《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (16)


New chapter, first upload in 2012 :P

thats exciting isn't it? hehe

enjoy :)

Claire xx


I rolled over and hit a cold floor, my eyes shot open in alert when I breathed a sigh in relief, as I remembered I was at Oakley’s. I looked around the room, but there was no Oakley. I sat up and glanced at my clock on my phone. It was eight in the morning. Crap we have school today.

I forgot about that. I rubbed my eyes without realizing how dam tired I was. I didn’t get much sleep lying near the most beautiful girl in the world.

I walked out of the lounge room and into the kitchen to hear yelling and screaming.

“Mary we got home late, so he stayed over, that’s all.” Oakley yelled.

“I don’t care Oakley, My home is not a place where you and your ‘friends’ can sleep whenever they like. It’s an orphanage. You should not have brought him home last night.”

“You’re never home so what does it matter who’s over? You wouldn’t know half the stuff that goes on around here anyway. You’re always out. You lost your job, what are you doing out now? You’re not looking for a job I know that for sure, what are you doing at nights Mary, because you’re most defiantly not looking after us when we need you!” Oakley screamed.

“What are you implying Oakley? I’m going out to have a good time. I should have been doing that a long time ago. No, I gave up my life for you. I took care of you when know did. I took you in to my house, because your no good parents left you on my doorstep. That wasn’t my fault now was it? I took you in Oakley, you should be forever grateful of me.” She snapped, this was too far, o one talks to Oakley like that.

“I am forever grateful Mary, and I will be until the day I die. But you don’t understand how unfair this lifestyle is for all of us. The younger kids don’t have a mother. I’m the one looking after them, I don’t know how to do all that kind of stuff, and I’m only 17 for goodness sake. While you’re out drinking and meeting people I’m working, tell me how that’s fair? What Jason’s nearly old enough to get a job, are you going to make him work every night and give you all the money?” She huffed.

I didn’t want to intrude in their conversation so I grabbed a pen and paper from the desk and wrote to Oakley.

She would get it when she came back in here. Quickly and quietly I grabbed my jacket and went through the back door. I saw three wolfs in the distance, and nodded towards them signalling I was no threat.

I ran home hopping that mum or dad didn’t notice I was gone last night. Closing my bedroom door behind me I quickly got changed into some shorts and a top and put my shoes on. I grabbed my bag and was in the car within minutes.

When I got to school I wasn’t expecting to see Oakley there, and I was right. Instead I saw an angry little 12 year old staring at me.


I didn’t realize he went to this school. Ha, would you look at that.

“Scott we need to talk.” Jason growled.

“I have to get to class mate, so do you.” I brushed him off.

“It’s about Oakley?” He tried to convince me.

I really didn’t like this kid. Far out what was his problem?

“Meet me by the gym at lunch time and we will talk then alright?” I snapped.

“Fine,” he muttered and walked off.

Class was boring without Oakley. Looking at her was so much more interesting then listening to the teacher blah on about nothing in particular. I wonder if Oakley’s okay. She should be here by now.

I flipped my phone open and texted her quietly.

‘Hey everything okay, sorry I had to leave this morning -J’

I got a quick reply from her which was good.

‘Hey, I was wondering where you left to. Yeah it’s all good, my car won’t start, I can’t get to school.’

I answered back instantly.

‘Want me to pick you up at lunch?’

‘Yeah if you could that would be amazing. We gotta talk.’

I gulped, so she hadn’t forgotten about it. Dammit!

I really didn’t want to talk to her about it. There was going to be tears, that’s what I knew for sure. Probably even a little bit of screaming too. It wasn’t going to go down well.

Lunch finally came and I raced out the door to pick up Oakley. It was a little pointless for her to come with one session left, but we were both in that class, so I wanted her there.

I went to my car and a hand gripped my arm.

“Where are you going?” Jason asked. Argh the bloody kid, when will he ever leave me alone?

“I was waiting at the gym but you never showed; now I see you driving off after you said we would talk. What the hell?” He yelled.

“Dude, calm down, you are always so angry. That’s not good for a little man like you.” I smiled to myself.

“Fine whatever go, leave I don’t care.” He flipped his hand telling me to go. I took one step in my car when I heard something that shocked me.

“I know that you’re a werewolf Scott.”

Jumping out of my car, I grabbed Jason by the shoulders and dragged him to a brick wall and pinned him there so he couldn’t move.

“What did you just say?” I threatened.

“You heard exactly what I said Scott you’re just so scared to believe it.” Jason smiled. He was right. I couldn’t believe what he said.

“How do you know?” I demanded.

“I have my ways.” He smiled wider.

“Jason, if you know that I’m a werewolf, you should know that we all quite strong and can hurt people without even breaking a sweat. Tell me how you know or I will hurt you so hard, you will never be able to walk again, got it?” I snapped.

“I can’t tell you.” He almost looked scared now.

“Why?” I yelled.

“He will kill me if I did, I’ve seen it happen before Scott, and I won’t let it happen to me. I won’t tell you!” He shook his head.


