《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (2)


Chapter 2 of Just an Orphan Girl up and running...


Scott's P.O.V

I hated what she was going through.

How people treat her is disgusting.

I could see the annoyance and frustration in her eyes every time she arrived at school, seeing people laugh at her. I hated them all. I wanted to hurt each and every one of them who was was rude to her. Most of all, I wanted to hurt Mary, Oakley's guardian. The woman that treats her like crap every single day and Oakley doesn't do anything about it. She sits there and lets people bully her. Why? She blushes and doesn't say anything a thing.

Yeah I'm going to admit it, I love it when she blushes, It's so cute. She does it all the time. She is just adorable all together. I wouldn't admit that to her though. I don't think we have ever had a proper conversation before.

I talked to my dad a few weeks ago about Oakley, wanting him to do something about how she was treated. I loved her, she was my soul mate and I could feel it. Dad didn't care though. She isn't one of us so he doesn't approve. I didn't think he would. If only he knew how much I care about her, he would change his mind, I know it. It was very rare for a wolf to form a bond with a human. It almost never happened before. My father was almost ashamed to admit it to the pack. He talks down to me whenever I mention her to them. It's as if I'm an embarrassment to the family.

If only I had a chance to talk to her properly, that would change everything. She thinks I'm a jerk. A high school prick that will treat her badly just like everyone else.

I hate myself for letting it get this far. I should’ve known better.

There is a slight advantage having an Alpha as your father. For starters, we have the best house in the pack. It's in the forest, but not too far away from everything. The best bit is was, it is was in running distance to Oakley's house.

Being close to Oakley, calms me down. Even if I don't see her, it makes me feel so much better. Being able to smell her and know she is safe is all I care about. I went to Oakley's Orphanage, and sat behind a tree, only close enough so I could hear what was happening inside. This is where you could normally find me after school, behind a tree, so she couldn't see me, but I could see her. It sounds bad, but I'm desperate.

My wolf started growling when I heard a scream coming from inside.

"Let me go Jason!" She screamed. Without thinking I ran to the front door and was going to bash it down when her screaming stopped.

Breathe Scott, She's probably just mucking around. With all my strength I ran back home, needing to get away from her. I needed to stop thinking about her all the time. It was starting to get unhealthy.

I ran back to my house and into my room slamming the door. Why couldn't I get her out of my head?


All I do is think about her, dream about her, write about her. I can't help it. She is just so amazing. I fell down on my bed and closed my eyes. Stop thinking about her Scott!

Yeah she was amazing, but she doesn’t like you like that. She practically showed that today. I stood up for her, and tried to take down the posters as quickly as possible without her seeing them, but she arrived before I had finished and thought that it was me who was responsible for it.

As if I would do something like that to her.

She got so much crap for being who she was. I knew that she worked all the time, and she was an orphan. I understood all of that.

She didn't think people would get her lifestyle, but I did. I understood everything she went through. She just didn't know it yet.

I remember when the bullying started too. Cursing myself, I was one of the ones that started it. I didn't know she was my soul mate then, to me she was just some nerdy short girl, who didn't have any money. She wore the strangest clothes, which were always three sizes too big for her. She was never allowed to come on camps and excursions because she didn't have any money.

I always called her names, pulled her hair and took her stuff. I thought that because I was the Alpha's son I could do anything I wanted and get away with it.

Even back then, in seventh grade, she never once stuck up for herself. She took all of the shit that I dished out.

I followed her home one day after school, wondering why no one ever came to pick her up. She walked for a good hour before stopping at a house that I realised wasn't far from me. The house was huge. Almost as big as mine.

I remember thinking that she must be rich to own a house this big. I didn't understand Oakley after this day. She lived in a massive house, yet couldn't afford anything.

I was stupid and nosy back then, I ask her everyday almost why she was pretending to be poor, why she wore those clothes when she could probably afford designer clothes if she wanted to.

Then one day she snapped. She told me about the Orphanage and why her house was so big. She told me how much it hurt when I made fun of her. I still remember her delicate face trying to stop the tears falling out.

I don't think I ever bugged her after that. I realised how much of a jerk I was too. After that, I never bullied her again.

I was dozing off thinking about Oakley when suddenly my nose scrunched up smelling smoke, something burning.

I shot up off the bed opening my window. There was a fire, and it was close. My wolf tried to break through but I had to contain myself. Something wasn't right. My eyes grew bigger as I realized the fire was coming from the Orphanage.

Oakley's Orphanage!!

I ran as fast as I could to Oakley. I couldn't smell anything but smoke. It was starting to get to my head.

Please be out of the fire Oakley, please!


