《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (4)


New Chapter,






Oakley’s P.O.V

As soon as I sat down on the couch, someone knocked on the door. I looked around and no one in the house moved. It was like none of them heard the door, and I was some sort of servant.

“I’ve got it guys, no need to get up.” I muttered. Everyone was so lazy around here, I hated it.

I walked to the door and opened it, shocked to see who it was. Why all of a sudden has he decided to follow me around

“Scott?” I was taken aback.

“Hey.” He smiled nervously.


We stood there staring at each other for a few minutes without saying a word. Why in the world was he here at my house? How did he even know where I lived?

“So are you going to invite me in or are we just going to stand here all night?” He smiled.

“What are you doing here?” I asked not meaning for it to sound rude.

“I’m the new babysitter babe!” His smile widened.

I stared at him, not believing the five words that came from his mouth. “Excuse me, what did you just say?” I almost laughed.

“Oakley who is at the damn door? You’re letting the cold air in! Hurry up and close the door.” Mary yelled before Scott was able to answer me.

“Yeah, right sorry, um, come on in.” I pushed the door open, my eyes dropping to the floor. I couldn't explain my embarrassment right now. Scott Williams was inside my messy run down house.

“Nice place.” He smirked. Of course this was all I needed, another rumour to be spread around the whole school. Scott must be loving this attention.

“Um, thanks.” I muttered.

We walked into the kitchen and saw Mary sitting at the table eating her dinner. I noticed that she had only cooked enough for one person. Why was she so rude lately? She knew that there were other kids here, why would she just cook for herself?

“Mary?” I snapped, getting her attention.

“What!” She snapped at me with anger. When she noticed the figure behind me, her back stiffened and she wiped her mouth with the paper towel beside her. She flashed her fake smile and stood up to greet Scott.

“Why Scott hello, I didn’t realized you were coming so early tonight.”

“I thought I would come a little earlier to meet you all before you went off to work.” What a lie. This whole act he was pulling in front of Mary was making me sick. He wasn't like this at school. Maybe he had a split personality

“That's quite nice of you Scott, thank you. But I must be off to work now. This is my oldest one Oakley. I don't know if you know her, she is round the same age as you. She was just about to start making dinner for you all, so that's all taken care of, don't you worry about that. Have a great night. Thank you so much Scott for doing this. It means so much to me that I can count on you.”

I had never seen Mary this kind before. It was too strange to take in. I wasn't sure yet if I liked this Mary.

“Thank you Mary. Have fun at work won’t you?” Scott flashed his famous smile right before Mary slammed the door behind her leaving for work.


I looked at Scott and he smirked at me. Well this was awkward.

“So, what’s for dinner?” Scott smiled sitting down at the table.

“We’re the same age. Why are you babysitting here? I'm obviously capable to look after them on my own. I have been for the past four years.” I snapped.

“Mary called my Mum, Mum told me. I don’t know. I’m getting paid that’s all I care about.” What a rude stuck up jerk.

“Fine whatever, I’m going to do my homework, kids are in the room next door.” I got up before he could say anything and went to my room.

Luckily Jason wasn't in my room, so I sat on my bed and pulled out my mass load of homework. I had so much to catch up on because I wasn’t at school for the past few days due to my leg. It was crazy.

They didn't give me a single break. I was injured and still I have to do things. This was my final year I suppose.

Half an hour had passed, and I was still working my way through all this homework, -it was crazy how much there was-. My stomach grumbled, and my head shot up. Crap, the stove was still on. Why do I always do this?

Trying to run into the kitchen (which turned into a strange looking hobble) I let out a sigh of relief to see Scott stirring the sauce in the pot. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

“I’m assuming this is how the fire was started last time?” He smirked.

I blushed in embarrassment. “Thank you, I completely forgot about it.”

“It smells good. Did you make enough for me?” He asked.

“Yeah I guess. There are stacks, take as much as you like,” I waved him off. I walked into the lounge room and saw all the kids watching a movie. “Guys, dinner's ready.”

Not one of them turned their heads to acknowledge me.

“Come on guys!” I said a little louder.

“Bring it here!” Mark muttered still looking at the TV.

I shook my head and walked back into the kitchen. Scott was setting out all the bowls of pasta on the table.

“Where are they? Did you tell them dinner's ready?” He asked.

“Don’t get me started.” I sighed.


“They are glued to that damn TV every day and they don’t care about helping out, or doing anything around here.”

Before he could speak I blushed and was shocked at what just came out of my mouth.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“Why are you apologising?” He asked.

“I was out of line; it's none of your business what happens around here. You wouldn't really care.”

He smirked. “Don’t worry about me. Are they eating dinner or not?”

“You try it then smart ass. They aren’t moving from that room. It’s like this every night. It’s nothing new.” I stated.

Scott huffed and walked into the lounge room.

“Guys dinner's ready.” I heard him say to them.

“Who are you?” You could spot Jason’s rude voice from a mile away.

“I’m your babysitter. You are all being disrespectful to Oakley over there. She has put together a nice dinner and you guys are being rude. Come on and sit at the table like a family,” he finished.


“We’re not a real family, and we never will be, there isn’t any point in pretending.” He spat.