I slammed him into the wall, and someone gasped. I looked around to see half the school crowding around us. Some were yelling at me to let go, others were yelling for us to fight.

“You tell anyone else, and I will kill you so painfully, you will have wished that you told me in the first place, got it Jason?” I lent in and whispered in his ear.

He nodded slowly, scared by the sharp tone in my voice. I let go of him and stormed off.

“Hey dude, wait up, hey Scott!” I heard someone yell behind me.

“Tyler not now I have to go.” I groaned.

“Who the hell what that kid?” He asked stepping in front of me.

“He lives with Oakley, and he was being a dick, so I put him in his place.” I nodded walking towards my car. I hadn’t forgotten about Oakley, I just had things to clear up.

“Where are you going now?” he asked.

“Pick up Oakley, her car won’t start.”

Tyler just laughed. “Man you are whipped.”

“She’s my mate Ty, of course I am!” I smiled.

“When am I going to meet her?” He asked.

“Soon, we are taking things slow.” I nodded.

“Well I won’t keep her waiting then, go get her man.” He chuckled and walked off.

I drove quickly to Oakley’s house and pulled up beeping the horn. She came out instantly and smiled when she saw me.

“Hey beautiful, sorry I’m late, I had a few things to take care of.” I smiled.

“That’s alright.”

“Hey, so um I was wondering, school is over in a few hours so there isn’t much point just going now, um I was wondering, do you just wanna go somewhere instead?” I looked up at her.

“Yeah, that would be nice Scott.” She flashed me a smile and I returned one. She was so easy going it was amazing.

I pulled up at the park, that used to be her old house and she ran out like a little girl on Christmas. She ran to the swings again and waited for me to push her. I laughed at her little pout she gave me.

I started pushing her back and forth as she laughed every time she went higher. Her brown hair was blowing in the wind and it smelt like strawberries mixed with love and care.

“So we have to talk.” Oakley cut off my thoughts.

I nodded and stopped pushing her.

“Where do I start?” I asked.

“Yesterday was the second time that I have seen a werewolf, why weren’t you freaking out? What do you know about them?” She asked quietly.

“Oakley, werewolves are real, they have been for many years now. I don’t know how they started, but are all around us.”

“That doesn’t answer my question Scott, how do you know about werewolves?” She asked, realizing that I happened answered her question.

I sighed, If I was going to tell her, now would be the best time to. “Werewolves have packs Oakley. There is rarely a time where you see a werewolf on its own. There all in packs. The truth is, I’m in a pack. It’s one of the strongest packs in the world. My father is the Alpha of the pack. He is the leader.” I looked at her face to see that she looked confused.

“What are you trying to say?” She questioned.

“Oakley, what I’m trying to tell you, is I’m a werewolf, those wolves that you saw were real people, and they were protecting you.” I waited for a response, but there was nothing. Her face was blank. I had no idea what she was thinking.

“Oakley?” I asked carefully.

“Show me.” She muttered.

“I’m sorry?”

“Show me, you say you’re one of them, so show me.” She looked back up at me.

“Are you sure, it’s a lot to take in at once.” I was a little nervous.

She nodded.

“Okay, well I have to talk my clothes of so I will have something to change back into; um do you wanna just turn around for a few seconds?” I asked.

She nodded and turned around.

As quickly as I possibly could, I took of all my clothes and threw them behind me. Telling myself to shift was easy. I just wasn’t sure how Oakley would react.

Oakley’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe it. It made no sense. But that would explain everything I guess. He was so fast and strong. He was always warm, even when it’s freezing outside, he would still feel hotter than the sun.

I turned around slowly and gasped. Oh my gosh, breath Oakley breath. It took a step closer to me and I jump back. Holding my hands out in front of me, I breathed deeply.

“Stay b-back now.” I stuttered. I was so terrified right now; all I wanted to do was run far away from everything.

It looked up at me and I froze. Those eyes were identical to Scott’s. This was crazy.

That thing was Scott.

Oh My Gosh.

Slowly and carefully, I took a step towards him and reached my hand out to touch his fur. It was soft, like a clean dog. I smiled you myself.

He licked me and I jumped back. Okay, so I wasn’t that comfortable yet.

I took a step back and tripped on rock falling straight on my butt. I looked up at Scott, and he was walking closer to me.

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to be here. Pictures flashed in my mind of my parents, why was I so calm around a wolf after what happened to them?

I realized that I couldn't be around here anyone, this was all just way to much.

“I have to go.” I shook my head. This was much harder than I imagined it would be.

The wolf walked closer to me and barked causing me to jump.

"I'm sorry Scott, you were right, I can't handle this, not right now." I sobbed.

I couldn't take this anymore. I ran for my life. Scott drove me here so I was left to run home. That didn't fuss me though. I just had to get away from here.

I had to get away from Scott.

The guy that I’m head over heels for turns out to be one of the monsters that killed my parents.

This is going to go down well with him.


vote and comment please :)

Claire xx

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