone; he was telling me all I had to do was get out and everything would be okay.

When I got to the front door, I yanked it open and gasped when the doorway was blocked by a tall figure.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Edge smiled.

“Oakley! Oakley! What’s going on?” I could hear Tyler screaming through the phone.

“I didn’t realise you had a phone. Who are you talking to?” Edge asked snatching the phone off me before I had a chance to hide it.

“Hello?” He asked still blocking the doorway. He was starting to scare me now.

Looking at his face, there was something about it that just didn’t seem right. He didn’t look like the nice guy that I sat with at the park. He was viscous now.

I could hear Tyler on the other side of the phone shouting and going off his head.


“Where is Scott? What are you doing with Oakley! Edge you leave her alone! You f*ucking hear me?” He yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Tsk, Tsk Tyler. I would calm down if I were you.” Edge laughed.

“I swear, if you lay a single finger on her, Scott will rip you to pieces!”

“Ah but you see my friend, Scott isn’t here anymore. He can’t protect little Oakley now. It’s just me and her alone in a big house.” Edge smiled at me.

“Don’t you touch her!” He growled. I knew Tyler was getting to the point where he was so angry that he was going to change into a wolf. He was trying to be strong, when really; there was nothing he could possibly do. He was hours away, couldn’t possibly get here in time to help me.

“What are you going to do about it?” Edge was loving this.

“I’m going to kill you!” He yelled.

“I’d like to see you try!” Edge laughed throwing the phone across the room. It smashed into a million pieces.

“What’s going on Edge?” I asked shakily.

“Never liked Tyler. Always to self absorbed for my likings.”

“Where’s Scott, Edge?” I asked slowly. I still didn’t have an idea what was going on. I hadn’t spoken to Tyler much before, but he seemed really protective, exactly like Scott.

Maybe that’s why they’re best friends.

“Why would you think I have any idea where your precious little wolf is?” He barked.

Then it all made sense. Edge is strong, so much stronger than me, that’s not that hard though. I also noticed when we pulled up at his house, there was no one around. No house’s or people.

Scott’s father is Alpha so they live just out of town, close to the woods or forest. Edge lives in the middle of the beach, alone.

You’re an idiot Oakley, put two and two together.

“You’re a wolf.” It wasn’t a question.

“Took you long enough. I’m surprised you didn’t guess it the first time we met.” He smirked.

I noticed that he was no longer in the way of getting out. He had moved over and if I moved quickly I could get away. Kinda impossible seeing that he is a wolf. One of the fastest animals in the world.

I looked back at Edge who was staring right in my eyes. He knew what I was going to do.

“I wouldn’t run if I were you. It’ll only make it worse.”

“Make what worse?” I shivered.

Suddenly, before I could run Edge lunged for me throwing me to the ground. I fell to the floor with a loud thump.

Edge slamming his body on top of me.

“You will not leave this house until said so. Do you understand?” He spat in my face.

I could feel tears streaming down my face. I tried to hide them, but they just fell out.

“Crying shows weakness. You’re weak. Pathetic.” He yelled in my face.

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t talk.

Edge then rolled off me and stood up. He looked down at me, his nose flaring.

“Get up.” He said.

My back was hurting; I was slammed to the floor for goodness sacks. I wasn’t going to be able to get up easily.

“I said get up!” He yelled.

“I can’t.” I sobbed.

He kicked me.

Whatever happened to it being bad for men to hit girls? I thought Edge was the nice guy. He then kicked my twice, three times.

Then by the fourth time, I couldn’t feel anything. He was a wolf, his kicks felt like stabs in the stomach, over and over again. It was so painful; I don’t think I could ever walk again.

“Get up!” He repeated.

I didn’t hear anything else as I fainted, blacked out right next to the man who might just kill me if I wasn’t careful enough.

My last thought was on Scott.

Please Scott I don’t know where you are, but help me. That’s all I ask.


I have already written the next bit, Scott's Point of view


gossip girl

claire xxx

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