《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (24)


Oakley’s P.O.V

The plane ride was absolutely horrendous. Never again will I go in an aeroplane. If I want to get somewhere, I will go by boat. It was so terrible, and to top it all off I didn’t get one inch of sleep for the whole five hours. During the flight, a little kid thought it would be entertaining to start kicking the back of my chair to the beat of the loud music the person next me had blasting through his ears.

I was seriously going to kill someone.

It was the worst experience ever.

I repeat, I will never, ever fly again. I hate not being in control of the wheel either, knowing that there’s nothing I can do if we have an accident. All it does is bring shivers down my spine.

Though the good thing about the plane ride was, it gave me time to think about what the hell was going on with my life at the moment. Why the hell I left everything without a fight. I should have stood up for the people that I love. I should have done something about it.

It doesn’t matter now though. It’s all over. It’s too late to turn the clock around, to turn back time. I wished it wasn’t. I wish I never got adopted.

I always thought that a day like today was going to be the most amazing experience of my life. Ever since I was around 12 years old, all I wanted was to get away from Mary and the Orphanage. Now that I have lost both of them I miss it so much. I guess the saying you can only love what you don’t longer have.

I took my time getting off the plane. There was no rush to leave the airport so what’s the point?

I didn’t know who was going to pick me up, and I didn’t know where to go after I got my stuff. My luggage was one of the last bags on the stand, so I carefully grabbed the three bags and started walking to the exit doors.

There wasn’t really anyone around the airport today. I was really surprised about this. In movies, airports were always jammed packed. There were always masses of people everywhere, and if you weren’t holding on to someone’s hand you would get lost.

That’s what I always thought anyways.

I walked out the doors and saw a few more people standing around trying to get the attention from a taxi driver. I took a look around and couldn’t see Lea or Jim anywhere.

Great, it’s the first day and they already forget about me. I was about to turn around when I heard a voice calling my name.

“Oakley? Oakley! Over here!” I looked around, but there was no one there. I must be going crazy.


Looking at my feet, I continued to walk, thinking about what I could do, or who I could call, I hit a solid figure and fell directly on my butt.

“Well hello to you to.” A deep voice chuckled.

How dare someone laugh at me, and not even consider helping me up. You know, I’m fine on the floor, continue to laugh at me, that’s alright.

I looked up to see who this rude man was, my eyes almost popping out of my head at the sight of him. The so called stranger whom was laughing at me, turned out to be the unfortunate boy who I spilt my guts to due to a bad day a couple of weeks ago.

“Edge?” I asked, realising that I was still lying on butt. I quickly got up looking around to check of anyone noticed me.

“Hey there, didn’t think I’d see you again.” He smiled.

“Edge? What are you doing here?” I asked still stunned to see him here.

“Well, I was told to come to the airport and collect a girl that goes by the name Oakley Green. I’m thinking that’s you is it not?” He smirked.

“You’re a Kelang? Lea and Jim are your parents?” I was so surprised.

“Last time I checked they gave birth to me, yeah.” He nodded, mocking me.

I was speechless. Here I was thinking that I wasn’t going to know anyone, and I would be the weird one around.

I have Edge.

Yeah he was probably older than me, maybe finished school already, but least I won’t be a complete loner.

“Wait how come Mr or Mrs Kelang didn’t come and pick me up?” I asked.

He thought for awhile, “They had business to deal with; they wanted to come though, really.” He nodded. I didn’t fully believe him, but why would he lie?

“Oh okay then.”

“They will be home tomorrow morning, but they told me to say there sorry, and they wish they could have come to pick you up.”

In a way, I was actually really happy Mr Kelang didn’t come and pick me up. I didn’t want to get in his way, and I most defiantly didn’t want to be alone with this man. He was creepy and disturbing.

“Well what are you waiting for? What’s say we start heading to your new home?” He asked.

My new home. I don’t think that will ever settle in.


After what felt like forever, Edge pulled into a beautiful house right on the beach.

“This is where you live?” I asked, my mouth hanging open.

“This is where we live.” He smiled.