“Don’t say that,” Scott shot back.

“Dude, I’m trying to watch this movie. Get the hell out of here.”

“Watch your language,” Scott growled.

“Get lost mate. Who the hell do you think you are?” Jason muttered.

“You’re worst nightmare if you don’t shut the hell up.”

“Ooh I’m so scared.”

“You will be if you don’t do what I tell you to.” Scott was fuming.

"Wait, I know you. You're the one that helped Oakley in the fire aren’t you?" Jason sat up.

"Yeah that’s right I remember you too. You're the son of a bitch that locked her in there. Now get your ass off that chair and come and eat dinner at the table. It’s the least you could do for Oakley."

"Why were you there in the first place?" That's true, I never asked Scott how he knew where I lived, or that there was a fire.

"You're just damn well lucky that I got there in time Jason. If something had happened to her, it would have been on you!" Scott growled.

Jason stopped for a few seconds, obviously taking in what Scott said.

"Mate, just get outta here alright!” Jason snapped, pissed off.

Scott came stomping back into the kitchen.

“Any luck?”

“Whoa. They are stubborn kids.” He smirked.

“Yeah, try living with them. They can eat whenever they feel like it. Come on sit down, we don’t have to wait for them.” I smiled handing him a bowl.

He sat across from me at the table and we ate our dinner.

It was a little awkward eating in silence. But I finished quickly and went back into my room. I continued to do my homework while listening to the crackling radio. I really needed to invest on getting another one, one that actually works on every station.

I heard a knock on the door and my head shot up.

“How you doing in here?” Scott smiled.

“Hey.” I smiled.

He looked around my room and smirked.

“So this is what a teenage girls room look like.”

I blushed. “As if someone like you hasn’t seen a girls rom before.”.

He ignored that comment. “What homework you doing?” He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Just starting my history assignment. Have you done it yet?”

“Nah I brought it with me hoping that you would help me out. Do you mind?” He asked grabbed the books from his backpack.

“Come on then, we can do it together now.” I smiled.

I was glad in a way that he didn’t come and sit on my bed with me. I had papers spread all over the mattress it so it was a little difficult to sit anywhere but I think it would have been a little strange if he did.

Scott sat down on Jason’s bed and set out all of his work. We worked on it for hours. It was surprisingly really enjoyable. He was a funny person. I didn’t realise what a good person he was until now. I didn’t expect this to happen, not in a million years did I think that Scott and I would be sitting in my room doing homework together laughing about everything that was said.

Scott’s P.O.V

She was wonderful. My wolf went crazy every time I looked up at her and saw her smile. I was scared that if I did look at her that I was going to lose control. She had to live with these rude kids, and it was cutting me inside knowing that she didn’t have a loving family who cares for her. I had to get out of here. I had to go for a run and clean my mind from everything.

“Oakley?” I looked up at her.

“Do you seriously need help again? Come on Scott, do you ever listen in class?” She smiled.

“No, actually I just remembered I have to run home quickly and check on something. Do you mind looking after all the kids for a little bit?” I asked.

“What, you think I’m not capable of looking the kids? Scott I look after them every night.”

"Hey come on now, last time you looked after them it didn't turn out too well did it?" I smirked at her. She blushed and dropped her head.

"It wasn’t my fault.” She whispered.

"Hey I was kidding. You're like a mum to half the kids here I'm sure. I'll be back soon alright?" I asked just wanting to get out of here.

"Alright, take your time." She smiled.

I ran out of the house taking my shirt off dropping it on the floor. She makes me so crazy I was going to change right in front of her if I wasn’t quick enough. That would scare her right away I’m sure.

My bones started cracking and I could feel my pants ripping. It was so much better being on all fours. I ran into the forest trying to calm myself down. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was beautiful. Her long light brown hair was stunning and it always smelt of strawberries. Her bright blue eyes were always filled with concern, but for someone else.

Yeah so she kinda had big ears that stuck out when she had her hair up, but I couldn’t picture her any other way. She never cared what might happen to her. Everyone else seemed more important than her, which I hated.

She’s beautiful; she just can’t see it yet.

I watched her through her bedroom window. I was far away in the bushes, but I could still feel what she was feeling. She was upset all the time. At school she tried to hide how pissed off or angry she was. But it didn’t work; I could always tell when she was upset. I wanted to take her in my arms and never let go, but I couldn’t.

She was my mate.

That didn’t matter though.

She was human.

Nothing could ever happen between us.

Doesn’t mean I can’t try and help her though.

The rest of the night I kept my distance.

I didn’t talk to her, or even look at her. I could feel her blazing eyes burning a hole through the back of my head. I wanted to talk to her, I really did. I wanted to tuck her into bed tonight and kiss her on the forehead, tell her I love her before she fell to sleep.

But I knew I couldn’t.

I knew that I had to forget about Oakley Green.

It kills me to say, but I have to forget about her.

People are after me, they're hunting, killing more people every day. None of them have any mercy, all heartless pricks that don't care who they hurt in the process.

She will not be hurt because of me.

I won’t let it happen, not in a million years.


yeah please comment what you think, and vote please!!

Claire xxx

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