When I got there I counted 13 kids outside, not one of them was Oakley. My wolf cursed, and I just prayed she was around the corner getting help or something. Please, just please don't be in the fire.

"Where's Oakley?" I demanded to the little boy.

"Still in there." He coughed. The little boys face was red and he was unwell. He was so small, it was almost scary.

I gave him my phone. "Call the ambulance and the fire brigade."

"Where are you going?" He asked, probably scared out of his little mind.

"I'm going in to get her." I ran inside, holding my arm over my face to try not to breathe in too much smoke. I had to save her; there was no way I was going to wait for the fire brigade to come. I was trying so hard to stop myself from breathing in too much smoke but thinking at the same time that she was in a worse state than I was.

"Oakley?!" I shouted.

"Help!" I heard a faint voice. I ran to it, dodging the hot fire. I saw a boy.

"Hey get out of here." I yelled.

"She's stuck in there." This caught my attention.

"Who Oakley?" I walked closer to him coughing harder and deeper. I was getting light headed but I wasn’t going to rest until she was found and I saw for myself that she was okay.

"The door is too hot to touch. She's locked in there." He coughed.

It wasn't going to be as hot for me.

"Get out of here kid. Someone outside is calling the ambulance. You'll be okay." I shouted. I stepped back not wanting to waste any more time. I ran forward and kicked the door open. A gush of fire came at me and I ran to dodge it.

"Oakley!" I screamed hurting my throat. I looked around the room but there was no sign of her. Maybe the kid was lying. Why would he lie about something like this?

I heard a faint thump and my head snapped in the direction. Behind the boxes I saw a hand fall lifelessly to the floor.

"Oakley!" I screamed. I was aching all over, but that didn't stop me. She was hurt and I was her only chance.

She was going to die, if I don't get to her.

When I reached her my heart started to race. Her shoe was on fire and she was unconscious. This didn't look good.

Ripping my shirt off quickly, I swatted at the fire on Oakley. I have never done anything like this before. Oh God what if I'm just hurting her even more?

I carefully picked her up and ran to the door. I stepped back just in time, as the top of the door fell down and more fire burst through.

"Necklace." Oakley muttered. As much as I was glad she was okay and talking, she might not be in ten minutes if I didn't hurry up.

"It's okay Oakley, everything is going to be okay." I kissed her forehead. I looked around and saw a window. This was our only hope. I covered Oakley's face and kicked out the glass. The glass broke and I placed her carefully on the grass outside. I quickly jumped out picked her up again and moved her further away from the burning house, which was still scorching hot from the outside.

Looking around I saw the ambulance had already arrived and were looking after all the small children.

"Help! Over here please." I shouted laying her down again.

"Sir are you with the fire brigade?" One asked me.

"No but you have to help her."

"You should not have gone in that fire. We have to check you out also." Another said grabbing my upper arm.

"No I'm going with her to the hospital, I'm fine, I don't need checking out." I demanded.


The ride to the hospital was torture. She blanked out a few times and they got her back only just. She was killing me here.

She was awake for a few seconds, but wasn't responding to anything.

Her eyes were open, but she wasn't looking anywhere.

She was listening, but couldn't hear anything.

I saw pain on her face though. She was in pain and I was also feeling it. It was like she couldn't handle it all, she wanted to pass it on to someone else. I would gladly take it away from her so she wouldn’t suffer.

I kept telling myself that she would be okay. I hadn't even told her that I was her soul mate and that I couldn't live without her. That was just impossible to think about at the moment.


I was sitting in the waiting room by myself praying that she was okay, my leg bouncing constantly.

This happened every time I got nervous.

She had been in there too long and I was panicking. I was the only one here for her. All the other kids at the orphanage had gotten checked out, but none of them were in as bad condition as she was.

"Sir?" A woman called looking at me knowing I was the one who came with Oakley.

"Tell me she's okay, please?" I begged.

"Are you family?" She asked.

Oh who freaking cared if I was her family or not. I was here for her, what more did they want?

"No, I'm a friend of hers. Please I came all this way, just tell me if she is going to be okay?" I begged.

"She will be fine. After using crutches for a few weeks her leg will be as good as new. She is awake now if you wish to see her." I wanted to see her so badly.

It was killing me, to be this far away from her when she was ill. But I couldn't. She hates me; she doesn't even know how I feel about her.

"No thank you, I just wanted to see if she was okay. Take care of her please." I smiled at the nurse and turned around leaving the hospital.

"Wait! Can we write down your name, Oakley has the right to know who saved her."

That was true, but I didn't want her to know it was me.

"I'm a friend, that's all she needs to know." I turned around and walked away, leaving the nurse speechless.


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Claire xxx

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