《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (23)


hey guys sorry for the late upload i haven't had internet all week ;(

i don't know how i survived!! hahah


claire xx


Scott’s P.O.V

I honestly thought that Oakley was just going on a long holiday or something. That’s why all her stuff was packed in the back of the car. I just don't understand why she had to leave so suddenly.

It was just all so sudden; I didn’t get a chance to stop her or even say anything.

She was crying, and was hoping that I wouldn’t notice it. Maybe she thought that if I didn't realize she was crying that it would be easier to say goodbye. I just don’t get why she left it to the very last minute. Why she couldn’t tell me a couple of weeks ago. Or better yet, when she originally found out.

I could have had a long talk to the Jim and expressed my mind. Tell him to watch himself.

I couldn’t believe out of every family she had to get adopted by them. There were millions of families out there that are willing to adopt and it had to be them.

Slowly, I made my way back to Oakley house, and saw the car was long gone. The tire marks still clear on the dirty driveway.

Oakley was gone.

I doubled looked at her house and saw Jason sitting on the doorstep, crying. I knew why he was upset, so there was no point in asking.

I sat down next to him, and he looked up at me, wiping his eye with his sleeve.

“She’s not gunna come back.” He whispered.

“I know man, I know.” I nodded. She promised that she would come back when she was 18.

She would find something there. She wasn’t going to come back. I just knew it.


“They’re not good people Scott, you gotta know that. She’s not going to last there. Not for five minutes.” This got my attention.

“How do you know that Jason?” I asked.

Jason paused. I didn’t think he had told anyone this, not even Oakley. “They were one of my foster parents awhile back. They treated me like shit.”

I knew this; I knew they were bad people. I froze when she told me they were going to be taking care of her. Jim Kelang is the Alpha of the worst pack in the world. He was trouble, big trouble.

“How long were you with them for?” I gulped.

“Couple of months. Maybe less I dunno.”

“How’d you get out?” I asked, maybe Oakley could sneak off or something.

“Ended up in hospital. Bruise everywhere, broken legs. Doctors didn’t believe me when I told them it was them that did it. They have everyone on their side over there. I missed so much school and soccer, people got suspicious. Child service finally took me away.”

Oakley wasn’t going to last, there was just no hope for her there. There had to be something that I could do. Jason was strong, stronger that Oakley. She wasn’t a fighter when it can to that stuff.

Before I befriended her, she would flinch if someone looked in her way let alone talked to her. She had improved immensely lately, and that was all just for nothing.

“That’s bullshit. They shouldn’t be allowed to have any more kids.”

“I told you Scott, they are one of the most powerful people I have ever met, they could probably get away with murder if they wanted to.” He shook his head.

This was impossible.

“I’m going to talk to my dad. There has to be something that he can do to get her back.” I said.


“Tell me if you get somewhere will you?” Jason asked me.

“Will do.” I walked off and ran home. I changed into wolf form and let out all my anger.

I sprinted home, not caring if anymore saw me. I didn’t care what happened after this, as long as she was okay.

When I reached home, dad was already in wolf form, he was just about to change back, when he spun around and glared at me.

‘Son, what are you doing here?’ He said to me through the bond. He wasn’t speaking, only through our minds.

‘Oakley’s gone.’ I muttered back.

‘What happened?’

‘She got adopted.’

‘By who?’

‘The Kelang family.’ I growled.

‘Alpha Jim?’ he clarified.

I nodded my head.

‘She is on their territory now son, there is nothing you can do about it.’ He shook his head.

‘I’m not giving up dad.’

‘I will not let you get yourself into that type of situation Scott. There is nothing you can do.’ He yelled.

I ran.

I didn’t want to talk to him right now. I couldn’t.

Why was everyone being so dam negative about all this?

It was like nobody wanted Oakley back.

I wasn’t going to give up.

Not until my heart stopped beating.


In human form, I sat in the forest and thought about everything happening these past few weeks.

Everything was absolutely crazy. I met her, and I lost her in just a short period of time. I told her to call me when she docked off the plane, so I guess it would be alright. I could hear her voice again soon.

I was fiddling with all the leaves around me, not really focusing on anything in particular. It was kind of peaceful to be out of all the loud drama.

I just can’t believe she didn’t tell me earlier. That was low. Beyond low.

I thought she was better than that.

School was going to be extremely boring without her. How was I going to focus on my finals when the only thing on my mind was Oakley?

She was the reason I went to school. It was going to be a complete bore without her there.

I got up from the ground and slowly made my way back to the house. I had to be home when Oakley called. I couldn’t possibly miss it.

She promised that she would call.

When my house was in view, I saw something that was out of the ordinary. I saw a white envelope taped to the door.

My heart rate increased automatically.

I ran to the door and ripped it of the wood. I opened it and growled as I saw the writing.


everything was just starting to get good. Why did she have to leave? That’s right because she was adopted. You see, I had this all planed out and new exactly what I was going to do from the start and to be honest I though you did too.

Oakley will be in good care. She will have a bed to sleep in, and maybe someone to sleep in it with.

I’ll take really good care of her for you Scott.

She is of course my new sister now.

I’ll tell her you said hi.

He was a Kelang.

She probably wasn’t going to make it to the airport without getting hurt.

That monster.

There was no other word to describe it.

Before I could turn around, something ejected into my leg, and I suddenly felt weak.

My eyes felt shut and I was welcomed into darkness.

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