《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (13)


Orphan Girl 13 -----

Here it is, please vote for it! and fan!

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Claire xxxx


Rachel and I were now officially declared best friends. We spend every minute of the day together. She was the weirdest most strangest girl I had ever met in my entire life. She understood me though, and surprisingly it felt really good to get some stuff off my chest. I told her everything.

After the tears, laughs and maybe even some screaming, she hugged me and pattered me on the back, telling me everything was going to be okay. It honestly felt like we had been friends for years. She was amazing.

I had known her for a day. She was seriously the best friend I had ever had. Hold that thought, she was the only friend I ever had. I loved her, from her weird purple streaks in her short black hair, to her brown cowboy boots. She had the most unusual fashion sense I had ever seen. She loved it though, and didn't care what people thought about it.

Scott and I hadn't talked since yesterday, he was over last night babysitting, but I was at work then went straight to bed. He tried talking to me, but I complained that I was really tired and went straight to bed.

I didn’t sleep though; I was awake nearly all night thinking about stuff. The stuff that no one should be thinking about.

It hit me a few hours ago like a ton of bricks. Was I ever going to get adopted?

What it I didn’t what would happen then?

Would I just move out by myself when I turn eighteen?

I tossed and turned at the thought. I liked it around here. What if I got adopted and it was 1000 miles away?

Over thinking the situation, I finally fell into a dark, heavy sleep.

Scott’s P.O.V

She didn’t want to talk to me that night. She said that she was just tired, everyone in the house new that the reason was because of me. Apparently there was tension between us when she walked in. I understood though, and didn't push it. She needed some sleep.

I had no idea who she had been hanging around today, but I was glad she now had someone to talk to other than me.

I was nearly about to leave babysitting when my phone rang. Jumping up, I went in the kitchen to answer it. There was no caller ID though.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Is this Scott Williams?” A deep manly voice replied.

“Yes, who is this?”

“Alpha Blake.”

“I’m listening.”

“We have located where my brother is, his close by.”

“What are we going to do about it then?”

“Myself and three other men are going to be around her house 24/7. We will be in wolf form, so do not be alarmed when you see us.” He said.

I nodded, this was okay. He was going to protect her. “What about everywhere else she goes? Who is going to be looking after her then?” I questioned.

“She is your mate is she not?”

I smirked at this. Yeah we were mates, she hated me though.

It’s a love hate relationship that we share.


I woke up feeling good. Today was going to be a different day. I liked Oakley and I was going to make her like me back. She was going to be okay for once in her life. People were watching out for her. I was watching out for her.


Running down into the kitchen mum was already up making pancakes.

“Hey mum why are you up so early?” I asked kissing her forehead. She was so small and little, it was almost funny.

“Hey Scott, you sleep well?” She smiled up at me.

“Yeah really well. It’s going to be a good day today I’m thinking.” I returned the smile.

“Why are you so happy?” She asked.

“Oakley is going to be protected all the time now. That guy will never get to her. It’s simple.” I almost laughed at how good of a mood I was in.

“You’re going to be late for school if don’t stop rambling about Oakley.” She patterned me on the back and left the kitchen. She was the most amazing mother I had ever seen.

I would do anything for my mum.

I got to school in a nick of time. Running through the school building, I sat down in the only vacant seat. The bell rang, and I was safe. Looking to my left and right to see who I was sitting next to, my heart raced when I saw who was in front of me. I’m surprised I didn’t smell her when I ran in.

I leaned forward and tapped her back. Jumping in her seat. Oakley turned around and cured when she saw who it was.

“Hey Oakley.” I smiled.

“Hi” She said turned back around in her chair.

I tapped her once again and she turned around looking almost angry.

“What?” She snapped.

“Wait for me after class will ya?” I asked her.

“Whatever.” She muttered turning around again.

Class was a bore. Nothing interesting happened, I mean nothing. No one said anything all class. Oakley on the other hand, she was so cute when she was thinking. She always played with her hands when she was deep in thought. Whatever she was thinking about was intense, she didn’t stop playing with them.

If only I could read her thoughts. Stupid werewolf powers. Why couldn’t I be a bloodsucker with awesome powers?

Class was finally over; I walked out the room waiting for her. She had just managed to get out of her chair when I was outside waiting.She was one of them slow girls who didn't care about being the last one in the class room.

She was interdependent. I liked it.

She came out looking around everywhere until she saw me sitting down on the bench. She sat down, looking unsure and nervous what this conversation was about.

“Hey.” She muttered.

“Didn’t think you’d come.” I admitted.


“We didn’t really leave things on a good note yesterday.” I smiled.

“Yeah you’re a jerk.” She almost laughed at her own boldness.

“Yeah listen I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.” I nodded.

“It’s alright, I’m just so sick of all this fighting and bickering with you.” She sighed. It was true though. If we weren’t fighting we weren’t talking at all.

“Yeah it’s a little annoying I guess. Seeing you angry is kinda cute though.” She blushed at that.

“Just a little annoying." She ignored the last bit.

“Let me make it up to you, tonight come out for dinner with me.” She looked up from her hands and at me.

“Really?” She smiled.

“Really. I wasn’t joking when I told you I wanted to make this work between us.”

“Pick me up at 7.” She smiled and walked away.


