《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (7)


Chapter seven up and running!!


Scott’s P.O.V

Rushing her to the nurse, my heart was beating twenty miles an hour. I had hurt Oakley.

My Oakley was hurt because of me.

I was angry and unfair to her, and I hit her. This was unforgivable.

I couldn’t believe it, what I had done was the most terrible thing I have ever done to a girl. She was in my arms unconscious, because of me.

What many people didn’t know was there were two nurses, a normal nurse for the humans and a wolf nurse, obviously for the wolves. She was there for situations like this. How in the world was I supposed to explain to a human that I hit Oakley across and she fell unconscious? I brought her to the werewolf nurse and she gasped at what she saw, realising that Oakley wasn’t a wolf, and what sort of state she was in she didn’t understand why I brought her.

“My boy what in the world happened?” She asked rushing to Oakley, who was still in my arms.

I wasn’t willing to tell her what I had done; I was so ashamed in myself. “She hit her head pretty badly.”

“How long ago, do you know?”

“Um five, ten minutes ago.” I thought.

“Lay her down on the bed for me.” She insisted.

Walking over to the bed with Oakley, who still wasn't moving in my arms, I carefully placed her down and stepped away.

“God she hit her head hard. What did she hit it on?” She gasped, clearly just to make me feel better.

“The lockers.” I gulped.

Come on Oakley it’s time to wake up now!

The nurse looked up at me, before looking back at Oakley. “My boy, are you okay?” She asked.

I must have looked like crap, because that’s exactly how I felt.

“Worry about her, I’ll be fine.” I pointed to Oakley, who was now moving her head slowly.

Seeing her move I felt relieved, but I was horrified at the same time. “I can’t be here.” I muttered. I turned around and ran out the room despite the calls from the nurse to stay.

I had hurt her and couldn’t bare to see her upset at me.

Not wanting to go back to class and deal with everyone asking questions; when I was out of sight of the school, I changed into my wolf form and ran home.

When I got there I could hear faint voices coming from dad’s office. Changing back to human, I quietlywalked closer and put my ear up against the door and listened.

“We have to protect her.” I heard mum tell dad.

“Grace she isn’t a part of the pack, she is nothing to us.”

“I don’t care. She’s Scott’s mate, why wont you just accept that?” Mum yelled.

“She’s not a wolf Grace, so how can I accept that? They aren't as good as us, we are higher than them useless scum.”


“I was once human, what are you trying to say? She is in danger you heard him on the phone. Why are you trying to avoid the problem?”

My heart jumped a mile an hour. He called?

“I don’t care. Why couldn’t Scott be normal and have a wolf as a mate? Why did he have to fall in love with a human?”

“That’s not our problem at the moment, it's his. All we have to worry about is that he did fall in love with her and she needs our help before she gets hurt.”

Thank you mum, someone finally sees my side of it.

“I'll think about it.” Dad huffed.

“Good because it’s our fault she got into this mess in the first place." Mum snapped.

Walking away from the door and too my bedroom I was shocked that dad wasn’t going to support Oakley. My own mate was left to fend for herself.

Did he not remember that mum wasn’t a wolf when they met? How is that any different to Oakley and me? Dad changed mum the night before they got married. I heard that changing a human is painful, but it has to be done. If Oakley were willing to change for me, maybe dad would accept her and we could live happily together.

Growling I ran to my room slamming the door closed behind me and I flopped onto my bed.

I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. There wasn’t any drama in my room. I could just forget about everything. Before I could get too comfortable and doze off to sleep, my phone started beeping.

Picking it up automatically I answer it not recognizing the number. “Hello?”

“Don’t you ever touch her again you here me!” A voice screamed back at me. The voice sounded young but full of force.

“Who’s this?” My wolf growled, someone else was looking after Oakley and it wasn’t me. My wolf defiantly didn’t agree on that.

“Jason you fool!” I sighed in relief; Jason was no threat to me.

“Is she okay?”

“Why the hell would you hit her in the first place? She’s a girl for goodness sake Scott!”

“Says you who locked her in the basement last week!” I snapped.

“I didn’t think she would get hurt. You hit her, She still isn’t awake yet because of you dammit!”

My heart desired for her, knowing that she still wasn’t okay because of me destroyed me inside. She might never be okay and it was my entire fault.

“Where is she now?” I asked realising I was still on the phone.

“At home, and don’t you think about coming over tonight buddy, you're not welcome here anymore.” He growled.

“I have to, I’m the babysitter remember?”

