《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (17)
Hey guys sorry for the wait i was on a beautiful holiday!!
thanks for all the votes when I was away. I appreciate it :)
Claire xx
Scott's P.O.V
Alright, so she was scared of me. I gathered that much from her scream. I thought she was okay about it at first; she even took a step towards me, stupid me thinking that was my queue to lick her. Could I be any stupider if I tried? Dammit Scott, what is wrong with you?
I was a fool to think that a fragile girl like Oakley was going to be okay about the fact that I wasn't normal. Why, why couldn't I be normal? Why couldn't I have a normal life, with normal teenage problems?
But no.
That was just stupid. I was a dangerous werewolf that shouldn't be real. They should just be mythical creatures that are only read about in books and watched in movies. This wasn't a movie. This was real life. People like me don't exist in a humans life.
I followed her home that night. I was worried about her. She was in that much shock she could do something that she will regret and I will be there to protect her. Even if she doesn't accept me for who I am, I will always be watching out for her, no questions asked about that.
I didn't tell her the main problem about me being a werewolf was though which worried me. If she told anyone about us, I was dead.
Literally dead.
You can't tell anyone what we are, mates only if they didn't already know. Alpha's rules.
I was expecting for her to go straight home, so that was the first place I went, but she wasn't there. I couldn't smell her from out the front of the house, or the back. I actually didn't have a single clue where she would be.
She didn't have many friends, she couldn't have gone to someone' house. Maybe she was at Rachel's house. I didn't know Rachel very well but she was a friend of Oakley, and she needed a girlfriend to talk to.
Running to Rachel's house I still couldn't smell her anywhere. Where was she? Maybe someone took her as she left. I was too busy changing to notice her cries. Last time I didn't know where she was, she was nearly attacked by a werewolf. Nothing was going to happen to her this time.
I ran around the forest looking for her, she couldn't have gotten that far out. I didn't understand why this was so common for us. I was always looking for her, working my brain to the core thinking she was in danger. I really needed to find a hobby apart from stalking Oakley.
I was thinking about going home and creating a search party for her, but that's just a little out of control.
They would all just call me crazy and to settle down. Well that's what Tyler would say. He didn't have a mate yet, so he wouldn't understand at all.
Oakley's P.O.V
I needed to go for a drive. I thought I was okay with it all; turns out I was completely wrong. I panicked. When I was little I remember Mary sitting me in the baby seat and going for a drive to calm me down. Turns out it always did calm me. Every single time. Being in the car gave me time to myself, time to think without getting disturbed by anyone.
Theoretically, I shouldn't even be thinking about him. I should be at the police station or at a mental hospital. Why was it that I was still attracted to Scott . He wasn't on my side here. He was one of the bad guys.
I turned my phone off now wanting to talk to anyone. I didn't want people to know where I was going, just so they could join my peace and quiet.
Especially Scott.
Pulling up after a long drive, I stepped out of the car, my feet hitting soft luscious green grass. I smiled. This was where I belonged.
I loved it here.
There were dogs roaming free, and each one of them all reminded me of what I tried to get away from.
Everywhere I looked, he was there. I can't do things without thinking about him, wonder what he is doing, and wonder if he misses me. I shouldn't be feeling this way though.
I sat down on an empty park bench. Looking around, the view was amazing. If you blinked for just a second, you would miss something it was that detailed around here. Green was just everywhere. On the tree's, in the grass, the moss in the water, everywhere.
I took in a deep breath, smelling my surroundings. This was the best place in the world; you could stay here for hours and never ever get board. Different things happened every minute.
"This seat taken?" I heard someone ask next to me. I looked up and saw boy smiling down on me.
He wasn't really a boy. More like a man. He was tall, taller than Scott even. He had only a little facial hair, just enough to want to touch it. He had brown shady hair that looked soft and smooth.
I shook my head, "Sure, take a seat."
"Thanks." He smiled back at me. He had a beautiful smile.
"You here alone?" He asked curiously, trying to start a conversation that wasn't really necessary.
"Yeah, I like to come here, just to think about stuff. It's really nice and quiet around here. I would love to just stay here forever."
"I know how you feel. Like you can finally stop pretending around here. You can be yourself and think your own thoughts without getting judged by anyone."
I nodded, him thinking my thoughts exactly.
"I'm Edge." He smiled at me holding out his hand.
"Oakley." I shook it feeling his firm grip.
"Oakley hey? You're name is so, so different."
"Yeah, I get that a lot, It's unique." I said.
"Yeah, I like it."
We aimlessly talked about everything and anything for hours until I started getting a little cold. The wind breeze had picked up and I was starting to feel it on my bear skin.
"Oakley, you're cold." Edge stated.
looked down and saw goose bumps all down my arm and legs. Yeah it was pretty cold out here. I was just stupid enough not to bring a jumper.
"Here, take my jacket." He smiled putting his leather jacket around my shoulders.
I smiled up at him, "Thanks Edge. Not just for the jacket, but you're company has been really sweet."