She said yes? Holy crap Oakley said yes! My palms started sweating, this was it, make it or break it.

Oakley’s P.O.V

My heart was beating; I seriously didn’t have any clothes to wear tonight. What kind of date was this?

A sexy dress kind of date?

Or a casual jeans kind of date?

Argh, I’m not like this, it just wasn’t me. Freaking out because of a stupid guy, what the hell was Scott doing to me?

I was in my tight black jeans with a button up short sleeve silkily purple top. I zipped up my black boot heels and was ready. I felt good I guess. I had put a little bit of eye shadow, and mascara one earlier, so that was okay. My lip gloss felt too much. Did I even need lip gloss?

Wait a second; was I expecting to kiss Scott again? He said he likes me, does that mean he wants to kiss me?

The doorbell rang and I jumped a mile out of my skin. He was here. Breathe Oakley, everything will be okay. It’s just a date. It will be okay.

I went down to the lounge room where Scott was with all the kids. No one noticed I was there luckily; I leaned against the wall and smiled at him.

Who was I kidding, I liked Scott too. He was kind, caring, sweet and not to mention good looking. He had an amazing body, which was a bonus. I hadn’t seen him without a top on, but boy, would that be a sight.

The best part of it, not that I was thinking about it, because obviously we were too young, but he was so good with kids. He loved them. Good looking guys playing with kids, was the best thing a girl could see.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I saw Scott clearing his throat in front of me smirking.

“You finally out of your thoughts yet?” He smiled showing his pearly whites.

I blushed, which might I add, I never blush. Ever since I met him I seem to be doing it all the dam time.

“Yeah, let’s go.” I nodded.

Before I could walk out the door with Scott, Jason was in the way blocking me. “Jason, do you mind?” I asked.

“You’re not going out with him Oakley.” He stated.

I smiled, “and why is that?”

“Because I said so.”

“Jason, please move, alright, I’ll be home before Mary gets here. Stay out of trouble.” I nodded.

He looked up at me with pleading eyes.

He was trying to tell me something.

"Jason is there something you wish to say to me?” Scott looked down at the angry boy in front of us.

“I don’t want you going out with Oakley, It's simple.” He nodded.

“I think I will let Oakley be the judge of that, if she doesn’t wish to come out with me tonight, then she can stay here with you guys.” He shrugged.

They both looked at me now.

“Can we just go Scott; I don’t want to be late for the dinner reservations.” I muttered.

Scott smiled. “Is that enough for you Jason?”

He grunted and stormed off.

“What was his problem?” Scott smiled as we walked outside to his car.

“No idea.” I muttered.

He opened the car door for me and I blushed again. Look at it this way; I save money on buying blush. I can just do it myself, problem solved.

We arrived at the restaurant and it was quite fancy. I looked down at myself and cursed. Why didn’t I wear that red dress?

“Oakley, look at me.” He lifted my chin and made me look into his eyes.

“You look stunning tonight. You’re the most beautiful girl in the room, hands down.”

Again with blushing.

“Are you only saying this kind of stuff to make me blush?” I smiled.

He chuckled. “Maybe.”

We sat down and ordered a massive plate of pasta. It was a beautiful. Both meals were so big, that Scott finished off my meal.

Once we were finished we started talking. We talked about anything and everything.

I looked around the restaurant and nearly choked on my water at what I saw.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Don’t stare, but I swear that’s my maths teacher Mr. Jones with Miss Lea. In the back right corner.” I giggled when I saw Scott’s eyes grow big.

“Ew ew ew!” He whispered like a little girl. I laughed out loud at this.

“How can she stand him?” I smiled at his cute face.

“Maybe she’s into the whole mole thing, I dunno, I don’t see it.” He screwed his nose up and I laughed again.

“This is fun Scott, thank you for taking me out.”

“No worries beautiful. You deserve a good night out for once.” He smiled and held my hand over the table.

The night had gone so smooth. I loved every minute of it. He was so kind and sweet. He didn’t let me pay one cent of it either. When we weren’t fighting, he was a true gentleman.

We pulled up into my driveway and he turned the music down. We didn’t talk on the way home, but it was so peaceful. We listened to music and he sung to all the songs. He was actually really good. I loved his voice.

It was like a mixture of Bruno Mars and Pete Murray. It was that type of voice you could get lost into for hours.

He opened the door for me and I stepped out carefully.

“So Oakley.” He held my hand as we walked over the long grass. He looked at me and waited for me to speak next.

“That was fun.”

“Wanna do it again next week?” He asked looked nervous.

“I would love to.” I smiled.

He leaned in to kiss me. I followed his lead feeling confident. I saw that his eyes were closed so I was about it close mine. I tilted my head and was about to kiss him when I saw something in the distance.

Its yellow eyes were staring back at me. It came out of the bush and I froze. Scott’s lips were almost on mine before I took a step back.

“Oakley?” He asked taken back. Obviously know one had said no to his kisses.

I couldn’t reply, I knew what it was. This was the second one I had seen in the past month.

They shouldn't be here.

Why the hell were they here?

Stepping away from Scott again I let out a blood curling scream.


What do you think it was?

Is she going to find out? :)))))

Comment, all opinions are welcome.


claire xxx

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