《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (18)


This is dedicated to this amazing writer because she gave some amazing advice over the past week, and told me about her writing skills, so this ones for you! :) xx

Hey guys, I'm speeding things up a little, here comes all the major drama!!

:) Claire!

Scott's P.O.V

Waking up in my usual bed, at my usual time was like a normal routine for me. I stopped looking for Oakley when I saw her pull up in her driveway. I wanted to talk to her but my wolf told me otherwise. Oakley needed some breathing room and that was exactly what I was going to give her.

She was gone for a couple of hours, which scared me a little.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed an apple from the bowl for breakfast and got ready to leave for school. I was going to take it real slow today. Not worry about anything, not care about anyone. Mum and dad had already left for work so I left for school without saying goodbye to anyone.

I pulled up in my usual car park, looking over at the empty spot next to me, sighing. She wasn't at school yet. She comes late these days anyway. After dropping off the others at school, her, Jason and Chloe are the only ones in the house that go to high school. I think we had Italian in the first period so I would be able to see when she arrives.

I strolled to my locker to get my books and put my bag away, when I opened it a small piece of paper fell out. I picked it up carefully and unfolded it. I tensed when I saw the writing.

It was the same writing ever time, nothing changed.


You better keep her on a leash soon, or she's going to get lost. Then again yesterday wasn't the first time you lost her. It won't be the last either. I had a good chat with her yesterday. She is very beautiful. I see why you would like her. She said the park was where she could think, and be herself. Why weren't you there with her? I thought you told my brother you would always be with her. I was there for her when you weren't. Have fun at school; don't have too much fun.

P.S tell Oakley I said hello will ya. You guys have Italian first yeah?

I didn't move. The bell went and people were moving around trying to get to their classes, but I couldn't.

This was going too far. He knew where she went to school and all her classes.

This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all.

I heard someone clear their voice and my head shot up. Oakley was awkwardly smiling at me, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

"Hey you okay? You zoned out for a few minutes there?" She smiled.

Returned the smile, I looked at her confused. Why was she talking to me? I thought she was scared to hanging out with me, after she found out.

I'm a wolf, she knows that now. Its okay Scott, just talk it out. Everything will be okay.

"Hey, what's your first class?" I asked smoothly.

"So I just wanted to apologise for yesterday. I didn't mean to just run off like that." She smiled at me.

"That's okay. Are you okay though?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to ruin the moment, just in case she leaves again.

"Yeah, just a little tired, that's all, didn't get much sleep last night." She nodded. I looked at her properly. There were black circles under her eyes, meaning she defiantly didn't get much sleep last night.


"Jason giving you grief?" I hopped.

She paused, "Yeah something like that."

Dammit, so it was me.

I opened my mouth to say something, when the bell rang.

Oh thank god, saved by the bell.

"Well okay, um, I'll see you later?" I asked hopeful.

"Yeah, I guess. Bye Scott." She walked away into her next class, leaving me to wonder, if we will be okay again.

Oakley's P.O.V

Sitting in class next to Rachel, didn't seem so bad. I sat with Rachel in all the classes we had together, and it was actually really peaceful. I didn't get picked on very much anymore which was actually really peaceful.

We were sitting at the back of the class, away from the teacher who was sitting at his desk babbling on about nothing. I was spending my class time looking out the window thinking about what I saw yesterday. I dreamt about him last night, causing me to get no sleep. It didn't help that Jason was up for most the night doing god knows what.

"Hey!" Rachel tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and eyed her down for bringing me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I snapped.

"Sorry, Mate but um class ended ten minutes ago. What are you doing?" She questioned, looking at me really curiously.

I looked around and realized that she was indeed right. There was no one in class.

"Oh sorry, lost in thought I guess." I laughed it off.

"Well hurry up, where going to be late for our next class." She got up and started walking out.

I groaned, honestly not caring that I'm missing my next class.


Walking by myself people were looking at me. It was seriously so uncomfortable, but at least they weren't coming up to me and interrogating me for once.

I walked into the change rooms and saw that there was no one in there, smiling to myself I went to the corner and quickly changed into my gym gear. I was late, but I didn't care. I hated gym, and frankly, the teachers hated me.

I opened the gym doors and they slammed shut, causing everyone to stare at me. Blushing, I walked in and sat down with the rest of the class and listened to the teacher talking about exercise. He didn't acknowledge me in the slightest.

Scott did though, he moved from where he was sitting and sat beside me, without saying a word. I looked at him, and he looked back smiling at me, then back at the teacher. Scott was trying not to pressure me into the whole 'I'm a wolf thing' which was kinda cool. I liked that.

"Oakley, you paying attention?" Scott nudged me.

"Huh?" I asked looking back at him.

"We're gotta partner up, be my partner will ya?" He asked.

Whoa this was different; I have never been someone's partner in anything let along gym. I slowly nodded my head, and he grabbed my hand and pulling my down the stairs. As we walked out onto the oval, the teacher got all our attentions and started talking.

"Now class, the partner that you have just picked will be you're new runner partner. You will keep up with them, record your times with them, and break records with them." He said.

I groaned

I looked at Scott who was surprisingly smiling to himself, as if he was happy to be my running partner.