He just laughed, "You're too nice for your own good Oakley. And stop thanking me, it's getting crazy!" He laughed standing up from the park bench.
"Where are you going?" I asked a little disappointed that he was leaving.
"It's time for me to go; you should be getting home now too Oakley, It's getting late. Wouldn't want you to be out by yourself now would we?" He chuckled and walked to his car.
I had strange desires towards Edge, and I couldn't tell if they were good or not. He was sweet, but there was just something that was strange about him.
On the other hand, he was right. I should be getting on my way. It was dark and after what I saw this morning, I didn't want to be alone in the dark.
I stood up and realized I was still wearing Edge's jacket.
I turned around wanting to return it, but he was nowhere to be seen. He was long gone by now. I folded it and carefully placed in the back seat of my car. Well I guess now I had an excuse to see him again.
Driving home was so calm and peaceful for me. I turned the music up and sung loud and proud not caring about the cars around me. That would have to be the best part of having your own car. You can do whatever the hell you like in it. It didn't take long to get home, so I took the long way just to have more time to myself.
I reached the house and saw there was another car pulled up in my stop. Cursing to myself, I drove up onto the grass, away from my usual undercover spot, praying that it wouldn't rain tonight.
I looked at the unfamiliar car, wondering who it could be. Maybe social servers? One of Mary's boyfriends? It could be anyone.
As I stepped out of my car and up into my garden I saw a tall figure sitting down on the front porch with there head buried into their hands.
Carefully I took a step forward hoping that the boy wouldn’t see me but failed miserably when I stepped on a tree branch and it snapped.
The boy’s head shot up quicker than a bullet and jumped to his feet. I gasped when I noticed who it was. Scott looked as if he was ready to pounce, but when he noticed who it was his face automatically softened.
I don’t know if I could be around him at the moment. The whole werewolf thing was still fresh in my mind it was hard to get out.
“Oakley, before you freak out, I need to explain something to you.” Scott told me, holding his hands out in front of him.
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I didn’t know what to say to him. I couldn’t face him.
“Please Oakley you have a right to no.” He stated.
I slowly nodded my head in acknowledgment. At least he knew that I heard him.
“Come sit down, I think you might need it.” He laughed nervously scratching the back of his head.
I followed him. I had time to hear him out. I sat down beside him curled my knees to my chest waiting for him to begin on why he was here in the first place.
“I went looking for you earlier. I had no idea where you would have gone so I went everywhere. Even got a lecture from Jason for losing sight of you.” He smiled sheepishly.
“I went for a drive.” I muttered. I didn’t think he wanted to know that I stopped at the park and met with a strange man.
“Oh,” he whispered.
“What are you doing here Scott?” I asked. I didn’t really plan on sitting here all night.
He was staring at his feet, scratching the back of his head.
“So I was going to tell you something earlier, but you kind of panicked and ran off. Its pretty important and I think you deserve to know.”
I looked up at him. Why was he so nervous to tell me? He wasn’t even this nervous when he told me he was part wolf.
“What is it?” I asked carefully.
“So well, you know now that I’m a wolf now. There’s this thing, that I have to explain to you.”
“Scott spit it out already.” I snapped.
“We’re mates Oakley.” He blurted out.
I blushed and let out a little laugh. He was panicking and came over here to tell me we were mates? “I no that. You didn’t have to sit me down to tell me that Scott.” I smiled.
He face automatically brightened. “You do? I mean Oakley how did you know about it? How did you find out? I thought this would be so hard, but hey your taking this so well. I thought you would freak again and you wouldn’t speak to me ever again. But you don’t understand how hard that would be for me. I don’t think I could live without you. You’re my soul mate I guess you could say. And to tell you the truth Oakley, I think I love-” I cut in before anything else was said.
“What the hell are you talking about Scott?” We’re mates, good friends buddies even. Why was it so hard for you to tell me that? You have stacks of friends.” I shook my head in confusion.
Scott stood up and gripped his hair frustrated.
“I thought you understood, I knew that was too good to be true.” He muttered.
“What’s going on Scott? I seriously don’t have time for this.” I rubbed my fingers over my face in frustration.
“Oakley when a male wolf goes through puberty, usually around the age of 14 they form this type of feeling towards a certain someone. It can be someone anywhere around the world. It’s kind of like love at first sight I guess. They call it a soul mate. Someone who they know will be by there side no matter what. It’s like a bond, stronger than anything else in the world. You don’t get to choose your mate, but I honestly think I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I was a little bit of a late bloomer I guess you could say; I was 16 when I went through all this. I went to school with high hopes in looking for my mate hopping that I was a lucky wolf and have a mate in my town. That morning that I laid eyes on you I couldn’t turn away. I new that there was always something different about you. Something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Every since then I have been in love with you Oakley. You are my soul mate. My one and only love.” He stopped his rant and looked up at me.
My eyes were going to pop out of my head any minute now I knew it. I could see that Scott was true to his word. He wasn’t lying about anything he had just told me. I just couldn’t believe something this crazy. I thought I was losing my mind.