This was my new house. This beyond wonderful house was where I was going to be living. It was like a mansion directly on the beach. It was like a triple story house. There was a massive garage type area on the first floor, which you had to go down the stairs to reach. The middle floor was gigantic, what looked like one hundred rooms. Then the top level was bigger again.


This was just looking in from the front. It was beautiful. The house was painted yellow with little touches of white on the windows.

There was at least ten stairs which you had to walk up leading you to the front door, but it looked a lot easier than it seemed. The stairs were so steep, it was worse holding all my luggage.

“Need a hand there?” Edge smirked watching me struggle. I was attempting to hold three bags which watching where I step.

“That would be good yeah.” I smiled. He jogged up the stairs and grabbed two of the bags effortless and unlocked the door.

I walked inside the house behind him, and it was more beautiful than the outside was. (If that was even possible.) It was all wood and antique furniture. It was like my dream home. It all looked so expensive and new.

“Like what you see?” Edge asked bringing me back.

“This house is just beautiful. It’s so pretty.” Was all I could say.

“That’s the look I was going for!” He chuckled.

I smiled; I might just like it here.

Only maybe though.

“Want me to show you to your room?” He asked.

I nodded, picking up the bag I had. I follow him up the stairs and into a little corridor.

“The ‘rents and me sleep down stairs. The only spare room was up here, hope you don’t mind.”

I shook my head glad that I was going to get the privacy that I wanted. “That’s alright.”

He unlocked the door and pushed it open stepping aside so I could walk in first. It was a very simple room. All wood, a skinny mattress in the middle of the room with a small bedside table next to it. Beside the window there was a small draw to put my clothes in.

It was tiny and defiantly wasn’t going to fit all my clothes in. I guess I just won’t unpack to save time and space.

“What do you think?” He asked.

“It’s nice, thank you.” I smiled.

“Don’t thank me; I wasn’t the one who adopted you.” He smirked once again. It seemed that this boy was a fan of smirking at everything.

“What do you do for a living Edge?” I asked out of the blue.

“I run a pac-” He stopped in mid sentence. He coughed a couple of times to cover up before starting again. “I run a packaging place. We package stuff before it goes into the shops.”

I nodded, again I had a feeling that he was lying, but I didn’t push on it.

“Oh is that a seven day job?”

“It’s on call. I help out whenever I’m needed.” He nodded.

“That’s cool.” I said.

“Well I think I’ll leave you to unpack and get comfortable and stuff, I’m going to go for a swim on the beach.” He stated before walking out of my new room.

“Alright.” I nodded.

“Want to join me later?” He asked.

“It’s freezing today!” I gasped. There was no way I was going into the ocean today in this weather.

“Your lose.” He shrugged.

As he turned away I flopped onto my bed.

“Oh and by the way, you still owe me a leather jacket.” He popped his head in my doorway.

“Sorry?” I asked.

“When I met you, you took my leather jacket and never gave it back.” He smiled.

“You offered it to me.” I snapped at him.

“And you never gave it back. Therefore, you stole it.” He walked off.

“You’re so annoying!” I shouted.

“Love you too.” I yelled back slamming the front door.

Love, shit I forgot to call Scott when the plane landed.

I searched for my phone in my handbag and dialled Scott’s number.

I put the phone to my ear, and waited for him to pick up. I was really hoping that he wouldn’t be angry that I forgot, but he will understand. I hope.

It went straight to his message bank. Where was he?

Scott promised that he would answer my calls.

I tried once more, and this time he picked up.

“Scott, hey it’s me.” I smiled just thinking about him.

Someone was breathing through the phone, but no one was talking.

“Hello, Scott? You there?”

“Scott isn’t here at the moment.” Someone whispered.

I froze. Who the hell what that?

It most defiantly wasn’t Scott. It didn’t sound like him at all. If it was Tyler or one of his mates playing a joke, this defiantly wasn’t funny.

“Who is this?” I asked.

“You’ll be lucky to see him again.” The voice whispered through the phone and then hung up.

I sat there staring at the phone, shaking.

Who was that, and what has he done with Scott?


Oh my gosh im starting to love this story so so so so much!!! i love writing it...

please tell me your thoughts i really want to know your opinions on it !! :)




claire xxx

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