《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (22)


Well because im so so dam amazzing i uploaded faster. and because this story is coming to an end, and im getting really really excited...

so here it is. please comment and vote! i really wanna boast up the numbers!

enjoy !!

claire xxx


Oakley’s P.O.V

I didn’t plan on things happening this way. Things weren’t supposed to go like this. I was supposed to tell him the minute I found out. The minute I sighed them papers I should have told him.

I was a coward, and I know that.

So here I was packing the car, in my black track pants and blue hoddie. My hair hadn’t been done, and there was no makeup. I was a walking disaster today.

Aunt Kelly was helping me put everything in the car. Most my stuff was already there, Lea came down yesterday. Now she was back, and we were bringing everything else.

Including me.

The worst part of it all was I still couldn’t do anything about it.

Lea had family here, so she was staying here for a couple more days, all she was doing was driving me to the airport. I was going to fly there myself and wait for someone to pick me up in Melton.

I had said my goodbyes to everyone, not that there were many of them, but it was still something.

Jason still wasn’t happy with me. This morning when I said goodbye to him, I could tell he was trying to cover up the tears.

Then there was Scott.

I wrote him a letter, that’s how, I the biggest coward in the world was going to tell my boyfriend.

There was nothing else I could do.

I couldn’t tell him in person. I didn’t have the courage to, and all that would achieve was him getting angry and upset. I hated being the cause of that.

“Oakley are you ready?” Aunt Kelly asked. I shook my head coming out of my own world, to see them both staring at me.

I nodded, unable to speak. Apart from saying goodbye, I hadn’t talked to anyone. I just couldn’t bring myself too. Not when I was just going to leave them.

I made a promise to myself that I wasn’t going to get attached to anyone at my new house. What was the point?

I opened the car door, looking back at the house, this was it.

I probably won’t be seeing this house again for a few years. I was going to miss it so much.


“I’ll miss you Oakley. Maybe one of the kids can teach me how to use Facebook or something, and we can talk that way.” Aunt Kelly smiled.

I stepped towards her and hugged her tightly. I was going to miss this place so much.

“I’ll call the minute I get there alright?” I sniffed, preventing tears to fall out.

“Get where?” A deep voice asked behind me.

No! He wasn’t supposed to be here.

I had the letter in the house for him. I couldn’t say goodbye to him, not like this anyway.

I turned around and there he was, looking beautiful as ever, holding a bunch of red roses in his hand.

“Scott.” I planted a fake smile on my face for him.

“When I said dress casual, I didn’t mean this casual babe.” He chuckled.

Shit! Our date was today. I was meeting his parents over lunch. I was actually looking forward to today.

“Oh Scott I’m so sorry, I’ve had so much on my mind I forgot all about today. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t stress. I have time, go up and get changed; I’ll wait for you down here.” He smiled.

I looked over and Aunt Kelly and Lea who was watching us closely.

“Oakley we don’t have to leave right away. You have two hours before we have to leave, go talk with him.” Lea smiled at me.

Scott was looking at me, trying to process everything that was happening around us.

“Scott, um, can we walk for a bit? Please?” I asked hopeful.

All he did was nod slowly at me.


We walked until we reached the park. There was no one there and it was actually really peaceful.

Great, another reason for Scott to change into a wolf, no one here will see it, so why the hell not?

“Oakley, what’s going on? Why was your stuff in that car? You going on a holiday or something?” He asked, obviously he hasn’t put to and to together yet.

I stayed quiet, hoping that I didn’t have to tell him, and he would figure it out on his own.

“Oakley look at me.” He said softly.

My eyes slowly met to his, and tears started falling down.

“Hey, hey why are you crying?” He asked moving closer to me. He wrapped his arm around me and hugged me tightly.

“What’s wrong Oakley please let me in. You have been a wreck for so long now; please just tell me what’s going on.”


“I love you Scott.” I breathed.