“Please tell me you believe me Oakley. I really don’t want to explain all that again.” He smiled at me.
“So what we are like destined to be together?” I asked.
He smiled. “Well, yeah I guess. But like if you don’t want anything like that I understand. We could still be friend though. I think I can deal with that.” He said.
I nodded slowly looking anywhere but at him. “Yeah friends I think would be good right now. I need a friend.”
“Then that’s what I’ll be. I promise you Oakley I’ll be the best friend you ever had.” He shook his head franticly.
I looked down at my watch at gasped at the time. We had been out here for an hour.
“Listen Scott I have to go. Um, I guess I’ll talk to you later on, but I have to go inside. I think you should go home too.” I smiled at him.
“Yeah that’s a good idea, its getting cold.” He smiled.
“I’ll talk to you soon?” I asked.
“Of course we’re best friends now.” He smiled and turned around to walk home.
I stood up and shook my head. Why was my life so complicated these days?
I unlocked the door and was suddenly bombarded with kids.
"Oakley you'll never guess who's here."Chloe whispered.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Remember Aunty Mary's sister Kelly? She staying with us for a few months."
Months? Why was she staying here for a few months?
Maybe she needed money. Well I'm afraid she came to the wrong place if that's was she was expecting to leave with. I was most defiantly wasn't giving her my money.
"Oakley is that you?" Mary asked from the kitchen.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Come in here, I have a surprise for you." She called
I carefully made my way into the kitchen willingly, stopping in my tracks looking at a slightly familiar face staring back at me.
"Oakley, why I haven't seen you in years. The last time I saw you, you were around 12 maybe 13 years old." She smiled widely at me. I put a smile on my face and nodded back in return.
"Yeah it's been awhile hasn't it?"
"How've you been?" She asked stepping closer to me, leaning her arm on the table.
"Not too bad, nearly finished school, so that's a bonus I suppose."
She laughed, "Trust me, the minute you leave, you'll wish you hadn't."
Yeah, I don't think so. I can't wait the leave that hell hole. I'm going to be to busy celebrating when the last bell rings to even hear it. It would probably be the best day of my life actually. I didn't have many friends, so I wouldn't have to worry about the whole goodbye thing. Rachel and I would stay close, and then there's Scott.
Well I dunno about me and Scott, I really enjoy his company and spending time with him. But it's just a lot to take in about one person.
We talked for a few more hours, until I could barely keep my eyes open any longer. I headed up into my room and saw that Jason was already up there.
"Hey Jason what are you doing up here. Kelly was just talking about you She hasn't seen you in ages. Why don't you go down there and say hi before everyone gets into bed?" I smiled.
"Not in the mood." He mumbled.
"Why what's up?"
"I don't want to talk about it alright?" He snapped.
I flinched at the sound of his voice.
"You can talk to me you know." I reached his bed and sat on the end of it.
"No I can't." He wouldn't look me in the eye. He was fiddling with his mini soccer ball. Something was wrong.
I sighed, when he wanted to be difficult, he was just playing annoying.
"I'm going to bed now; I'll talk to you in the morning. Don't stay up too late, we have school tomorrow alright?" I pattered his leg and hopped into my bed. I snuggled in and turned my lamp off.
Something inside me, told me I wasn't going to get much sleep tonight after everything that happened today.
My days were now always filled with a million different things. Let's just say, I no longer have any more lazy or boring days. They were long gone. Honestly, I missed them day so much.
Finally after tossing and turning I fell into a deep sleep. Dreaming about things that are beyond imaginable.
Jason's P.O.V
Looking over at Oakley, I sighed. Why was everything so hard these days?
Oakley and I had become so much closer these past few weeks after the fire and everything, we just connected. Oakley is more comfortable around me now. Apparently I look kind of scary to some people.
It's not my fault people annoy me. They shouldn't be in my way to start with.
I was sick to death of being the bad guy around here. I just wanted to be my old self again. I missed mum and dad every day. I still think about what I could have possibly done for them to just suddenly give up on me.
It's unbelievable to think that we were once a normal, happy family.
Me, mum, dad and my younger sister Brooke all lived together in a small little house on the top of a mountain. We were a close family and did almost everything together.
I was quite protective of my sister though. She was only a year and a bit younger than me, and not in a weird way, but she was gorgeous. Stunning even, and she was only little. Imagine what she looks like now. Everyone would be after her.
That's what I hated; I wasn't there to make sure pricks weren't giving her a hard time.
I don't even know if Brooke's okay, where she lives, if she has a boyfriend. When they took me away I lost contact with her. Mum and dad moved and changed their number.
They made Brooke change schools so we couldn't even see each other there. Mum and dad wanted nothing to do with me. I sent them letters every week, telling them what I had learnt at school, but they never replied.
They didn't reply to one single letter.
I didn't think much of it thought. I was a bright kid; I saw the best in things. I just thought it got lost in the mail or something.
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1 am » poetry
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