《Best Friends Brother》6



"I dont know what to say to my mom, she's dying, what am I even supposed to say?" Jentzen said "say whatever you feel is right, I think the best thing you can do is just be there for her though" I said. It was the truth. The best thing you can do for someone who's dying is be there for them. I wish I had been there for my dad. I thought he didn't care. Now I know that deep down, my dad did care. He was triying to protect me by staying away. That's what he thought he had to do. "You good?" Jentzen asks me and I just nod my head. He looked at me weird but said nothing.


I knew Sophie was lying. She wasn't okay. Before I knew it she was lost in a world of her own again. She was completely zoned out. So zoned out that she walked past her house. She didn't turn to stop, she continues walking. I didn't relaize until about 2 minutes later that she did know where she was going. She was walking to her dad's house. Wait but her dad is dead. Why is she walking to her dad's house? She sits down at the door step. She looks down at her feet and it looks like she's crying. I sit next to her and rub her back. She continues to cry and I hug her.


I've never really cried when thinking of my dad. I just assumed that's the way life works. Everyone dies at some point. I guess I just never gave myself a chance to admit that I miss him. I finally stopped crying. I wipe my tears and get up. "Do you want to talk about it?" Jentzen asks "I'm fine" I say and smile. "I'm always here for you if you need to talk" Jentzen says "I'm fine" I say again. He grabs my hand and we walk back to my house, everyone else is sitting on the porch waiting for us. "Where were y'all!?!" Piper shouts concerned. "my dads house" I say "oh" She says. Piper looks down at my hands and frowns. Why was she frowning at my hands. That's when I realized that I was still holding Jentzen's hand. I let go of his hand. I unlock the door to my house and everyone walks inside. "What was that?" Piper asks "what?" I ask "you were holding my brothers hand!" She shouts "yeah, he was triying to comfort me, I was upset at the time" I said "I'm not an idiot Sophie" Piper says "I'm not lying" I reply. "Okay, promise?" Piper says "yes" I reply. The thing is I guess I was kind of lying. I know I like Jentzen and there's no denying that anymore. But he doesn't feel the same way, and even if he did we could never date. It's like an unwritten rule that you cant date your best friends siblings. It would be too weird. So, I guess no one will ever even need to know that I like him. Not ever.

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