“Aunt Mary is home tonight. She is looking after Oakley after what you did to her.”

I sighed. I couldn’t face Oakley tonight anyway. What I did to her was unforgivable.


“Call me if she wakes up though will you?” I asked sympathetically.

“Whatever.” He said. “It’s not like you deserve it anyways.” He mumbled.

“Please Jason?”

“Fine.” He hung up.

I was lying on my bed, alone and thinking about everything that had changed in the past few months.

· I found my mate who wants absolutely nothing to do with me.

· I got a job as the babysitter at my mate’s house.

· Realised my mate’s life has been aliving hell, partly because of me.

· I saved my mate from nearly burning to death.

· Successfully managed to make my mate hate me.

· Then found out someone from another pack is stalking my mate.

And the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

· Hit the women I love.

Looking back every single one of these things involves Oakley. She is my life now. I can’t do anything without thinking about her.

I have to control my anger around her. She is so fragile and precious now. There were still things that I didn’t understand about her. She didn’t want anyone to know about her life and where she lived which I understand. What I don’t understand is why didn’t she stick up for herself at school like she did with Jason.

She was feisty around me and would always stick up for herself then, but the minute there is more than two of us, she shut everyone out and didn’t want anything to do with anyone.

It’s like she’s a different person. She is a stunning girl; she could be the most popular girl in the school if she had the right friends. But that’s not important to her; which is what I love about her. She didn’t care about things like that.

I was continuously thinking about her and I didn’t realise how tired I was until I drifted off to a restless sleep.


“Son get up, school started two hours ago!” A deep voice bellowed from the kitchen.

My eyes were really heavy and didn’t want to open. What was the point? My mate wasn’t going to be at school anyway, because of me.

Why should I go?

Sulking, I got out of bed and changed my jeans and my blue top to a black one. I knew that wearing this black top would cause people to stare. It fitted me like a second skin.

Last year I got asked if I was on steroids during the footy season.

Like seriously?

Of course the idiot who asked me was a stupid human. I chuckled to myself.

I remember the days when I hated humans. I thought they were completely stupid and inconsiderate, a waist of space even.

My mind flashed to the scene yesterday afternoon in the school hallway. I still couldn’t believe I hit her. She was unwell because of me. I will go to school and be reminded of that.


“Come on Williams push harder. What’s gotten intoyou today?” Coach Graves yelled.

“Sorry coach.” I murmured.

“That’s not good enough keep running. Far out lift your game or don’t expect to be playing this year!” He threw his hat on the floor in disgust.

Running laps was easy for me. I could run for hours without a problem. But today, everything felt like I was moving in slow motion.

The main problem about the team was, there was both humans and wolves. Coach Graves was a wolf himself so he didn’t get suspicious when we ran to the best of out ability.

“Scott, man what’s going on?” Tyler asked slowing down beside me.

“I don’t know. I’ve had to many things to worry about lately I guess.” I shrugged.



“Tell her how you feel man.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that would work out friggin fantastic Tyler.”

“Why the sarcasm? You never had a problem talking to girls before.”

“She’s my mate. I can’t think when I’m around her. She’s perfect Tyler. But I can’t have her.”

“Why not?”

“I hit her man. I lost my cool and she got too close.” I sighed.

“So it’s true then.” It wasn’t a question.

“Everyone at school found out?”

He nodded regretfully.

I huffed. Just more reasons for her to get strange looks when she comes back to school.

If she comes back to school that is.

Once we finished running laps, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, especially the coach. People had come to practise just to watch me. There were always one or two people watching nearly every training session, but today there was over a hundred people all starting directly at me. Like I was in the circus or something. They were waiting for me to do some tricks or something.

“Mr. Williams, the principal wants to speak to you right away.” Coach shook his head, disappointed at me.

Great, just want I needed to make the day get any better.

I whipped the towel that I just grabbed over my shoulder and started walking in the other direction.

When I walked into the office I froze when I saw Mary in there already sitting down, wiping her eyes with a scrunched tissue. My heart started racing.

“Mr. Williams sit down please.” I sat, still nervous.

Why was Mary crying? She couldn’t care less about Oakley or me. She was probably doing this for money or something. Hoping that she could sue the school for this. Highly unlikely. Wolves run Three quarters of the school. All wolves from my fathers pack.

Alpha’s son or not. I was going to get into deeps.


BTW footy is Australian Football, kind of like soccer but different.

Yeah hope you enjoyed.

comment, vote, fan :)

Claire xx

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