“Oakley I love you too, so much. That’s why you have to tell me.” He sighed.

“I’m moving.” I muttered hopping he would hear it so I didn’t have to repeat it.

“What? Oakley why?” He asked letting me go. It was suddenly cold, and lonely.

“I got adopted.” I said.

I didn’t want to look at him. He was probably just as upset as I was. The tears in my eyes didn’t stop, they just kept falling down.

“Oakley that’s fantastic! Why are you worrying? You have always wanted to get away from everyone there, and now you can!” He shouted. He was smiling so widely I thought his cheeks were going to burst.

Oh God. He didn’t understand, he thought I got adopted locally.

“Scott stop.” I shook my head.

“What?” His smile slowly started to fade.

“It’s not in this town.” I stated.

“That’s okay; I can come see you after school and on weekends. This will still work Oakley.” He paused. “Unless you don’t want it to?”

“Scott I got adopted, I’m moving to Melton.” I shook my head.

“I-I don’t know where that is Oakley?” He said running a hand through his hair.

“It’s five and a half hours away. That’s where!” I shouted standing up. I didn’t stop the tears falling this time. I let them run down my face.

He sat there, looking like someone just told him his mum died. He was processing what I had just said in his head. He looked like a lost kid.

“Oakley?” He finally said after a few minutes.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.

“Scott, I-”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier Oakley? I could have done something about it!” He yelled.

Flinching, I deserved this.

I deserved every single bit of this.

“These nothing you can do about it Scott. It’s done. I’m leaving.” I sobbed.

“No, no you’re not leaving Oakley, I will not let you.” He shook his head frantically.

“Scott please.”

“Who are they?” He asked.

“Who are who?” I asked.

“The people that are taking you away, who are they?” He snapped.

“Lea and Jim Kelang.” I said.

“Kelang?” He froze.

Why was everyone doing that?

“They’re wolves Oakley, you are not staying with them!” He demanded.

“Scott why won’t you understand? I don’t have a choice alright. I’m leaving in an hour. Weather you or anyone one else likes it. I can’t stay here. The papers have been signed, everything is happening. I’m sorry Scott, I’m so sorry. But I can’t stay.” I sobbed.

“Do they have any kids?” He huffed.

“Not that I know off, why?”

“You’re beautiful Oakley, that’s why.”

I blushed, even when times were hard, he was still so amazing.

“Were you going to tell me?” He asked suddenly.

I shook my head. “I couldn’t Scott. I just didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“Oakley, you’ll never disappoint me. Ever! I’m not disappointed in you, just upset, that all.” He shook his head.

“What happens now?” I asked softly, looking to the floor.

“Apart from the fact my wolf is going crazy wanting to kill the monsters taking you away, this could still work.” I smiled sadly.

Long distance relationship will never work. I’m sure we both knew that.

“We’ll see how things turn out I guess. I could be back before you know it.”

He shook his head. “Oakley can you promise me one thing?”


“We’ll still talk. All the time.”

“Of course Scott.” I nodded.

“And if you need something. I mean anything. I’ll be on the first plane there.” He said.

I laughed, “Of course you will.”

“I love you Oakley.” He said taking a step closer to me.

He wrapped his arms around me so tightly I was struggling to breathe. It felt so right being in his arms. It’s killing me knowing that I have to pull away.

“I love you too Scott. Forever and always.” I smiled.

Then we kissed. We kissed like never before. It was the most amazing kiss in the world. Everything seemed to stop. Even time.

I untangled myself from him and took a step backwards, away from.

“I have to go now.” I nodded my head.

He looked so broken it hurt.

“Be safe Oakley.”

I turned around, more tears flooding out, and ran back home.

This was by far, the hardest thing I have ever had to do.


I cried while writting this....

hahahh please vote and comment, i want this chapter to have over a hundred votes!!!

i wont upload until it has over 50 :)

thanks for understanding!




Claire xxx

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