We got together, and slowly started jogging.

"You don't have to stay back here with me you, I know you are a fast runner, go catch up with the boys." I nudged him, which running out breath.


"I'm okay here." he smiled brightly at me.

We were running for over half an hour when I was actually about to die. I couldn't feel any part of my body no longer. Everyone was finished, they had all finished minutes ago, but Scott still insisted to stick with me, and make sure I was okay.

When we finally did finished the lunch bell had rung and the teacher told us to get out of here. I walked to the girls changed but stopped at the door turning around to look behind me.

There was eyes watching me, I knew it. I had felt like this the past couple of days. However, when I looked, there was nothing there. Maybe I was just going crazy.

Lunch was boring; Rachel talked the whole entire time about her class and how annoying the boys were in there. She babbled on for the whole lunch time, without even noticing that I wasn't replying.

"I don't know why mum didn't send me to an all girls school, like she went to an a girls school, she knows how annoying guys can be. They are like born, just to annoy you. They just walk in smirking with that annoying face planted on them, they should all just leave! Well I guys maybe not Henry. I like him, he is nice, and is a decent guy, you know what I mean?" Before I could answer her, she started talking again again how nice and kinda Henry was. I didn't't know how she just talked all the time. It must be so draining talking like that all the time.

After last period, I was happy to admit that I needed to go home. I was sick of school and wanted to talk to Aunt Kelly some more.

I couldn't stand her as a kid, she was just rude to me all the time, and whenever she came over to stay, she would always take my room. Why my room? I would always wash the sheets afterwards, just to be safe.

She was defiantly an interesting woman that's for sure. She had a lot of knowledge, that's for sure.

Going to the car, I saw Jason walking to the bench. He slumped down throwing the rock in his hand.

He looked murderous.

Hesitating, I walked over to him without putting my stuff in my car, and sat next to him. We didn't talk just sat. It was kind of peaceful to a point.

He was breathing heavily, but soon calmed down after awhile. He looked at me, and I saw the anger in his eyes still. Whenever he got angry, around his eyes would always turn bright red.

"You okay now?" I didn't want to pressure him into tell me what was wrong, if he didn't want to, but he needed to stop being so angry all the time.

"Thanks." I thought I heard him say, I wasn't sure if he did, do I didn't further it anymore.

I put my arm around him playing punching his shoulder, and walked to the car. I drove him home and got stuck into my homework.

"Oakley?" I heard from the other side of the door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

The door was pushed open more and Aunt Kelly smiled, as she walked in.

"How is everything going?" She asked.

"Alright, why what's up?"

"I thought that I would give Mary a night to herself and take all you kids out to the movies. How does that sound?" At least she was making an effort.

"Aunt Kelly, I would love to, but I'm working tonight. Still go out though yeah? Don't let me stop you guys from going." I smiled.

"Oh are you sure? I wanted to take all of you out."

"Next time." I smiled actually hopping there was going to be a next time.

After dinner, Aunt Kelly and the gang all left to go to the movies, whilst I was left at home to get ready for work. I hated work, it was so boring and I was always on my feet.

Four hours and never sitting down. Life's hard.


Work was draining, not to mention boring. I just wanted to go home, and sleep. I was so sleep deprived it was insane. I hadn't had a good sleep for a few weeks, and I was lacking it big time.

Pulling up in the driveway, I saw the front door was already open. Looking closely through my car window, I couldn't see anyone in the walkway, why was the door open?

Aunt Kelly shouldn't be home yet, they were going out for dinner beforehand. They shouldn't be back for half hour or so.

Mary most defiantly shouldn't be home. It's only ten o'clock at night; she won't be home for hours.

Slowly walking in, I looked both left and right, and no one was there.

Everything was still in place, so we weren't robbed.

"Hello?" I asked, knowing that it was kind of stupid. But I was kinda scared now.I was alone, and didn't have a weapon on me.

I walked into the lounge room and my eyes suddenly grew wide; letting out the most horrific scream I have ever let out in my life.

I couldn't stand properly; leaning against the wall I started hyperventilating.

No, no, no! This wasn't happening. This wasn't real. It was just a dream. I have to wake up soon.

There was no one else in the in the house, I had to tell someone. My whole body shaking, I went into my pocket and reached for my phone.

It rang twice, before it picked up.


"Come over please." I was shaking, staring at the body, lying still on the floor.

"Oakley, what's wrong?"

"Please!" I sobbed, my knees where getting weak, Falling to the floor I burst into tears.

"Oakley! Answer me! I'm coming over its okay." I heard through the phone.

Looking behind the bloodied up body I saw a note lying on the floor.

Grabbing it with my shaking hand I brought it to my face and read it as best as it could, avoiding the fact it was written in dark red, dripping down the page.

'Watch it, Green. You're next."

Dropping the paper on the floor I felling to the ground, screaming not believing my own eyes.

The woman that I loved and has looked after me for my whole life, was lying lifelessly on the floor.

Who was it?

What will happen?

Will Scott get there in time?

How will Oakley survive?

What will Oakley do?

What will Scott do?

All these questions floating in the air....


i love you joe brookes!!!!

claire :) xx

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